This is my first house fic so don't judge too harshly. Also, my computer doesn't have spell sheck so sorry if I missed anything in my proof read.
Chapter One: Watch Your Eyes
Remy Hadley lay on her pale blue bed. She dozed in and out of a shallow sleep. She heard a sound that she reconised as she dragged open her eyes. It was a very annoying sound. Lazily, she rolled over and threw her hand onto the nightstand, to answer the ringing phone.
"Yeah?" She half grunted.
"Remy, It's me."
Of course it's 'me' who would say 'hello it's you'?
"Sorry, who is this?" Her eyes were becoming more focused.
"It's Cameron. I was just checking up on you."
Who checks up on someone this early in the morning? Is it morning? I don't even know.
"Why are you checking up on me?" The young doctor never admitted she needed help from anyone, so she was a little confised as to why someone she had just met was phoning her home.
"Because it's 9:30 and you're not at work." Cameron's voice sounded much too cheerful for this late in the night.
No, wait. What did she say?
"Cameron, did you just say 9:30?"
"Yes, and you guys have a case, so hop to, okay?"
Remy suppressed a groan. She quickly thanked Cameron for checking up on her and rolled out of bed. Only to fall face first on the floor. Her legs had apparently not woken yet, she shakily got up and headed to the bathroom.
Allison Cameron smiled as she walked away from the phone, heading towards the clinic. A few random thoughts ran through her mind. One caught her attention, a bit too much it would seem, as she ended up walking, quite literally, into the Dean of Medicine.
Lisa Cuddy smiled as Cameron began to apologise, a little too much for such a small accident.
"Cameron, it's okay, I wasn't looking either." Cuddy gave Cameron a small nod and smile, before walking off towards her office.
Remy walked briskly through the parking lot, hoping endlessly that House didn't actually arrive on time today. She couldn't stop thinking about her abstract wake-up call. Why did Cameron call me? Why was she thinking of me at this time of day? Or at any time of day, for that matter?
The questions rebounded in her head until she found herself in the middle of the ER.
Cameron closed the privacy curtain of one of her patients and glanced over to Thirteen. She looked slightly dazed, and Cameron felt a pang of worry. That's odd. Why am I thinking about her?
Cameron's eyes unconciously moved slowly down the body of the young brunette. When she realised what she was doing shew snapped her gaze up, only to lock eyes with Thirteen. Thirteen smiled and raised an eyebrow ever so slightly. Cameron's eyes fell to the floor and she blushed, like a girl in primary school caught trying to hold a boys hand.
Lisa Cuddy had watched this whole scene from her office, feeling very bad for Ccameron, who was now in an impossible and embarrassing situation. She walked quickly to the door of her office and swung it open.
"Dr. Cameron?" She called out. Cameron's eyes were quickly saved from wandering back to Thirteen, as she heard Cuddy's beckoning.
Thirteen tried not to look at Cameron, she knew how embarassing it was to be caught checking someone out, and didn't want Cameron to be in that situation. Wait, what? What did I just say? Yes, Cameron was checking me out. She was. I saw her. Wow. That's... Unexpected.
Cameron arrived at Cuddy's office, knocking before opening the door, she stepped in.
"Yes Dr. Cuddy?" She raised her eyebrows, wondering what she had done wrong.
"What? Oh right, I called you didn't I? Don't worry, you can go." Cuddy smiled, she hadn't thought this through.
"Well, okay, but why did you call me?"
Cuddy really hadn't thought this through.
"Do you want the truth?" Cameron slowly nodded, the truth was not always nice to hear. Cuddy started slowly, not wanting to tell the truth.
"Well, I saw what happened between you and Thirteen, mainly you, and I... thought you might need an escape route." The last part she rushed, hoping Cameron wouldn't be mad at her.
"I, I... I don't know what to say... Nothing happened. What did you see?" Cameron was frozen in fear.
"I didn't see anything, if nothing happened." Cuddy was searching Cameron's eyes for something, anything. Cameron stared into the piercing blue eyes of her boss. Did she see anything? Was she trying to help out? She actually did save me...
"Well, nothing happened." Cameron shrugged. She was trying to hide the fact that she was lying through her teeth.
"Okay then. Sorry." Cameron turned on her heel and began to leave. "But Cameron? If anything does happen that you want to talk about, I'm here, okay?" Cuddy stated this slowly, not wanting to offend or imply anything.
"You have the wrong idea Dr. Cuddy." She said softly. Something about the way Cameron said this, Cuddy knew she was lying. And Cameron had meant for that to happen. She classified Lisa Cuddy as a friend, and she really wanted to tell her what she felt. Almost at the door, she stopped.
"Cuddy? Thank you." Lisa's brow knotted, trying to figure out what Cameron wanted her to say.
"Thank you for what?" She replaced her smile with a cheeky grin, "I thought nothing happened."
Cameron mirrored Cuddy's expression, before she turned again on her heel, and left.
Thriteen needed some time to think. Thoughts were passing by her eyes at speeds not yet documented. Was she actually checking me out? I mean, I guess she's a friend. I thought she was straight. But I don't know her that well. Get a grip, Remy. Straight girls can check out other girls. She probably liked my outfit or something.
Something in Remy felt slightly dissapointed. This shocked her a bit. She hardly knew Cameron and yet she was dissapointed that she wasnt checking her out?
Her head snapped up, hurting her neck slightly, as a folder landed on the glass table in front of her.
"New case." House finally limped into work.
I guess I'll deal with this later.
A/N: Thanks for reading guys. I'd like to know what you think, this is my first, so i really don't know... More uploading soon =]