Unrequited Love

Co-Written with SOLmaster11. A girl with a fire personality; a boy with an icy heart; having to meet eye to eye, they will need everything they have to defeat Vlad Plasmius. PhantomxCarrie The D-Phantom belongs to SOLmaster11.

The last chapter. Enjoy it please. There may be a sequal. but since I really can't be on the computer much, you may not hear from me. I'll only try. So enjoy this last chapter. thank you.


The rest of the night was uneventful. Both The D-Phantom and Carrie were exhausted of the battle they had with Plasmius and now were resting up during the night. The next morning, the storm had pass by with no problem and Carrie woke up feeling refreshed to see the morning sun shining through her window peacefully. She smiled and remembered the events of last night. She was glad to know that Phantom loved her and was always willing to protect her at any cost. It felt so unreal, yet it was happening. She got out slowly and wondered if her mother was back yet from being at the hospital. However, when she walked down toward the home phone, she saw there was a new message. Frowning, she pushed the button to hear a, "Hey Caroline. I won't be home until late in the afternoon. I am very tired, but I will try to be home soon. Don't wait up. I hope you and that strange young man are doing fine. Love you, sweetie!" The message ended and Carrie sighed. At least the house will be quiet for a bit more. But even though she found her mother annoying beyond reasons, she still loved her.

"So, I'm guessing your mother won't be back for quite a while." Phantom's voice said as Carrie turned to him.

She was in slight surprise to not have heard him come up, but being who he was, she shouldn't be. She nodded in response, "Yup. She's a doctor. Her work is her priority." Carrie stated while rubbing her long golden brown hair, "I just wish she would come home since she is the only family I have left."

"Well, you're lucky to have her at all." Phantom said with a shrug.

Carrie stared up at in surprise, "But...don't you have parents of your own?" She questioned in wonderment. He did mention them before.

"Yes," Phantom answered. "I never really saw them too often when I was living with Vlad. Plus I haven't seen them since I went on the run from Vlad."

Carrie frowned at this, "I'm sorry...maybe they miss you or something..."

"Could be." He said shortly as he turned his head toward the window, "At least the storm has cleared up."

Carrie nodded and knew Phantom wasn't the type to go into deep conversations of his personal life. She rubbed her neck and said, "Yeah. Thank goodness for that. Um...now that Vlad is gone...can you rest easily?"

"Of course." Phantom said as he smiled a bit. "I never would've known that the thing that was pinned as what could've led to my downfall would end up assisting me in stopping Vlad."

Carrie stared as she smirked, "Are you making fun of me? Are you saying that if it hadn't been for me...you would have never been able to stop Vlad? But you were also worried on the extension of my safety? Yet we ended up beating the butt out of your arch-foe anyway?" She questioned as she folded her arms.

The D-Phantom chuckled a bit. "You're very observant of discovering that."

Carrie giggled as well before she said, "Well...since that lunatic is gone...do you think you can stay or something?"

"Yes, but..." Phantom answered as his smile grew to a frown. "But, I can't stay for very long."

Carrie was slightly shocked at this, "What? But...we defeated Plasmius. How come you can't stay for long?"

"I can't stay here forever." Phantom crossed his arms and turned around as he continued, "I have to return to my own universe. I am not from this universe."

Carrie stared, slightly hurt at his explanation before she said softly, "Why didn't you say so in the first place?"

Phantom frowned, for he didn't want to hurt her feelings since the two have gotten so close over the past week. And he loved her deeply that was for sure. But even he had limits, and when there came a time and place to do things even go as far to break someone close to him heart, this was the time. He hated it. But he had no choice. However, seeing Carrie looking upset really tore his heart slightly. But what choice did he have?

Phantom turned back to Carrie as he tried explaining, "Caroline...I told you I came here to try and escape Plasmius. But honestly when I came here, I never imagined I would find someone I would harbor feelings for."

Carrie gripped her arms and turned away from him to avoid eye contact, "Believe me, I felt the same way when my mom brought you in from the storm that night. I didn't think it would be possible for me to even fall for you. Since I thought I had crossed the line on boys. But Sam was right; I did end up falling for you anyway. And now...you are leaving." She can feel tears about to break out, but she wasn't the type of girl to be sobbing; she had to stay strong. Even if that meant the boy she had finally found attracted was leaving.

Phantom sighed as he watched Carrie keep her head turned away from him, "I'm sorry. I should have told you this before. But I didn't know of what would happen. But no matter how far I'll be...I will still be there for you." He explained as he walked up behind her, but she kept her back turned on him.

"But you said you will be in a different universe. How does that qualify as being there for me?" Carrie questioned.

"Well," Phantom said as he smiled. "Even if I am far in another universe, I do know how to come back and see you."

Carrie slowly turned around and glanced up to stare into his emerald green eyes with her golden brown ones as she said, "I would appreciate that. But can I least still contact you or something?"

Phantom wrapped his arms around her delicate waist and pulled her against him while saying, "Yes. I'll be sure to make something that will allow us both to keep in touch. But if I haven't been to this house...I would have never gotten to know you, Carrie."

"I'm glad you came." Carrie smiled as he leaned forward and closed her eyes as she gave him a kiss.

As they stood there enchanted by how much the love between them floated in the air tightly around them. Carrie didn't want this kiss to end, and neither did Phantom. However, after what seemed for like a century, they broke apart and he leaned forward, allowing their foreheads to touch slightly. She ran her fingers through his white hair as he did the same with her long hair; each gazing lovingly into each other's eyes. "I will miss you Carrie." Phantom whispered.

"I'll miss you too." Carrie whispered back.

Finally, they let go of each other before Phantom turned and lifted his hand to allow another green portal to appear. Before he stepped through, he turned back and gave a quick kiss on her cheek, "If anything happens...I'll be sure to know." He said with a charming smile.

Carrie held her cheek and smiled as she replied with a somewhat smirk. "You better."

He winked at her before stepping right through the swirling green universe portal before it disappeared, leaving Carrie standing there, alone in the living room. She half expected the portal to appear again for him to come back. But as the minutes ticked by, nothing happened. She knew he was gone for the time being, and she missed him already. She gripped her arms and can still feel his soft lips against her own and closed her eyes to remember his handsome confident face in her mind. "Carrie?!" The girl halfa paid no heed when the door opened to reveal Sam Manson, "Carrie? The door was open...and...Carrie?" She noticed the sad distant look on her best friend's face before she said, "You ok? What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing." Carrie replied as her tone got sarcastic. "I'm just peachy."

Sam smiled slightly, "I can see you are no different than usual. Where's that Phantom guy?"

Carrie frowned slightly at the mention of Phantom, "He's gone."

"Gone?" Sam echoed, "Where did he go?"

"Back to where he belonged. Even though I am going to miss him terribly. But he promised to come visit me every so often," Carrie answered before glancing up at the ceiling with a distant look on her face.

Sam noticed this and smirked while folding her arms before saying, "Oh...so you finally admit it...you do like him after all..."

Carrie managed to smile as she answered Sam's question, "I didn't know at first. But after a while, I found out I did."

Sam smiled as she walked over, "Well...I'm really glad you managed to find someone you can like...but what do you mean by different universe?"

Carrie giggled, "You better sit down, Sam. Cause it's a really long story."

As Carrie told the story of The D-Phantom to her best friend Sam...Phantom himself meanwhile was back at home in his universe. He flew through the familiar looking city and wanted to see his family once more. Maybe they can help him make a device to contact his distant girlfriend, for he didn't want to lose any contact with her whatsoever. He loved her with all his heart and knew no matter what happens, he would never let long distance effect the relationship he had with her. He saw FentonWorks come into view and felt nervous about seeing his family again. Will they recognize him at least? He flew down toward it and landed just outside the door. He sighed and knocked on the door.

"Coming!" a female voice called out as the door knob started turning. The door opened to Phantom to reveal a woman with short reddish brown hair, kind violet eyes and wore a tight blue and black suit. She gasped at the sight of young hooded teen, "Who...?"

"Mom...it's me." Phantom said as he glanced up further, "Your son."

It took a long moment… "My son...? Oh my gosh!" She cried and hugged him tightly, "I haven't seen you in ages! What happened to you?!"

Phantom smiled calmly, "If you get father in the room, I'll tell you everything..."

"Of course." She answered and allowed him to come in. The door closed slowly as the day dragged on.