Disclaimer: I do not own the following: Sonic the hedgehog, Dragonball Z, Tekken, Prince of Persia (the Dagger of time), Batman (the car looks like the Bat-Mobil), Pok'emon (Lugia's ocarina); (I will add more when the time comes.)
Claimer: Bakuda, Dakuba, Dawn, Aura, Tara, Karnak, Adam, 'The Universal Gods', Creculo the hedge-fox and Twilight the hedge-fox I own. Bakuda was a 'spur-of-the-moment' name a friend and I created for an online game in 1999. I used the name for every game/story character ever since. If you spot anything that may be discreetly connected to another Anime/book/TV show, ECT, it is purely coincidence and not intentional.
I only own half of the character known as 'Zephkuda' (Tournament to Test the Gods); the other half belongs to 'The-Blue-Zephyr.'
This Story concluded in 'Tournament of the Inner Devil'
I realised that some people don't know Tekken that much and prefer Sonic based stories like my other ones.
I also had planned a turnabout through this story, so it will become a SonicXDragonballZ crossover again soon.
And this story will be a mere add-on from the Tournament.
I may write a pure Tekken story in the future.
Sorry for those that like Tekken, but with Jin, Heihachi, Jinpachi and Kazuya gone from the tourney, I accidently finished the story before it began. ^^;
This is an edited chapter, no Elise this time.
Bakuda once told me that Friends are the Family you choose.
I always believed that and just now realised just how much it's true
As long as my friends are there with me, I can continue on.
Tails' Diary Entry: I walk Alone
Tails the fox groaned in his sleep, it felt like he had been put through a meat grinder then put back together again with glue and a couple dozen litres of pain killers to subdue him. Opening his eyes, what he found wasn't quite what he had expected.
When he had gone to sleep, it had been in a plain room stuffed with small plush toys and a paint bucket by the door. His brothers were either side of him and the bed itself had been quite comfortable.
But now, he was lying on a metal bed that probably explained his sore back. The walls were covered in fiber optic wires running all to a mother computer seen through a window in front of Tails' new bed.
Looking around, the young fox only just realised he wasn't wearing his normal silver Gi his brother gave him, nor his shoes or gloves. His pawed hands sticking to the metal table as he pulled himself up into a sitting position; "Ugh, my head. Where am I?" he asked himself, not really expecting an answer.
Echoing from around the room like a P.A. system, a strong male voice rang through to Tails; "You are located in Research Room 998-10A, the height of the Mishima Zaibatsu research centre." The voice explained, causing a panic to erupt in the small fox, since that company name had rung several alarm bells in his head.
"Mishima Zaibatsu?! That means I must have gotten taken while I was asleep, where are Bakuda and Shadow?!" he demanded, flipping off of the table and running towards the glass windowpane, expecting to see someone working but was thoroughly disappointed.
"Shadow Son, as his name was, had never been recovered. He had mysteriously died shortly after he fell asleep. Bakuda Son, however, died during his sleep in the extraction. We were watching you and your brothers with one Asuka Kazama. Once you were all incapacitated by either unconsciousness or silenced by our ground troops, you were quite easy to acquire for research." The voice went on, though before it could explain much more, a loud tussle was heard over the hidden speakers.
Though none of this truly registered with the fox, who felt his entire world crumble underneath him, tugging him into a deep sea which would never truly end. His two brothers, who had been his only blood relatives, were now gone...
Though, to his astonishment, he happened to notice another table not too far from his. Inside another room barely visible through the glass pane, were two bodies that were covered with a black tarp. There were only two people who those could have been.
Tails pent up sadness spurred his body onwards and flew through the window, shattering the glass in all directions. Running as fast as he could and ramming himself through the second window, the now scratched fox ripped off the black tarp and gazed at what used to be his brothers.
Shadow was worse for wear, since he looked like he had been dead for some time. Though strangely enough, he didn't look entirely decomposed. Bakuda on the other hand, looked like he was sleeping. His body still fresh and even looked more alive than Tails himself, though was no doubt dead by the lack of pulse.
Finding tears were strolling out of his eyes, the young fox began to choke; "Why? Why did it have to be this way?" he asked his closest brother, wishing for a response. Though when there was none, he leapt onto his body and cried his heart out, rapid salty tears puncturing the other fox's body.
Only looking up briefly, did Tails notice a small glowing ball in-between the two brothers. It was as big as a softball and gleaming a golden shine, three dark gold stars plainly inscribed onto the front. The three star Dragonball of Hope. Supposedly it had been held in the Mishima Zaibatsu, though they had wished to test it on the corpse of Bakuda for any reaction.
Lying right above the two were their swords. The 'Sword of Hope' and the 'Sword of Dusk'. Lining along the Sword of Hope however, were 7 gleaming gemstones and two smaller golden orbs.
Tails got off from his brother and without hesitation, picked them all up and placed them in his own sword, which had materialised onto his back along with his favourite which had been the very first he had received. It seemed, this was the last gift that Bakuda would ever give his younger brother.
Picking both the fox and hedgehog off the table and onto his shoulders, the fox sighed in defeat, a red alarm sounding through the compound as Security finally got their act together; "This is it, after everything that we have done together... I'm alone again. I guess that's my fate. To be... Alone." Tails murmured, tears still leaking down his eyes as he tried to think of any other solution but his young and stricken mind said that there was no one to blame but himself. That he should have been there, to help them. Even if there was nothing he could have done.
Right when security entered the room, the trio had vanished into thin air. Tails and his brothers were going home.
Appearing like they had just popped into existence, Tails tumbled over the front step to a large mansion. He had no idea what he was doing here, since he had asked for Mobius, though had found himself at the doorstep of the Thorndike mansion.
He had just accomplished inter-dimensional travel, which had usually been not a very great power of his, though he had accomplished it none the less. Yet, he still seemed to able to trip over the front step to a house. Though he had to get help, since he didn't think he could do the daunting task ahead of him alone. He had to bury his brothers, though doubted he could dig a foot deep hole without breaking down at the thought of the task.
Stepping up to the front door, Tails knocked twice before it was immediately opened. A gasp of shock, a scream and a flying frying pan was what welcomed him there. Tanaka the butler stood firm in front of the door, though several others were behind him.
Sonic the hedgehog, looking slightly smaller than what Tails had last seen him. Cream the rabbit, who undoubtedly looked younger since the last time Tails had seen the girl, she had started puberty. Her Chao however, was nowhere to been seen. Amy Rose had been talking to Ella, the cook and maid, before Tails had chose to knock. Judging by the amount of spaghetti lining her head and a frying pan at her feet, she must have gotten quite the shock. Lastly, Chuck and Christopher Thorndike, the actual residents of the home, were standing near the door with mouths open in shock.
Not a word was spoken, so the young fox chose to be the one to break the silence; "Hey guys... Uh, been a while hasn't it?" he asked, wishing he could say something better than that but what can you say when your lugging two dead bodies around?
Sonic was the first to come forward, without a word, he removed Shadow from the kit's shoulders and took him onto his own; "Tails, you don't k now how good it is to see you... But what happened to Bakuda and Shadow? Are they...?" he asked softly while Tanaka chose to take the blue fox off the still kicking kitsune.
Tears still flowed down the fox's face, unable to say the fact that they were dead since that would mean it 'would' become fact. That there was no going back and they were truly gone. Sensing the despair taking over him, Sonic found himself calling Amy over in the room to take Shadow while he brought the crying fox into a warm embrace. It had been bad enough that Tails was an abused orphan, but to return to having no true family with him hurt everyone emotionally tied to the kitsune.
Chris sighed deeply before moving forward; "We won't ask what happened yet Tails, though I wanted to ask, were you caught in the Chaos Control too?" he asked him, causing the fox to break the hug and wipe the tears away from his eyes.
"Chaos Control? But Bakuda had the Chaos Emeralds, how could you initiate Chaos Contro-" he started before a sense of fear gripped him, taking hold of the sword behind his back and waving it once, as if expecting something to appear. Yet nothing did; "The Chaos Emeralds! They must have dispersed again once I got here since they are supposed to be with Bakuda. That may explain a Chaos Control occurring, since they are spreading across an unknown world and the original world with them on reacted, sending the previously sent and anyone nearby to this world to regather them." The fox hypothesised sadly, pressing the sword back into its scabbard slowly as he felt like he had lost another piece of his brother now.
Chuck nodded in understanding, pressing his right hand to his jaw as he thought; "That would explain a few things. But for some reason, everyone that appeared here has returned to the point where they had left. In fact, it was only five minutes before you all left before you reappeared. The Chaos Emeralds must have reacted to bend a lot more of 'time' than 'space'. I would also explain our new guest," he thought to himself, though loud enough for everyone to hear.
Without any more interruption, Tanaka spoke up; "I believe we should put them into a space where we can prepare for burial. I shall grab a shovel." The butler announced, leaving everyone there while he had taken both the bodies without even asking.
Tails sighed in defeat as he watched him go, his mind settling on one thing as he turned to everyone in the room; "Sorry for not seeing you guys for a while. But, I have a job to do. I'll have to talk later." he murmured, taking a step toward the back door to where he would bury them. He would do it himself, every patch of dirt he'd move would be tribute to the brothers he had loved... and still did.
It's the way they would have wanted it, for one of the us to bury them. But, how can I go on without you guys?
Next time on Rise of the Saiyan God.
Bakuda and Shadow are dead?
Tails is the lone survivor of the Tournament of the Inner Devil among the trio?
With Tails having to live once again without his brothers to support him, he has to find solace in his old friends and a brand new one.
What damage could Princess Elise possibly cause on earth when she is the same age as the young Chris and has no kingdom to rule on that world?
Find out next time,
"Rise of the Saiyan God: Shrouded in Time"