Hello everyone! I'm back with a new story...duh. I wanted to post this story first mainly because I was way too excited for everyone to see this one, so the other story can wait. I have to warn all of you though, this story isn't finished yet but you will get your chapters quickly because I am almost done! I had a blast with the last story and I was so excited to see that it was so well loved and well received from (most of) you! Enjoy this one, and please review! Hope everyone is doing well!

Introducing the newest to my brood of stories..."The Portkey of Castile"

"Don't bother to write to us when you get there. Go on, I have nothing else to say to you." Jade's stepmother said turning her nose on the 17 year old who couldn't wait to get away from her either.

'Not like I have anything to write to you about.' Jade thought venomously.

Jade turned to her stepbrothers who had made her entire summer into a living nightmare.

"Goodbye." Jade said seeing them narrow their eyes at her. Jade was a muggle born witch whose muggle parents had died long ago. Jade's mother died the year that she was admitted into Hogwarts and her father remarried just two years later to non magical real life witch. It reminded her of the muggle children's story Cinderella, only her life had yet to have a happy ending and a stupid fairy Godmother.

"I'll try not to miss you." Jade said pushing her trolley towards Platform 9 ¾. Her brothers went to advance on her for her sly comment but their mother held them back.

"No use of making a scene before she leaves, let her go, we'll deal with her when she comes back next summer." Jade's stepmother Callista said sharply.

Jade went to make a run towards the wall. As she started running, she felt another cart run into hers, sending her to fall and her poor owl Ivi. "No! Ivi!" Jade yelled, scrambling towards her owl who banged her wings against the cage, feeling caught off guard from the sudden impact. Jade went to look up to see the imbecile who had ran her cart with theirs and saw Draco Malfoy smirking at her, shaking his head.

Lucius Malfoy appeared by his side and shook his head, clicking his teeth. "My, my Draco…you have to be careful sometimes. Mudbloods are not only filthy, they're vision is just as full of filth just as their blood is." Lucius said coolly, turning around to see Jade's stepbrothers cackling quietly behind him.

Jade watched them turn back around and disappear into the wall and Jade helped herself up, picking up Ivi and her belongings.

"I'd like to send him flowers for that. Truly brilliant." One of her stepbrothers, Andrew said.

Jade smirked and put everything in place. "Yes, I'm sure you'd like to. After all, you snogging your best friend Walter in your room while you thought no one was watching, you'd like to experiment a little bit more don't you?" Jade asked seeing his mouth drop. Jade turned around and made a full fledge run into the wall and disappeared, satisfied and a little bruised from the fall that occurred not too long ago. Jade appeared in front of the Hogwarts Express and wasted no time. She took her trunk and her owl and boarded just a minute early before the train had started to leave.

When Jade boarded her owl and trunk into the storage, she walked throughout the train, knowing that it was impossible to find a compartment by herself, which she had started to prefer two years ago. Before that, Jade would usually always find Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny but after an awkward relationship with Harry, Jade preferred not to see him at all, especially the girl he was currently dating; Ginny Weasley. As Jade looked through compartments, she heard a couple of students coming behind her. She squeezed towards the side of the wall to let them pass but was knocked by the shoulder, making her stumble forwards and scowl at Draco Malfoy who sneered at her with the rest of his group.

"Watch where you're going Malfoy." Jade growled.

She was getting impatient with his childish antics with her. From her brothers and stepmother who had done worse to Jade, getting treated by Malfoy was incredibly annoying. She saw him cock his eyebrow at her and walk forward as Crabbe and Goyle started rolling their sleeves up.

"Watch where I'm going? What are you going to do if I don't?" he asked a few inches away from her.

Jade's hands curled up. She was ready to punch his face in if she had to. Either way, Draco Malfoy was going to be disfigured before Crabbe and Goyle would get to her. "Leave me alone for your own good Malfoy." Jade warned him.

He grinned evilly and faked fear in front of her. "Oh no! Harper's warning me to back off?" he asked.

Jade heard Pansy snicker and she quickly looked back at Malfoy who picked up a hand and pushed her shoulder, testing her.

"Come on…hit me." He said, enjoying to see her fire up.

"Don't touch me." Jade said stumbling back.

"Why not? Where's your tough cocky self now?" Malfoy asked pushing her shoulder again.

"Don't touch me!" Jade said firmly.

Malfoy picked up both hands and shoved both her shoulders, pushing her to the floor. Before Jade sprang up and blasted his testes off, she heard Harry behind her.

"Hey!" Harry barked. She turned her head as she started to pick herself up and felt Harry's arms lift her. "Leave her the bloody hell alone Malfoy." Harry said stepping in between Malfoy and Jade.

Malfoy backed off and smirked. "Pitying your pathetic ex girlfriend Potter? How cute to see that." Draco said seeing Harry push Jade gently back.

"There won't be anything cute about your face if I hear you bother her again the next time. You better leave her alone Malfoy." Harry warned.

"Let's go Draco. I feel nauseous even standing near that Mudblood." Pansy said pulling his arm.

Without another word, Draco turned around and left, glaring at both Harry and Jade who glared back at him. As Jade watched the Slytherins leave, Harry turned around and asked her if she was all right.

"I'm fine." Jade said quietly, feeling her heart start to pick up its pace. He gave her a small smile and looked like he went to touch her but thought for the better of it.

"It's nice to see you after a long summer." He said seeing her nod. They stood in front of each other, unsure of what to say any further. "Where's Hermione and Ron?" Jade asked seeing him move his body toward the other side of the train.

"There, in the compartment. Come." Harry said jerking his thumb towards his compartment. Jade followed him towards his compartment and walked in when he opened it for her.

"Hey." Jade said seeing Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna and Neville look up.

"Jade! We were just talking about you!" Hermione said getting up and hugging Jade who hugged her back.

"How was your summer?" Jade asked taking a seat next to Luna who gave Jade a pleasant smile and said hello.

"I spent a lot of my time in the Burrow. My parents took a few weeks off and we went to Australia…" Hermione chattered off.

Jade smiled and nodded at her as she spoke and she looked around to see Ron sitting next to her, watching her speak. Jade's eyes traveled to Harry and Ginny who held hands, smiling as they were whispering to each other. Jade suddenly felt nauseous to be sitting in the same compartment while they looked so happy and affectionate together. She had never gotten over Harry and those few months they had spent together after he broke things off with Cho. She had always felt comfortable around Harry and always liked him since they had entered school. Jade felt that they related the most by being raised without parents and having relatives that treated them like the mice that live in their home. She had fallen for him quite hard and never seemed to grow out of it.

Jade caught Harry's eyes flicker towards her as Ginny was trying to explain something important to him. Jade's heart spiked and she felt for a moment, unsafe. Images of that terrible night tried to force itself for Jade to watch. Jade desperately tried to suppress her memory of what happened. Every time she thought of that night, it would only weaken her. She didn't want to be reminded of the physical and mental pain that she had endured that night. She knew it wasn't Harry's fault. He woke up the next morning and expressed how sorry he was and Jade forgave him. The damage was already done and to Harry, the relationship had ended right there and then.

He admitted to her at the first month of 6th year that he didn't see her the way she did and hoped that they would continue to be friends. Jade had to let him go, no matter how much she wanted him; he didn't feel for her the same way. For a few weeks, she had felt that he was testing himself, but was shocked down to her bones when he saw him run right up to Ginny and kiss her when she had won the Gryffindor Quidditch Cup.

"So how was your summer Jade?" Luna asked to Jade who had drifted off.

"Oh…my summer was pretty uneventful. Nothing really happened." Jade said shrugging to Luna who nodded with wide silver eyes. "But you probably had a great summer?" Jade asked getting Luna to open about her summer that seemed more interesting and less pathetic than Jade's.

Jade didn't really attempt to speak much while she was with everyone. The ride to Hogwarts was only the worse part, along with having to go back to the house where her stepmother and her two obnoxious and thickheaded sons infiltrated. Jade tried as hard as she could to not retaliate in any way she could but sometimes, she couldn't keep her temper in check.

Throughout most of the summer, her brothers would irritate her to death or plainly try to kill her in any way they could. Jade remembered having a fit when she had seen a rattlesnake on her stomach when she had woken up in the morning. Jade resented the fact that she wasn't allowed to use magic and her so called family knew it all too well and were grateful that she did. She'd try to spend her time away from the house but always came back to find out that some kind of personal item had been thrown out, burnt or had gone missing.

Jade walked into the Great Hall and immediately felt at ease when she had smelled the aroma of the food that was going to present itself soon. She sat next to Hermione and smiled, talking to the new Head Girl whose eyes were shining from receiving the title.

"Did you find out who the Head Boy was?" Jade asked seeing Hermione shake her head.

"They've only informed me that I was given the Head Girl title. I have a slight belief that it'll be Ernie Macmillan. Otherwise I wouldn't know of anyone else." Hermione told Jade who shrugged.

She really didn't care who was Head Boy, as long as it wasn't some jerk that would willingly take points off for the heck of it. She hoped that it would be Ernie, he was decent enough but Jade wished that it were to be Harry. No one was as noble and just as Harry was. Jade let out a small sigh and turned to Dumbledore's speech that turned out to be surprisingly short.

"All right, let's get down to business." Ron said rubbing his hands together.

"Before the feast, I'd like to congratulate our Head Boy and Head Girl for the year. Will Miss Hermione Granger and Mr. Draco Malfoy please stand?" Dumbledore asked.

Three quarters of the Great Hall had gasped and Jade could feel everyone else's shock and spirits start to sink. This year was going to be much like the rest of the years but much worse. Draco Malfoy being Head Boy, Jade would rather have Filch to proctor her every detention. She looked over to see Draco Malfoy standing up, smirking as his fellow Slytherins clapped and cheered for him. He looked around the entire Great Hall, telling each and every single one of them that there was hell to pay.