AN: The time frames are in relation to the one above, not in relation to the time after the rangers are defeated except for the first. Please keep this in mind as you read through the chapter. ENJOY!!


One Month Later

Grace looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She could not believe that she was getting married, especially this soon. Josh had come up with the idea after he had saved her, at that point he couldn't chance never making it official. She wanted it, but neither of them knew how it would be reacted to by the rest of their family, especially Josh's. To their complete and utter surprise all of the family had given them their full support, they had even helped them throw the wedding together in all of two weeks.

"You ready?" Tommy asked as he walked into the back room and he tugged at his tie. He hated wearing tuxedos, but he knew that refusing to wear one to his daughter's wedding would cause a mutiny in his household and he did not want that right now.

"Dad, did you ever think this would happen?" Grace asked as she turned around to face him and saw the tears he was barely holding back. This was his little girl and she no longer looked like a little girl anymore. He stared at her as he just shook his head. She looked absolutely beautiful in her dress, it hugged her curves and reminded him that she was really about to get married. It differed so much from Kim's dress, but he knew that Josh would just stare, that was all he would be able to do.

"I knew that you would get married eventually," Tommy said as he shifted from one foot to the other. He did not want to cry, he really didn't, but he had a feeling he would, very soon.

"That's not what I'm asking, you know that," Grace said as she linked her arm through his and he looked away.

"Not this fast, at least that was what I had hoped. Your mom and I went through some tough times when we first got married, I had hoped that you wouldn't have to go through that with him," Tommy said as Grace nodded and then wrapped him up in a strong hug. "You know that if he ever does anything…"

"Dad, you've threatened him enough on your own, don't worry I'd call," Grace said as she tugged his arm and they walked out to stand behind the doors that opened into the auditorium. "Here goes nothing."

One Month Later

Grace sat in their apartment unpacking boxes and thinking. Josh had gone into work early that morning and she was delegated to box duty. The last month had been amazingly hectic and she could not believe that Josh had married her, but he had and they had moved last week.

She began training at UCLA in three days and he had workshops for the next two weeks with the school system. Thanks to an odd gift from her parents, they had been able to find a decent place off campus. She could still remember the shock in Josh's eyes as they accepted it. This meant they didn't have to sell his house and after her four years here, they could go back to Reefside if they wanted.

"You've made a lot of progress, why don't you take a break?" Josh said as he walked into the living room and saw the empty boxes piled around her, as well as a huge bottle of water sitting next to her. She looked like she was ready to fall asleep from boredom, but she had just pulled out one of their wedding pictures, neither of them were looking at the camera that didn't matter though, they looked so in love. It was a picture that honestly took his breath away every time he saw it.

"I didn't hear you come in," Grace said as she looked back at him and he leaned down to give her a kiss on the top of her head. She had been taking things pretty hard lately, especially with her latest brush with death. He had just started leaving her alone during the day, but it wasn't often and it was only when necessary.

"I've been here for awhile, just wanted to watch you," Josh said as he sat down next to her and started pulling stuff out of another box.

"How was your day?" Grace asked as he smiled over at her and then she leaned in to kiss him as well.

"I've had better, my co-teachers are…they know why I moved down here," Josh whispered as he closed his eyes. This was not exactly good news. They had hoped that it wouldn't be an issue, but it obviously had become one now.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine. I need to go do some tumbling tonight, want to come watch?" Grace asked as he smiled. The thoughts that ran across his mind were not good ones, but she obviously was not going to say anything about those thoughts at the moment.

"Will you be in a leotard?" Josh asked as he moved behind her and then kissed her on the neck.

"Probably not, I hate those things," Grace said as she looked back at him and then placed a kiss just below his ear and he closed his eyes.

"Okay, let's go now and then grab some groceries on the way back," Josh said as she forced herself to stand up and he watched her walk down the hall to get something besides one of his shirts to wear.

"Come on, I want to get back earlier tonight," Grace said as she walked back out in a leotard and a pair of shorts and he smiled.

"Of course," Josh said as he stood up and then walked out the door with her right behind him.

Eight Months Later

Grace lay in the hospital bed as the pain surged through her body. She had missed a grip on her bar routine the day before and had flown off the bar and landed squarely on her side which not only bruised her, it also reinjured her back. She had been placed on strict bed rest for the next week and she could not help but be absolutely frustrated. She was the number one ranked gymnast nationwide and now she was going to be forced to lie in a bed while the rest of her team went to nationals.

"Grace," Josh whispered as he opened the door and looked over at her to see the tears streaming down her cheeks. He had no idea what she was going through and after talking to Kim, he knew that hell was probably very accurate. She was so mad that her body had let her down, so mad that the reality was that she would not be able to compete.

"Don't Josh, you can't make me feel better," Grace said as he walked over to the side of her bed and he then lifted her up and clutched her to him. She just stared up at him as he sat down on the bed and then laid her back against him.

"I know, but I'm not leaving you," Josh whispered as he gently ran his fingers through her hair and she slumped back against him. He'd never leave her, he just hoped that she understood that.

Three Months Later

Grace loosened up at she looked at the mat in the center of the floor. Her doctor had just cleared her to tumble again and she knew she had to get up to speed with the rest of her teammates. She had been doing some light tumbling at home, but her mom had been extra strict on her this time, she hadn't been able to do much.

She stepped out onto the floor and closed her eyes. The coach had given her about thirty minutes alone in the gym to see how far behind she was. She bounced on the balls of her feet before she sprinted across the floor and executed the simplest pass that she knew. As she landed on the other side a smile played on her face. Her back was healed and it seemed like she was not going to have much of a problem.

Six Months Later

Grace was sleeping soundly on the couch when Josh got in from work that night. He noticed that she had a book lying against her chest and he wondered if it was school work, until he got closer and read the title. He felt shock go through his veins as he watched her sleep. She couldn't seriously be pregnant, they had been using protection.

"Hey," Grace said as she looked up at him and then down at the book that was lying on her chest. "I can explain…"

"You're pregnant," Josh stated as Grace forced a weak smile and then nodded her head. "How far along?"

"Not very far along, but when they did the random drug tests last week, it came back negative, like normal. The coach called me in though, the pregnancy test came back positive," Grace said as she sat up and Josh then sat down next to her. "I'm not sure that we're ready for this."

"If it's true we'll make it work," Josh said as Grace just looked over at him, he then put both his arms around her. "Hey, it's okay. We'll go to the doctor tomorrow."

"I'm scared," Grace whispered as he looked up and then kissed her on the lips.

"So am I, but we'll be okay," Josh muttered as he gently pushed her back against the couch and gently tugged at her shirt. "Let's celebrate tonight."

One Month Later

"Grace!" Josh called as he walked into their home and he was startled by the complete and utter silence. "Grace! What's going on?"

He looked at the living room and dining room and then sighed. Grace was nowhere to be found and he doubted that she was in their room this early in the evening. He then walked down the short hall to their room and checked their bed, just in case. He found her curled up in a ball on their bed and he took a tentative step towards her, before he saw her shaking with silent sobs.

"Grace, what's wrong?" Josh asked as he walked over to the bed and he then sat down next to her. "Talk to me, please."

"I've lost the baby," Grace whispered as Josh gulped as the pain hit him and he then laid down next to her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Grace, oh god, I'm so sorry," Josh whispered as he just molded his body to hers and held her as closely as he could. "I'm so sorry."

"I guess the team won't lose me after all," Grace forced out before the sobs over took her and he closed his eyes as the tears streamed down his own cheeks. The gymnastics team had been supportive, but they hadn't made it easy for Grace and he couldn't help but wonder what they stress had done to her.

"Shh, let's not talk about that tonight," Josh whispered as he watched her turn around in his arms before she buried her face against his chest and just wept. Soon his own sobs joined hers and they just laid there, crying. Neither of them remembered when it stopped, all they knew was that they woke up in the next morning still clutching each other, like their lives depended on it.

Eleven Months Later

Josh sat in the bleachers, keeping his eyes on the girl with the number five between her shoulders. The national championship had always been just out of Grace's reach for the last two years. Her back had been reinjured her freshman year and they had been in the midst of battling a monster last year. They had thought she had defeated them, obviously she hadn't. This year had been peaceful, so far.

"Hey, how long have you been here?" Kim asked as she sat down next to Josh and he just shook his head. Grace did not look so good, but she'd be okay. It was just nerves.

"Long enough to know that she's nervous," Josh said as he took a sip of water and then stared back out at Grace.

"She'll do fine, she always does," Tommy said as Josh rolled his eyes. This was not going to be a good thing if Grace didn't win, she had deserved it and he'd never hear the end of it if she twisted her ankle on the beam and that caused her to lose, yet again.

"You have no idea how worried I am," Josh said as he gave her a quick glance and tried to look inconspicuous.

"Third times the charm," Kim said as she gave Josh's hand a squeeze and he let out a sigh.

Grace closed her eyes as she stood next to the beam. She had a slight lead at the end of three events, but she had to nail this. She looked up into the crowd and saw Josh watching her with a smile. She felt herself calm before she placed her hands on the beam and began her routine.


"Congrats," Josh said as he gave her a hug and she just closed her eyes. "You did really good today."

"Was it worth missing your niece's birthday?" Grace asked as she pulled back from him so that she could look him in the eyes.

"For you, yes, come on let's go get you in something more comfortable and eat in tonight," Josh said as she closed her eyes. She did not want to disappoint him, but there were other things expected of her right now. "You already have plans."

"We were going to go out and celebrate…" Grace trailed off as her hands tightened compulsively around his and he smiled.

"Okay, it's your choice," Josh said as she just smiled at him.

"Come with us to celebrate, you won't be the only one there that's not on the team," Grace said as he cringed. There was something that bothered him about that, he wasn't like all the other boyfriends, he was a teacher in high school, out of college for several years. He knew that all the other boyfriends were about the same age as the girls and he knew no one else was married.

"It's okay, I don't have to come with you," Josh said as he pulled away from her for a moment and she looked away, she felt absolutely horrible for this. He always felt that he couldn't hang around with the other guys, just because he could have easily taught them something in high school.

"I want you to, most of the team doesn't even know that we're married," Grace said as she stood on her tiptoes and then pulled him down for a kiss that seared him to the core. He couldn't believe that she was doing this in front of them, but he finally realized that she didn't care, she just wanted him.

Four months later

"I'm not ready for children!" Grace yelled as she ran her fingers through her hair, she could not believe that they were having this conversation.

"Grace, please," Josh said as he tried to grab her hands and she just pulled away from him.

"No Josh, I have a year left of school, I want to defend my championship and I can't do that if I'm pregnant. I'm sorry all your friends are having babies and you are left out but I'm not ready Josh, I'm just not," Grace said as she just stared up at him. He did not look mad, but he was definitely frustrated with her.

"It's okay Grace, it's okay, I didn't mean to make you so upset. I just…" Josh trailed off as he wiped his hands on his pants in an attempt to stop the sweat from pooling, but it wouldn't. He had known that the two of them were probably going to be at different places, but he had hoped that they would want a baby soon.

"You want to start a family…I get it. I just need time," Grace said as she looked up at him and her eyes closed, he looked so disappointed.

"I know, Grace and that's okay," Josh said as he placed both his arms around her and she just collapsed against him.

"Doesn't mean that we can't practice," Grace whispered as she smiled up at him and he laughed.

"I'm glad of that, I don't think I could stand not having that," Josh said as he released her and then gently tugged her towards their bed room.

"After I graduate I promise that we'll try," Grace said as he picked her up and then carried her into the bedroom where she began chuckling and his laughter soon joined hers as well.

Two Months Later

"Aiden! I can't believe you're getting married," Grace said as he chuckled on the other end of the phone. She was never going to let him live this down.

"Neither can I, but she's great Grace, she really is," Aiden said as he looked over to his bed and smiled as her mess of blond hair peaked out from under the covers.

"I'm happy for you," Grace said as she smiled on the other end of the phone.

"Good, have you figured out how to activate the power again?" Aiden asked as he moved from his dorm room into the hall.

"No, hopefully I will soon, I've got about nine months to figure it out," Grace said as she heard his mouth drop open and she stifled a laugh.

"You're pregnant?" Aiden forced out as she laughed.

"No, but we're going to start trying at the end of the school year," Grace said as Aiden nodded.

"Wow, so I'll get to be an uncle soon?" Aiden asked as Grace just smiled.

"Hopefully, I gotta go, but I'll call you tomorrow. Congrats," Grace said as he smiled on the other end of the line.

"Thanks, don't wear yourself out trying to fix this," Aiden said as he had flashes of her lying in the command center dying and none of them could save her. Josh brought her out of it, but none of them knew how.

"I don't have a choice, I want to have a family, just as much as he does," Grace said as she placed the phone in the cradle and sighed. Aiden would be angry, but she couldn't face a lecture from him right now. She just needed time.

Eight Months Later

"Damn it Dad, I don't remember," Grace yelled as she paced around the Command Center and he sighed. She had to have to somewhere, it would just take time to find it and time was not something that they had anymore.

"Relax Grace, you will in time, until then the two of you need to be careful. You're graduating in a couple weeks and I don't want my grandchild in danger because of this," Tommy said as he pulled her hair back and put it in a ponytail. He'd do anything right now to get her to just relax and let the memories flow.

"I nearly died the last time, I can't leave Josh like that," Grace said as she wiped her eyes and tried to focus, but nothing would come.

"Leave…leave might work," Tommy said as he got a weird idea, he just hoped that it would work.

"Dad…" Grace started as she turned around to face him and saw him pacing.

"I left my powers behind, you leave your powers now, the baby will leave it's powers if you do this now," Tommy said as Grace gave him a confused look. How was that possible?

"What was that?" Grace asked as he walked over to her.

"Just say it, but only with I…it should work," Tommy said as she barely nodded.

"I left my power behind, they are no longer mine, I leave my power now, I have no need. I will leave them all until the end of time," Grace said, she then collapsed and Tommy held her upright.

"Josh!" Tommy bellowed up the stairs and his son-in-law then ran down them to see him placing her on the floor.

"What happened?" Josh asked as he reached them and placed his hand on her cheek before reaching for her throat to check for a pulse.

"She got rid of the evil," Tommy said as Josh closed his eyes. It had nearly killed her before, but if they didn't do it now, it would be too risky to chance later.

"Grace, come on, wake up," Josh said as he gently patted her face and she didn't so much as whimper. "Come on, you're okay, you and the baby are fine. I need the two of you."

"What did you say last time?" Tommy asked as Josh just looked at him for a moment before he grabbed both of Grace's hands and took in a deep breath.

"You are my wife and you will not die," Josh whispered in her ear before he gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead and she then gulped in a breath of air and he relaxed. She was going to be all right.

Six Months Later

"You're finally showing," Aiden said as he walked up to her in his tux and she smiled. He had cut his hair a couple inches since high school, but still insisted on keeping it long and if she didn't know any better, she'd say he was worried.

"Yeah and I can feel the baby kick too," Grace said as she placed her hand over her ever expanding abdomen and he smiled at the sight of her.

"Little sister how did you do this?" Aiden asked as he placed his hand on her stomach and smiled as the baby hammered against it.

"You know how," Grace said with a look as he just shook his head.

"No that's not what I mean, how did you grow up and not need me anymore?" Aiden asked as he pulled his hand away and she just smiled at him.

"Twin, don't get emotional on me now, my emotions are bad enough lately without you doing something like this," Grace said as he pulled her into a hug and she closed her eyes. For years he had been her protector, when no one else would help her and she'd never forget it. He was her big brother, but it was more than that and they both knew it. They were the only people that had known everything about the other, until their mates came along.

"Has Josh felt the baby kick yet?" Aiden asked as he pulled away and hastily wiped his eyes, her emotions must have been rubbing off on him.

"Yeah, he claims it's a boy," Grace said with a smile as Aiden just nodded. He could agree with that, but he didn't want to make his sister mad.

"And what do you think?" Aiden asked as she just shook her head.

"That I wouldn't mind either, I just want a healthy baby," Grace said as Aiden nodded that he understood, that was the only thing he was hoping for, for them. Josh and Grace couldn't survive much more hardship.

"I'm sure he wants the same, so you're moving back to Reefside?" Aiden asked as Grace barely nodded.

"Yeah, it just feels right. He's going to finish out the year and then we'll move back. I can teach at the dojo, Dad already agreed. It's home, to the both of us," Grace said as Aiden smiled. It would be really good to have her back within a ten minute drive.

"I've got to head to the front of the church soon, any words of wisdom?" Aiden asked as he put his arm around her and he led her back towards the door that she had slipped through a few minutes ago.

"Mean what you say and it will never lead you wrong Aiden. You have to love her though, you have to or it won't work," Grace said as he just nodded. He really couldn't find any words to say to her at the moment.

Two and a half months later

"Josh," Grace whispered as she walked downstairs and he looked over at her. He could tell that she was uncomfortably pregnant and just ready to have the baby and he couldn't say that he blamed her. She had been having Braxton-Hicks contractions for the last two weeks and now her muscles were just in knots. The baby needed to get here soon.

"I thought you went asleep awhile ago," Josh stated as he placed his papers on the coffee table and she waddled over to him.

"I tried, but I've been having really bad cramps tonight," Grace said as he helped her sit down and then placed his hand over her stomach. He felt how tight the muscles were and let out a sigh.

"Cramps or contractions?" Josh asked as she cringed and he placed his hand back on her stomach and felt the difference.

"I'm not really sure anymore, all I know is that I can't lay down in bed," Grace said as she leaned against him and he closed his eyes.

"Lay down in my lap and try to get some sleep," Josh said as she just shook her head that she didn't want to. "It might help Grace."

"I don't think I can, it hurts too much," Grace said as she whimpered as the pain hit her again.

"Then we'll go to the doctor," Josh whispered in her ear as she clutched to him.

"I'm so tired already," Grace whispered as he looked into her eyes and saw the fear as well as the excitement in them.

"They can at least give you something for the pain if you're dilated enough," Josh said as he stood up and then helped her to her feet.

"I'm sorry, I know you have to work tomorrow," Grace muttered as he smiled. Of course she would worry about his work at a time like this.

"Not if you have the baby, come on, I'd rather be safe than sorry," Josh said as he took her hand and walked with her out to the car and she smiled at him.

"Sorry Josh," Grace whispered said as a liquid landed on his shoes as he helped her get in the car.

"Don't be sorry, you're so uncomfortable that the baby needs to come soon," Josh said as he gave her a peck on the cheek and then took a napkin and wiped the liquid off her legs.

"But I wanted her to be born on your birthday," Grace whispered as he just stared at her.

"How about we settle for your mother's," Josh said as she gave him a bewildered look and then realized that in a few hours it would be her mother's birthday.

"Josh…" Grace whispered as she pulled him back toward her.

"Grace, you can try to hide the pain from me, but you won't be able to. We need to get you to the hospital," Josh said, calmly as she just nodded and he smiled.

"Thank you," Grace said as he climbed into the driver's seat and gave her an odd look.

"For what?" Josh asked backing out of the driveway.

"Being you," Grace said before another contraction hit and she groaned.


"I came as soon as I heard. How is she?" Aiden asked as he walked into the waiting room in his pajama bottoms and a random t-shirt.

"At six centimeters an hour ago, so she's got an epidural, but Josh hasn't come out in awhile," Tommy explained as Aiden just nodded and then started pacing the waiting room. "She's going to be fine Aiden."

"Explain that to the pain in my side," Aiden muttered as he passed him and Kim laughed. "What's so funny?"

"Sympathy pains for you sister? How nice Aiden," Kim said as her eyes sparkled and Aiden just groaned.

"Honey, pacing isn't going to get the baby here in faster, come sit down," Samantha said as Aiden looked over at her and then sat down next to her and she placed her arms around him. "She's going to be fine."

"This is the one thing that I can't help her with," Aiden muttered as Samantha just smiled. She understood how close the two of them were and she didn't try to talk Aiden out of being that way, it was part of what made him the way that he was now.

"But Josh is, he won't let anything happen to her if he can help it," Samantha whispered as she watched her husband's face tense and he closed his eyes as he placed his head on her shoulder.


"She looks like you," Grace muttered as she looked up at him with tired eyes. The nurse had gone to get the rest of the family, so they had a few more minutes alone.

"No, she looks like both of us," Josh said as he gave her a kiss on the forehead and then placed the baby girl in her arms. Jacelyn Ryan Fitzpatrick was born at 8:28 am, 23 January, weighing 6.6 oz, 21 inches long and had the bluest eyes that either of them had ever seen.

"No, she's you and that's okay, we'll have a little me sometime," Grace said as he pulled the bar down on the bed and sat down next to her, placing his arm around her. She had had a long night, but the result was worth it.

"I love you," Josh whispered as he gave her a quick kiss and she smiled.

"I love you too," Grace responded as she little girl opened her eyes and stared at the two of them.

"You've given me my dreams Grace and you didn't have to," Josh whispered as he looked at the two of them and could not help but smile, they were so beautiful.

"Maybe not, but you've given me so much more. You gave me a life I never thought I'd have, one without the worries I've always lived with, thank you," Grace whispered as the doctor looked up at the two of them and then quietly slipped out. The baby would be just fine with them for the night.

"You don't have to thank me, you gave me a happily ever after and I never thought I'd get one," Josh whispered as the door opened and the adoring grandparents, uncles, and aunts walked in as the both of them smiled. This was what they wanted, this was their dream.