A/N: I'm all over the place. So many unfinished stories and I'm about to add another one. I was browsing through and I saw my favorite cartoon. Alvin and the Chipmunks. I loved that show. I still do. Have patience with me because until I get my life straight do not expect regular updates. I hope everyone likes it.
Royal Hearts
Chapter 1:
Shattered SpiritsThe Chipmunks Residence
657 Fulton Drive
Hollywood, CA 242288
Thursday April 23, 2002
3:40 pm
The teenage boy ambled down the stairway and into the living room, "I didn't do it this time, Dave."
"Mmmm. Then who did?"
He shrugged and plopped down on one of the couches. "I don't know."
"Sorry Dave." Came a voice from the doorway.
The slightly heavy boy was covered in flour and eggs. "I was trying to get the flour from the top cabinet. I fell, the flour came on top of me, and the eggs slipped off of the table and on top of me."
Alvin, who said nothing ever since his older brother came into the room, was trying to suppress his giggles but eventually…
"Hahaha! You look so funny. Why didn't you just call Simon or Dave? They could have easily gotten it for you."
Theodore scowled at his younger brother. "Thanks Alvin."
He shrugged and got up to leave the room. "At least this time, I didn't get in trouble."
"Yeah, this time." Theodore said with a smirk.
"Boys," Dave warned. "Look just clean up the mess and Alvin did you pack for the tour?"
Alvin pulled off his hat, ran his hands through his hair and shrugged again. "Of course! Bye, Theodore."
Theodore just laughed at the way his youngest brother could make life seem so easy. "Bye."
Alvin shut the door behind him and threw himself on the bed; he reached for the phone and smiled.
"Hey, I'm back."
(What happened?)
"Dave thought I did something."
(Did you?)
"Actually, I didn't. So how about that walk we were talking about?"
(What about it?)
She laughed…(Fine, pick me up in a half an hour.)
The Chipettes Residence
645 Preston St.
Hollywood, CA 242288
Thursday April 23, 2002
4:15 pm
Brittany Miller combed out her brunette hair and listened as her best friend rattled on about different kids from her class.
"Brit, I heard something that I'm not sure you want to hear."
Brittany did not stop her brush strokes, she peered into her vanity mirror and saw noticed that her friend had not met her eyes.
"What's it about?"
She didn't move nor did she look away from the window. "Alvin."
Eleanor looked up sharply from her spot on Brittany's bed and tried to catch her friend's attention, but to no avail.
Ashley Mitchell sighed and finally faced Brittany and Eleanor and spoke in slow measure tones. "You know how Jocelyn Taylor was trying to get Alvin to notice her."
Brittany smiled and turned back to her vanity table, "Girls are always trying to get his attention. Jocelyn is no match for me, she always going after things I have. Why I wouldn't be sur…"
"She goes out with him." Ashley blurted out.
She remembered when Alvin was younger, she loved to tease and torment him because she knew that they liked each other and nothing was going to come between them. He was cute then but she remembered seeing him after Dave and the boys was on tour for the summer. She couldn't believe her eyes. He wasn't just cute any more.
He still wore his trademark hat, and red was still his color, but there was more to it.
Those arms.
His smile.
That tan.
Needles to say, he was gorgeous.
She remembered falling in love with him all over again.
That was the summer of 2000, before they started 8th grade.
She remembered being afraid of him liking all those girls that loved to flirt with him.
It happened occasionally but nothing big. Besides, she had a few guys on her list as well.
Fast-forward to high school, already he had 7 girlfriends.
Brittany wasn't sure how much more she could take.
Snapping out of her reverie, she noticed her best friend and her older sister was staring at her.
"I'm okay." She told them. "I'm going to be okay."
Ashley nodded and looked back out of the window.
Eleanor, however, wasn't so easily fooled. She stared at her youngest sister and tried to judge her feelings. What she saw in her sister's luminous eyes startled her.
Brittany Miller has succumbed to defeat.
As much as Eleanor hated her sister's ego, she also hated seeing her like this. Jeanette would know what to say.
As if she could read her mind Brittany looked at her sister through the mirror.
"Where's Jeanette?"
Eleanor stood and sat beside her sister. "Studying with Simon." Ashley's gasp cut off any reply, Brittany would have made. The two girls rushed to the window and looked outside.
Brittany recognized his hat under the brush of leaves atop the trees.
She recognized his slow and lazy gait
As he made his way from under the tress, she realized he wasn't alone. His arm was around a girl's waist.
Jocelyn Taylor.
The redhead intertwined her fingers with his and even from the third floor window Brittany could see his smile. Alvin continued talking but Jocelyn was no longer listening, her head was slightly titled upward so that she had a clear view of Brittany. Once they made eye contact, Jocelyn winked and planted a kiss on his lips. Brittany did not show any feelings. Her eyes were surprisingly blank. She only smirked and moved away from the window. She paced around in her room and began to pack for her tour with the Chipmunks.
"Can you believe the nerve of her? I swear she is getting on my nerves. Does she even like him?"
Eleanor answered to save Ashley some grief. "Actually, she does."
Brittany stopped short. "What!"
The two girls watched as a number of emotions crossed Brittany's face. "I need to lay down."
Ashley spoke up. "I'm sorry Brit."
"Don't be."
"But I…"
"Thank you for telling me as soon as you found out. I need more friend like that." Ashley winced and looked at Eleanor for help. 'Just leave now.' She mouthed. Ashley nodded and walked over to her best friend.
"I have to go now, Brit. Call me okay?"
"Yeah, bye."
Ashley gratefully left the room and nearly ran into someone on her way down.
"Hi Ashley, what's the rush?"
"Long story but to make it short…Brit found out about Jocelyn and Alvin."
Jeanette lifted her eyes to the ceiling. "Where is she now?"
"Laying on her bed."
"Does she know that they've been going out for three weeks?"
Ashley swallowed and didn't speak.
"So, you didn't tell her."
She shrugged.
Jeanette smirked, "bye Ashley, I'll deal with her."
Jeanette sighed; her day was good. She and Simon had studied for a Chemistry test, and then they had lunch at a local café. It was sweet and nice; he was different from all the other guys, smart and sincere. That summer when he was on vacation with his brother and his stepfather hadn't changed much of his manner. Simon was originally tall but he grew an extra 4 inches and Alvin made him ditch the glasses for some contacts but he has these small fashionable wire glasses that he wore from time to time.
Then she went with her sisters to welcome them back home. Alvin was teaching him how to play basketball and neither of them had shirts on.
She remembered hearing Brittany suck in her breath and let it out slowly, Jeanette only stared as Eleanor chuckled and nudged them both toward the house.
Jeanette exhaled and walked toward her sister's room. She inched the door opened and saw Brittany faced down on her bed.
"Jay! How's Simon? Did you hear what happened? I swear that redhead is evil. I'm going to get her back I am!"
"Brit! Calm down! Simon is fine. He said hi. I heard about it."
Jeanette sat down, "They've been going out for three weeks. Nobody knows yet except for his brothers."
"How did Ashley find out?"
"Theodore told Eleanor and I guess she told Ashley."
"So hold up…all of you knew but no one told me!" she shrilled.
"Brit! Look, nobody wanted to hurt you."
"So waiting three weeks later is going to make me feel better."
"They are going to tell everyone tomorrow."
Brittany stayed silent, the thought of everyone knowing that her worst enemy was going out with the boy she considered one of her "best friends" was going to affect her, the whole 9th grade would be paying attention to her.
"Jay…what do you think I should do?"
Jeanette hugged her sister. "As much as I hate when you think up schemes and stuff. You have to act as if nothing is wrong, be yourself."
Jeanette turned to walk out, "Brit, you'll be fine. Finish packing. We leave Saturday morning."
Jeanette walked out of the room and Brit went back over to the window. The sun was starting to set the colors casting shadows on her face and the sun disappeared over the clouds Brittany had a plan. She sighed and moved away from the window unaware of the pair of eyes that watched her disappear.
Teaser line from the next chapter: "You like what you see?"
A/N: Hopefully, I'll have the next chapter before Christmas. Please review. I'm ~*Starry Nights*~