I hope everyone is still enjoying "Brown Eyes" tho!!

*HUGS* to all those who have read and enjoyed Brown Eyes

Kimi's POV

I walked over to the door and carefully looked outside. No one or nothing looked different than it should. But i knew the power should still be on. Someone was here.

Walking through the kitchen i listened for Sophie. No sound. Not good. "Sophie?" i called hoping she would answer. She didnt. Shit very not good!

Reaching the living room, i looked around for her, i saw her on the floor. Running over and kneeling to see if she was okay, i felt she still had a pulse but she had a nasty blow to the head. It wasnt fatal, but it could be if she was hit again. Shit, we were in big trouble. Turning i looked around the room, no one. But the hair on my neck stood up, i spun around to see Elle. She had a shovel in her hands. Oh shit!!!

"Elle, you need to put that down, we can talk" i said wondering how deranged she was. She only shook her head.

"You took him away from me. He was mine Kimi. All men like him are mine. I can see that they care for me Kimi" she said in a calm childish voice. Yup, she was far gone.

"Elle, we can find someone who will love you far more tha Zarrek" i said, i was hoping i wasnt saying the wrong thing.

She shook her head again. "They rarely come. They rarely appear for me. But i want them. I want their kindness, their love" she said looking at me.

"Elle, if you kill us, you can go to jail, there is plenty of evidence" i said wondering if that might make her snap.

Her eyes widen but rather than frown, she smiled. "My daddy will take care of me. He always has" she said smiling. She raised it above her head. I reached and grabbed a sword blocking her. "You and Sophie took him away, you both dont deserve him" she said swinging it again. But i blocked ot before she could hit my side.

For a prep, she had one hell of a swing. Kicked her knee, i jumped up and ran to the kitchen. I didnt want her to hurt Sophie.

Running to one side of the island, i turned to see her on the other side.

"Cute lil Kimi, Zarrek wont come for you, his been with me, he chose me" Elle said smiling. She swung the shovel again, it caught the pots and pans, it flung them everywhere. I reached for the flour sitting on the counter and threw a handful in her face. She screamed trying to get it out of her eyes, which lucky she dropped the shovel.

Well didnt except her to fall for tha one.

I ran to the door and ran outside. I would rather fight in the woods or yard than have her destroy my home. Plus, Sophie was still in there. If Elle hurt Sophie, i would probably go crazy on her.

Running to the patch of woods, i ducked behind a tree and some bushes. Thinking, i tried to come up with a way to keep the shovel away from her. If that was her only weapon than that was good. Now i just had to pray, she didnt have another weapon on her.

I saw her walking by. "Kimi, come on out. I want to have some girl chats with you" she said in very scary sweet voice.

I saw her stop and turn to where i was hiding. Shit had she saw me? She walked in my direction. "Kimi, come out come out" she sang swinging the shovel through the bushes. Several barely missed me.

If i was hit in the head, it was over. I scooped up some dirt and waited for her to stop swinging. She did, and i jumped up throwing the handful in her face and swung a large stick i had found, it hit her in the shoulder and knocked her down. She screamed and frantically tried to get the dirt out of her face. I turned and ran to the stream.

Seeing the stream, i went to jump when something sharp went through my leg and i fell. Grabbing my leg, i saw it had been a bullet. She had a gun!

Glancing up, i saw her walking slowly towards me. Shit, i couldnt get up and walk. I crawled backwards, if i could get in the stream, maybe i could get further away from the gun.

"Cute lil Kimi, does Zarrek know you cant defend yourself well?" she asked smiling. I could see the crazed look in her eyes. Elle was too far gone, that nothing would save her.

"Zarrek can choose who he wants to be with" i said knowing she was probably gonna shot me again.

She frowned. "He didnt choose you Kimi, he choose me but you stole him away. You made him like you somehow" she said glaring at me with such hatred.

"I'm sure he'll love me after your gone Kimi. I know he will" she said smiling and raised the gun up. I covered my face and chest and heard the gun go off, i felt the bullet go through my arm and into my chest.

The wind out of me. Sonofabitch. I fell back on the ground, but i couldnt catch my breath. Waves of pain went through my chest, no my whole body.

I couldnt move my leg, my arm, and i felt like i couldnt move at all.

I saw Elle beside me. She wasnt smiling anymore. "Even though i want Zarrek's love, i do hope you find someone in the afterlife and my twin sister as well"she said with a sorrowful expression on her face. I wanted to scream at her. But the words wouldnt come out, only gasps of pain that wouldnt stop. I watched her fade into the woods. Please dont let her go after Sophie.

I layed there and tried to get up, but the slightlest move and me yelp.

The stars were becoming dimmer, the trees were losing their green color, the sound of the stream grew fainter. Everything was turning black.

I dont know how long it was, but i could hear a faint voice talking to me.

"Kimi? Kimi please wake up" a voice was asking me. Opening my eyes i saw Zarrek. What was he doing here? He was hugging me.

"Kimi? Kimi can you move?" he asked looking at me with a worried and concerned look. I went to move my arm, and i found there was no pain. What the fuck?

Sitting up slowly, i looked over my arm. No bullet hole? No pain. I looked down at my chest. No bullet hole, but blood all over my shirt.

Wow, this was confusing. What the hell was going on?

I looked up at Zarrek. "Whats going on? I was shot" i said but it wasnt registering.

Zarrek looked down at teh ground. "Kimi, i had to...bite you and turn you so you could live" he said slowly. Wow, wait a minute, Zarrek was a vampire? A real fucking vampire? how the fuck did this come to be? I mean yes it made sense, but this kinda thing never happens to me.

"Kimi, Where Elle shot you, you died. If i hadnt biten you, you would still be dead" he said as if i didnt get it.

"I get the concept of it" i said a little too sharply.

"I was going to tell you Kimi, i was just hoping for a good time too, not like....this" he said with pain in his voice.

"Where's Sophie?" i asked suddenly. Did Elle hurt Sophie?

He put his hand on my shoulder assuringly. "Sophie is fine, besides her head, she'll be fine. We tried to call, the line said it was disconnected, we thought that was odd so we came here to see and found Sophie. But she didnt know where you were" he explained.

Oh thank god!Sophie was okay.

"Do you feel alright?" Zarrek asked again. I nodded. How should i feel? I felt just like before all this happened.

"It scared me when i found you. I thought i was too late to save you" he said pulling me close. How long had i been dead before he came? How long is it before a vampire cant save you?

"Can we go back to my house? I want to see Sophie" i said looking up at him. That and have shower, blood was all over me.

He smiled and helped me up. But he picked me up. And ran back to the house. Holy Shit vampires could run! I had read about it but never experienced it. My heart felt like it went to my toes and back.

He set me down and i leaned on the doorway. Okay nausau hit me.

"Umm, you'll get used to that. It just takes some time" he said keeping his hands on my shoulders. Ohh i hope so.

Walking into the kitchen, i saw the mess Elle had made. Apparently after she had shot me, she came back and destroyed my house. I felt a stab of sorrow go through my chest when i saw everything shredded, torn, and battered.

"We'll clean it up Kimi" Zarrek said behind me. I guess he could read my expression. Walking into the living room, i saw Sophie sitting on the floor while Darrek bandaged her head. Glancing up, Sophie smiled at me. "Are you okay?" she asked looking worriedly. I saw her looking at my clothes. "Its not as bad as it looks Soph" i said smiling.

At least Elle hadnt come back and hurten Sophie. Which i found odd. With Zarrek and Darrek being twins, Elle would thought me and Sophie were dating just Zarrek. Why had she not gone after Sophie as well? Maybe it was just Sophie was Elle's twin and she couldnt hurt Sophie like she did me.

"I'm gonna go up and take a shower, feel ick" i said and walked up the stairs. Heading to my room, i still wondered why Elle hadnt hurt Sophie as well.

Gathering a pair of blue and black tripp pants and matching shirt, and undergarments, i walked into the bathroom and started the shower, yeah, hot water!!!

Stripping out of my blooded clothes, i stepped into the hot water. It felt nice. The hairs on my neck rose and i turned to see Zarrek watching me. I felt my face turn red and ispun around.

Zarrek's POV

I had found Kimi in the woods. The feeling i had earlier was bad. I had a vision of her getting hurt, and i prayed that i wasnt too late.

I found her by the stream. A bullet wound in her leg, arm and chest. Elle had gone too far. It didnt matter now, it didnt matter if i could get in trouble with the Elders. She hurt Kimi.

My blood boiled as i ran over to her. raying she would forgive me for doing this, i knelt down and bite her. Her blood was slowed down, but not dead yet. I drank her blood, it was sweet and i could feel the kindness that she yearned from others from the blood.

It seemed to take forever, but finally i stopped and cut my wrist. She didnt have to drink from me, but just her body absorbing mine would turn her.

I waited. Please let this work and bring her back to me!

After i few minutes, i saw her begin to breath. "Kimi? Kimi please wake up" i asked hoping she would. I hugged her. PLease she had to wake up. I looked down and saw her eyes were open. She looked confused.

"Kimi?Kimi can you move?" i asked. Sometimes the Gift didnt heal wounds we had once we turned. That was a fear for all of us.

I saw her move slowly and look confused. Here come questions.

"Whats going on? I was shot?" she said confused.

i looked at the ground. "Kimi, i had to...bite you and turn you so you could live" i said watching her. She pulled a face. Maybe she didnt get it.

"Kimi, where Elle shot you, had i not biten you, you would have died" i explained.

"I get the concept" she said sharply. Okay she got it.

"Where's Sophie?" she asked suddenly looking worried.

I reached out and put my hand on her shoulder. "Sophie is fine, besides her head, she'll be fine. We tried to call, the line said it was disconnected, we thought that was odd so we came here to see and found Sophie. But she didnt know where you were" i explained.

She looked relieved.

"It scared me when i found you. I thought i was too late to save you" i said pulling her close.

"Do you feel alright?" i asked wondering if she could move. She nodded.

"Can we go back to my house? I want to see Sophie" she asked looking up at me.

I smiled and helped her up. But i picked her up. And ran back to the house. I didnt want to chance her not being able to walk or move.

Reaching the house i set her down. She grabbed the doorway. Whoops, forgot she wastn used to that yet.

"Umm, you'll get used to that. It just takes some time" i said keeping my hands on her shoulders.

I hoped she did, otherwise running, would be hard for her now.

She walked in and looked around her house. She looked horrified.

"We'll clean it up Kimi" i said seeing her face. I didnt want her to be sad. Elle was going to pay for this. This was just too far for liking someone, this was complete and uder madness. Humans like this, would be locked up.

Kimi walked into the living room and saw Sophie with Darrek.

Sophie smiled seeing Kimi.

"Are you okay?" Sophie asked obvisouly seeing the blood.

"Its better than it looks" Kimi said smiling at her.

"I'm gonna go take a shower and clean up" Kimi said and turned to go up the stairs. I turned to Darrek.

//You know, this could be a very good time to mate with her// he said with a smirk. Yea, i knew what was on his mind now.

//Same with you// i said and turned to go up the stairs. Would Kimi accept me as a mate? Or would she shun me?

//Oh dont worry i am// i heard Darrek say. Oh god! Like i wanted to know that.

Feeling my skin crawl from his responce, i walked into Kimi's room. I heard the water going and could smell her washing the blood off.

Walking into the bathroom i saw how big it was, it had like a king sized tub. Made me wonder how many people could be in there? i pulled the the curtain back. She spun around and turned red, and spun back aruond.

Aww, she was embarrased. I loved when she blushed.

"May i join you?" i asked, would she turn me down?

She peeked over her shoulder at me.

"You want to join me?" she asked blushing. Did she not think i liked her?

I smiled. Flashing my clothes off i got in with her. She turned back around blushing.

Pulling her up against me, i kissed her. She had no idea how badly i had been wanting too.

I felt her kiss back. I felt thrilled. She wanted it too.

As the kiss deepen, my hands ran down her sides and onto her hips, pulling them against me.

Feeling her against me was even better.

I felt her wrap her arms around my waist. I felt her small chest press against me, her nipples hard. Pushing her up against the wall, i kissed down her neck and lightly bite it, i heard her moan.

So she liked her neck being biten? That was one hell of turn on.

Kissing further down, i took her right breast into my mouth and sucked. I heard her moan again, her hips bucked into mine. Ohh she couldnt do that very much.

My tongue danced around her nipple and i felt her arch her back. She was enjoying. I was glad. I didnt want to hurt her.

Going to the left breast, i did the same thing. She moaned and arched her back. Her hand slwoly rubbed down my chest, my hip and stopped just before my member.

I kissed up her chest and neck, and back to her lips. I crushed my hips into hers. I heard her moan again. Her hand slowly stroked my tip. I gasped. I hoped she wasnt going to tease me, i couldnt take it, not right now.

Her hand closed around me and she started to pump. I had to moan. She had one hell of a grip for a small person. Plus she was moving fast. A wave of pleasure went through me. Moaning, i pulled her closer.

"Kimi" i whispered. I was too turned on, this wasnt doing it.

Picking her up, i carefully lowered her down onto me. I saw her pull a face when i entered. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" i said and moved slowly in. She hugged me tight. Wrapping her legs around my waist, i bucked and heard her moan. Bucking slowly, i heard her moan more. Bucking faster, i felt a wave of pleasure wash over me. I heard her moan along with me. I bucked faster and wanted to explode. Feeling her tighten around me was amazing, it made me feel more excited.

Pulling her back, i got took her breast into my mouth again and sucked. Hearing her moan, made me crazy. Tightening my grip, i bucked faster into her. She moaned more. When i stopped, she bent down and sucked on my nipple.

A new wave of pleasure went through me. I arched. I liked what she doing. I could see why it drove her mad. It made my whole body weak. Pulling almost all the way out, i bucked back into her and heard her moan.

She stopped sucking and reached up, biting my neck. I moaned. She wouldnt break the skin. She had learned how too. She wouldnt feel the hunger until after a few hours.

It was all wonderful. Feeling inside her, her breasts against me, her sucking and biting, it was driving me crazy.

I gripped her tight as the orgasm suddenly washed over me. I heard her moan as i bucked.

Damn she drove me crazy....and that was a good way that i enjoyed. I was going to enjoy being with her.

Panting, i let her down. She looked worried. "Are you okay?" she asked. I smiled. Ohh how much better than okay at the moment.

"You should finish your shower" i said watching her. Some of the blood still hadnt washed off.

"What about you?" she asked. "I'll be fine" i said and kissed her. Getting out, i saw she had towels on the sink, reaching for one, i wrapped it around my waist and walked into her bedroom.

Pulling my hair back over my shoulder i wondered what would happen now? Was there a mark to show she was my mate? Or was it everyone would just now?

Listening to her humm as she finished, i leaned on the window sill. The window was tinted so no one could see in.

Suddenly as burn feeling hit my right shouler and i hissed. What the fuck?

Walking over to the mirror, i saw a weird symbol on my shoulder. It was a weird circle, it looked almost Celtic. It had a strange cross like part in the middle.

I heard Kimi suddenly hiss too. Flashing into the bathroom, she was knelt down holding her left shoulder.

"My shoulders burning" she said panicing. I saw the same mark on her left shoulder. Weird, both marks were on the front shoulder socket. But opposite. What did that mean?

"Zarrek, whats going on?" she asked looking up at me.

"Its the mating mark i think" i said unsure.

My father never said anything about it.

"Is that good?" she asked putting on her clothes. I flashed some clothes on me.

"I'm guessing so" i said. This was weird. I hoped it was good.

"I can talk to my dad about it" i said seeing her look.

"What about feeding" she asked suddenly.

"I'll teach you, after you rest" i said. I didnt want her being exhuasted when hunting.

She nodded and walked over to the bed. She looked back at me.

She was hoping i was going to join her. Why not? The closer the better.

She layed down and i layed behind her.

"Thank you Zarrek for saving me" she said suddenly. "Your welcome Kimi" i said pulling her closer.

After a while, i hear her breathing steady. I would lay there with her, waiting for her to awake and me teach her, our ways. My friend, my mate, my happiness.

Okay, me knows me is bad at sexy parts of the story, so please bare with me!!!! I know i stink, BUT i doo hopes you all enjoyed this far into my "Brown Eyes" series!!!


I appreactiate them alot!!!! ^-^