Demyx POV:

White, never ending white. Actually, no, I'm lying. There's white spots in my vision, but I can still see the last moments of my life. Purple/slate hair, soft features, breathtaking eyes. Then those eyes close, and my own slip closed shortly after.

My eyes flew open and I sit up lightning fast in my bed, sweating and shaking for a unknown reason. Then the details of my dream comes back to me, and my arm flings to the side, grabbing my bottle of cute blue pills. But of course, they may be cute, but they make me feel ditzy for a few hours. Cursing as the pill sticks in the back of my throat (This is why I should swallow with water), I fall back onto my pillow, ignoring the waves of sunlight streaming in through my window. My name Is Demyx Bluefin, Im 5Ft 9inches, and I have mucky blonde hair and Aqua eyes.

Now, you're probably wondering why I'm taking pills.

See, I have dreams.

Well, obviously, not your average dreams. My dreams are centered on the same person, and almost all of them are of the same scene. A death scene. I stab him, he stabs me, we die. Of course, my mother, being my mother, took me straight to a psychiatrist. When I had told him the details of every dream I'd been having since I was ten years old, his eyes had physically widened, and he had hastily scribbled down some pills, told me to take them after I had a strange dream, and then practically threw me out of his office.

Strange guy.

Axel just calls me crazy. Or psychic. And a lot of other names I cannot say.

After spending the next twenty minutes being a bed potato, I finally clambered out of my bed and crawled towards the kitchen. My mom was cooking some form of food, presumably for my father. She rolled her eyes fondly as I crawled into the room, and giggled as I sat crossed legged on the kitchen tiles. I smiled sweetly and innocently at her, and then grinned wickedly as she placed a piece of toast between my teeth. Deciding I wanted to act my age, I stood up quickly, eyes closed, cracking my neck in the process.

"That's gotta hurt..."

"You think?" I asked, opening a eye to glare at her.

"Don't glare hun, it doesn't suit you.." She answered, sticking a tongue out at me. I pouted, and sat in my dads chair.

Ten minutes later I was in a heap on the floor, having failed in my battle for the chair. As usual routine, my dad walked in, we fought for the chair, and he just grumbled, throwing me on the floor and laughing at my failure. Then, we decided to talk, my lazy ass still on the floor.

"So Demyx, your dreams calming down?" My mom asked me. I nodded, a big grin on my face.

"Yeah, There becoming less frequent, I haven't had one in weeks.." Now, that was a damn outright lie. My mom nodded happily.

"Well, that's good to hear, maybe we can finally get you off those pills..." I nodded. My dad looked at me.

"Oh, son. Your weekly chores are on the fridge. Go take a look at them now..." He ordered. I nodded happily, bouncing over to the fridge. All slots were full of at least one chore, barring Thursday.

"Oh my goodness, I get Thursday off?!" I asked happily. My mother snickered, and my father shook his head.

"No son, I'm afraid not. On Thursday, you are babysitting..." He told me. My face dropped.

"What?! Why? You know how I am with kids! Aww no please!" I begged, getting down on my knee's. My father pulled me up.

"You do it, and you get the goddamn Sitar...Deal?"


My mother shook her head.

"Demyx, dear. Just accept it!"

"No! Why should I have to baby-sit the little boy, when he has a older brother who is perfectly capable of taking care of the boy himself?!" I hissed. This was pure dodgy. I know I agreed to baby-sit the little boy, but I had no idea that his older brother would be there...

"Because, the boys older brother wants nothing to do with him. They're only half brothers, and I don't think they've even been in the same room for longer than twenty minutes, despite the fact that the little boy is only a toddler. Apparently he sticks to his room, never leaves it apart from work, outings with friends and school..." My mom explained. I flipped...

"But he is perfectly capable of looking after the boy!"

"Demyx....Just Go....Tanya Is expecting you in ten minutes....Get Your lazy ass over there...Now..." My mother ordered, giving me the look. Now, the look, is deadly. When my mom is pissed off, and you annoy her, she gives you the look. The look basically says: leave-me-alone-or-I-will-chop-your-balls-off-son-or-not. Huffing, I pick up my bag, stormed out of the door, and slammed it behind me.

"Hello, Demyx. So lovely to see you. Im sorry I had you baby-sit with only a few days notice, but my other babysitter quit, so I really had no choice..." Tanya apologized, seconds after opening the door.

"Oh, it's really okay. I love babysitting anyway..." I answered, grinning. She smiled sweetly. Now I know where my mom learned how to do that.

"Well, I Would show you around the house, but I'l let you figure the route out on your own. Exploring is the fun part of Babysitting, but I warn you, don't enter the room at the top of the third floor, Zexion will castrate you" She told me, leading me through a massive kitchen and into the living room. She smiled, going to sit on a recliner. I remained standing, until she told (ordered, ORDERED)me to sit down. I did, and asked her a question, cautiously, a I didn't know how she would react.

"Ms Numara, could you perhaps tell me one thing?"

"Yes, of course. What is it?"

"Well, why does Zexion not take care of....Uh...Ienzo?" I asked, pausing at points. She sighed, folding her hands in her lap.

"I knew you'd have to know...Well, You see, four years ago, I went on a night out with a few friends of mine. I got drunk, and woke up in a strangers house. But, Zexions'' father didn't have to know. He wouldn't have either, had I not turned out to be pregnant. Zexion's father walked out, refusing to take Zexion with him..."

"Oh my...I-"

"I'm not finished....I Haven't given you the answer you seek. Zexion was angry, upset. That is understandable. He took care of me during my pregnancy, but when Ienzo was born, I never heard another word spoken from his lips. He talks to his friends, he talks to his relatives. But when he has to talk to me, he writes it. He won't look me in the eye, and completely ignores Ienzo, as if he isn't here. Of course, I can understand this....I Just leave him be..." She answered sadly...

"I'm sorry..." Was all I could say. She smiled at me, walked out of the room for a few minutes, and returned with a boy in her arms.

"This is Ienzo. Ienzo, say hi.."

"T-thi..." He drooled. His hair was slightly bluish, almost like Tanyas'. His eyes were an odd color, both a blue/purple. He had Tanyas' features, and a cute smile, white milky teeth. But nothing, nothing prepared me for the teenager who slipped past, unnoticed by Tanya or Ienzo. I assumed it was Zexion. His hair was a perfect shade of slate/purple, his eyes a Mezmerizing blue. He placed one finger to his lips, eyes holding my own gaze, until he slipped into the kitchen and out of my line of sight. I faintly heard the front door open and close, but I now had my full attention on Ienzo, who was tugging a strand of my hair. But the strangest part about Zexion is that I swear I know him....But how?

Reviews wouldd be nice! So this is kinda like a sequel to OLMAL, but set in another life.

So....Till Next time ~ CloakedxSchemer