Legacy of Memories

In my posts you'll see characters who don't exist in the show. Also a note on eyes: I've decided to give each shape a name so you know what I'm talking about.

Yusei's eye shape: Egyptian pentagon.

Jack's eye shape: Australian slanted rectangle.

The Twins(Luna and Leo's) eye shape: child bow (like the bow and arrow)

I've updated this chapter. please read and you'll get Sign Two as soon as I type it. (I've written it out)

Prologue :Almost Cyrogenic

Mid December, the 14th, 10:48pm

High above New Domino City, in the chilly and cloudy night skies, the snow fell in thick droves on the city and the surrounding country. But it is not N.D.C. where our story begins. Instead, let us descend from the wintery torment of the heavens and glide across the snow-filled air to look over the winter-held forest below, extending more than a hundred miles outside of New Domino's boundaries.

Five miles away from the city we see (from our bird's eye view) a deep mahogany streak racing across the frozen white ground. Snow lay on the forest floor, drifting from the darkened night skies, the snow landing on branches and occasionally tumbling down into snow drifts, which the bike swerved around.

Allow your viewing bird (the bird that is you), to coast downward and fly alongside the cycle, your little bird head (of which ever bird you choose, preferably one that can fly fast and will not be attacked by other vicious more savage birds) cocked to one side.

A girl, a young woman really, about eighteen or nineteen years of age, comes into our line of sight. She is slumped over the holodisplay on the strange Duel- Runner as it raced through the snow covered forest, seeming to be careful of its rider condition, the cycle's computer constantly scanning ahead for danger as the AI system turned on the thermal vents.

The sleek chrome plating is a rich chestnut hue shot through with thin raised violet lines. It was designed like a racer, no straight edges, all curves, the rim (front) like a deadly arrow cutting through the air. A deep crevice called an air chute ran around the bike's exterior from rim to stern(back).

The four thermal vents were installed into the arch curving three feet over the seat and its five foot, eight inch tall occupant in an attempt to warm the frozen girl. From the arch, two skid-like contraptions extended to meet her arms, set with handle grips, the spinning wheels flashing silver three inches above the snow, looking to be of pulsing light.

Its rider didn't look as sleek or well-kept even to your avian vision, her chestnut helmet set on her head, unkept bubblegum pink hair accented and streaked with mahogany on the edges tangled and oily. There were bags under her eyes, bruises on her coffee-almond skin, revealed by the winter-inappropriate sleeveless yellow tank covered by an ankle length black-leather coat. Her face was wide but not too much, slightly heart-shaped. A frozen trickle of blood ran from the base of her skull to pool in her left eye, sealing the lid shut.

You fly a little higher, to just below her eye level, to see better.

The holodisplay beeped and a view of you appears on it. The cycle appeared to be providing visual for the blinded portside (left) and was assisting with the steering. Her right arm was tucked into her torso, tightly wrapped by a long scarf.

Her functioning right eye was the Egyptian pentagon shape, silver-blue like an aquamarine, bright, focused and filled with a mixture of emotions: pain, sorrow, anger, exhaustion and determination. Her bare fingers flexed on the grips, not staying in position for too long for fear of freezing.

She pressed her blue lips together in an attempt to warm them a bit, opening her mouth to speak. Before she could, the glass visor of her helmet covering the upper part of her face flashed blue, tapping into her thought patterns as it was programmed to do at times like this. "Don't worry," said the computer in a chiming child-like female voice.

"New Domino City is a mere 3.2 miles away now." The electronic chiming startles you and you nearly fall out of the air and take flight, but your human curiosity commands you to stick around.

The battered and injured girl nodded, regretting it instantly. She winces as the gesture induces pure agony, bolts of pain tearing through her skull as a migraine explodes in her head, making her see stars. The cycle turned down the lights on the seat as her vision swims. For one heart-stopping second, the bike tilted dangerously in the air, but she quickly managed to right herself.

"Would you like to increase speed and engage the sky mode? There's an excellent hospital in the city."

Her eyes widened in alarm. "NO HOSPITALS!" she half-shrieked, her voice raspy and croaking, slightly startling you.

"Forgiveness!" the computer cried. "My apologies! I will engage the autopilot, miss. You really must rest."

"Where will you go?" she croaks back at it as if it was living, staring at the screen. Hearing another voice, even if it was the voice of an AI, was a comfort to her.

"Somewhere safe and warm. No hospitals, no people," the computer assures her. "For your safety, I will engage the force glass barriers and release maximum cloaking and shielding in sky mode and increase heat."

As it spoke, shimmering energy descends from the arch covering the rider's seat and the girl's entire body as the arch rises 2.5 feet, still arching over the seat. The cycle hummed as two vents clicked open, light emitting from the mechanics inside. Heat filled the pod in response to the falling body temperature and it rose further into the air over the snow laden trees.


The cycle whirred as it coasted into the now open door of the deserted and abandoned warehouse, hacking into the system once again and shutting the cheap metal automatic doors of the disused loading docks. It chundered slowly up the ramp and into the surprisingly warm interior of the building, as its rider napped at the command post. "Organic life-form internal temperature is at 95.6 degrees and rising." the computer chimed, attempting humour. It worked and the girl chuckled dryly. Cheered, the computer continued.

"Anyway, we're here!" A narrow beam of light shot from the cycle's top arch ring as a young duel monster girl spiraled into being and posed. "Ha!" she declared, a hand on her hip and another pumped in the air. She was blue skinned with flowing white hair like the light and a yellow tunic reaching to her knees, going barefoot. She looked as if she was seven or eight and had big sky blue eyes. She glanced around, using the cycles exterior zoom focusers (cameras). "Suzume, wake up. It looks like this an old storage house. According to my scanners, there's a lot of crates here with old blankets."

Suzume sighed in relief, closing her one functioning eye and leaning back. "That's good, Elva. You picked a good place."

"There's an opened crate right next to you," she added helpfully, pointing to the left side of the bike.

"Thanks for pointing that out," Suzume chuckled, leaning over and prying the lid open with her good arm.

"Just doing my job!" Elva replied, saluting army style.

"As you always do," she replied, pulling out a blanket and draping it over herself. "Now, is the new medical programming all set? I have the tempgrades* in the storage compartments."

"Yup! Uh...I mean...yes, ma'm!" She clenched a fist, drawing it horizontally in the air across her chest in another salute. "As soon as your internal temperature is stabilized, we'll complete a medical scan and fix you up!"

"Good," Suzume nodded, sounding drowsy. "But can you do the scan while I sleep? It's...." A large yawn interrupted her as she stretched."...late." she finished.

"Of course! Elva floated close, looking over her creator and charge as her right eye fluttered closed. "Don't worry, Suzume. You sleep sound and we'll figure this out."

Prologue End

Hope you liked the intro! This is my first post so please review! Questions will be answered! Who is Suzume exactly? Where does she come from? What purpose does she serve? How she receive such terrible wounds? Find out!

Also tempgrades is temporary upgrades, you know like attachments.