EMMETT+BELLA! I hope everyone enjoys this as much as "The New Addition to the Family." I am working on quickly updating it, so keep an eye out for it. Thank you everyone for the support! It's still hard but, I am learning to deal with it. Onto the story!!
The Greatest Gift Ever Given Is Love
Chapter 1: New Faces
I touched the heated spot on my cheek were Phil had hit me. My entire body was aching, especially my ribs where he had kicked me. I thought it was broken. Phil blamed me for everything. He blamed me for my mother's, Renee, death.
They were in love or so I thought. The first time that Phil decided to steal my innocence I screamed and cried. It didn't help the pain searing in between my legs. I told my mom what Phil had done and she didn't and wouldn't believe me.
Only when she walked in on him did she believe me. She ran out of the house and ended up getting hit by a car, dieing on impact. Charlie, my father, was nowhere to be found. I hadn't seen him since I was two.
Phil's hand hit my face again, except this time he hit me harder. I knew this wasn't the worst part of it. Since my mother couldn't keep him "company." I had to take her place by force. As it became a usual thing, I would just lie on the bed and wait for him to stop.
He finally groaned and let me go. I watched him intently to see if he went to sleep.
When he finally began to snore, I walked quietly to my bedroom, sore as ever, to get my stuff to take a shower.
I sat on the floor of the shower letting the hot water hit my back as I silently cried. I sat there crying for what felt like hours. I stood up in the shower, blood running down my legs. Why was I the one who had to go through this pain?
Why me? Why were all my loved ones taken from me or no where to be found when I needed them the most? I scrubbed my body, being gentle with the sore spot between my legs. I quickly washed my hair and turned the water off.
I toweled off and quickly brushed my teeth, not wanting to stay in here any longer. I dressed as fast as I could, without hurting myself, and unlocked the bathroom door, tip-toeing to my bedroom. I opened it quietly, stepped in and locked it the instant I turned around.
I walked slowly to my bed, still listening to Phil snore. I quickly picked up my old blanket and wrapped it around me like a cocoon before lying down on my bed. As I got closer to sleep, memories from my past came into my head.
I thought of Charlie, Renee, and I together when I was younger. I instantly regretted it as quiet tears fell from my eyes and my breathing, as well as my heart rate, sped. I tired to calm my self by breathing in slowly, wincing at the spot where Phil had kicked me in the ribs.
I thanked god as soon as I was falling asleep. I was awakened to the sound of my alarm clock blaring. I quickly shut it off not wanting to wake up Phil. I looked at the clock and groaned. I had forty-five minutes before I had to go to school.
I sat up in the bed and was hit with a wave of nausea. I jumped out of my bed and unlocked my bedroom door and made a run for the bathroom. I emptied the contents of my stomach, and laid my head on the cool comforting tile floor.
I glanced at the clock and groaned. I had thirty minutes before I had to be at school. I grabbed the counter to steady myself and threw cool water onto my face. I briskly brushed my teeth and walked quietly back to my bed room.
I dressed quickly, paused to listen if Phil was still asleep. I grabbed my truck keys, purse, and backpack and flew down the stairs. I opened my truck door. I slid in and prayed that my truck would start quietly.
I put the key into the ignition and slowly turned in, hoping not to wake up Phil. Lady luck was on my side, the engine purred quietly and I was soon pulling out of my drive way. I made it to school with a few minutes to spare.
I parked next to an unknown monster jeep and guessed we had new kids. I was going to have to be the one to show them around. I sighed and turned of my truck. I quickly grabbed my book bag and purse and opened the driver's side door trying to avoid the ice on the ground.
I walked into the front office and was instantly taken aback with the new student's beauty. All five of them had amazingly pale skin. Two of them were girls and the other three were boys. The one that caught my attention was the biggest one of the group.
They turned around and stared at me. The small black haired girl took a look at me and grinned. I felt a smile tug on my lips. She walked over to me gracefully, smiling. I gasped; her eyes were a beautiful, shocking gold.
"I'm Alice Cullen." The small girl spoke up. "Bella Swan." I choked out. I watched as the tiny pixie like Alice walked over to a lean boy with golden hair. His eyes were the same color as hers. She took his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. She whispered something in his ear and then kissed his cheek.
"This is Jasper Hale." She pointed over to a beautiful, blonde girl who looked like she could be a super model if she wanted. She was holding hands with a somewhat muscular boy with unusual bronze colored hair.
"The girl with the blonde hair is Rosalie Hale and the boy she is holding hands with is Edward Cullen." I turned to look at the last new student. He looked way better in the front. He was wearing a light tan t-shirt that clung to his abs. He had the same colored as the rest of the family. Alice noticed my staring and giggled. "This is Emmett Cullen."
I smiled. "It's nice to meet you all." I looked at everyone's beautiful faces, saving Emmett's for last, lingering on his more than necessary. He smiled and sent my heart into a frenzy. "Do you need help finding your classes?" I asked kindly. Everyone shook their heads and smiled, causing Emmett's to grow, causing me to be breathless.
"Okay, then. Bye everyone, see you around." I headed off for my Algebra class.