GM: So, this is my new poemy thing yeah. Ive done a couple of these now, so its pretty routine :X yeah… I'll be posting new poems I write regarding Sasuke/Sakura/Naruto here, hopefully on a regular basis. Some of them might be Sakura/Naruto based, some might be Sasuke/Sakura. But I think they're all gunna be pretty platonic. Theres going to be fluff, of course, and probably some angst thrown in here and there… but nothing as blatantly romantic as my earlier stuff.
I want thank (again~) SkywardShadow for all the lovely reviews 3 (She has seriously reviewed just about every poem I have ever posted 3) Aaaand, on a slightly darker note, I want to say that I would really appreciate getting reviews from other people, as well. It is very disheartening to see that I have four or five hundred hits, but only one person reviewing (and by disheartening I mean it really makes me want to just quit). But, on a much brighter note (and making me sound like I have a screw loose), Shadow, the main reason Im still doing these is because of you xD 3 I LOVE YOU SO FRIKKEN MUCH!!! (the "frikken" makes it sound more manly, and therefore alright)
For my first post, Ive got a double whammy :D But theyre both pretty short, so moo.
Starlight was the watcher
when they laid in the field together-
And maybe it was camaraderie
they felt, or maybe compassion
for their shared burdens, or
maybe it was…
Kakashi found them (and no
he hadn't followed them, he
had a life of his own, thank-
you-very-much) and stood
off to the side.
After awhile, he too watched
the starlight,
as it watched them from above.
And maybe, Kakashi thought,
Maybe it was…
He surveyed his lines
in the mirror.
Stretched and pulled
his face taught.
Frowned at the bland shapes
that made up his
Three scratch lines
on each side.
Sakura walked in
blanched, apologized.
and quickly slammed
the door shut.