Warnings: OOC, yaoi (boy on boy action or love), lemon/lime material later (hopefully), Gaara being an angst-bag, some violence, M rated material (and that does not mean Muffins will be provided), profanity and vulgarity, molestation (eh, most likely, maybe by Sasuke. Our poor Na-hime! Though we are not far enough for Sasuke to appear…), and Gaara being all precious. Plus major fluff, and later on lemons of joy and wonderment.

Summary: They knew one another when they were children, he left. The only thing he ever loved, let alone cared for in anyway, was gone. He pushed himself to make him proud, if they would ever see each other again that is. But… now… there he was. Talking to others, chatting about food or something, he didn't know. But, there he was. And… he probably had forgotten him, hated him, felt disgusted by him. He just wanted to touch him one last time, to feel that warm tan skin meet ice. He just couldn't move his damn legs. He wanted… to let himself love him once more.

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Chapter Four

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"Baby you got the keys." – Talking

'So shut up and drive.' – Thinking

Rhianna – Emphasis.

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He wanted to cry. It was his last night here. Tomorrow he would leave to go to some Akatsuki Privatation or Privatary, but he didn't tell Gaara where. No matter how long his friend held him, nor how many times he was told everything would be alright, he just knew they wouldn't. Things wouldn't be fine, they both knew. They knew it would be a long time before they would see one another again. They could just feel it down in their bones.


"Yeah Na-hime?" The boy still giggled at the name, even six years after he had been declared it all because he was a bit of a bishounen. Actually, the last time he was in Mist Country several mistook him for a girl. Mostly due to having a fearful redhead following you around. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too Na-hime." The younger curled into his friend's torso more, almost purring in delight of being held. "Na-hime… Temari-san is right, you are cute." More girlish laughter. "And you're just adorable." It was only too horrid that the childish boy was the only person who had thought so. Well… maybe not. He did not want people to squeeze his cheeks and squeal about just how 'precious' he really was. He didn't want all those grandmothers and girls his age giggling with joy every time they laid their peering eyes on him. He felt sympathy for his only companion.

"No, I'm not." He knew better than to disagree with him on anything. He was just too stubborn, even about the simplest of things. "Yes you are. You are to me. And that's all that matters. You have a sister who cares for you a lot, a brother who wants to be there for you, and a friend who will always love you, not matter what. And I do. You're my best friend."

"I love you too." He did. He truly did. He would do anything for him… even die, kill lie, steal, threaten, stay out in the rain for hours on end, wait all eternikty never to see him again, and… drop absolutely everything just for a minute glimpse of who he turned out to be. And he hated the rain, but he would still wait. "Really Gaara?"

"Yes, really. I do love you."

"You're so sweet."

He held him that night, tightly. Naruto couldn't sleep in the guest room. It's not like he would have anyways, it's not like he ever had. Gaara had to watch the blond cry in his sleep. He swore the entire town could hear his heart break.

The morning was even worse. Naruto continuously clutched Gaara while crying, who obviously wasn't exactly about to rip the boy away from himself, nor let go anytime soon. The feminine male had to be pried from the redhead. Even while they were in the entrance way to the airport sectional, people had stopped and stared, Temari had almost shouted at them to mind their own business. Iruka Umino, Kakashi Hatake's lover for the past… four years, felt so pathetic. The two of them… the main thing they cared for deep enough was being snatched from one another; he knew he was about to start sobbing again.

They almost missed their flight to Konohagukure, so they could drive to Cloud Country, because of the scene they were causing, First-class too. Naruto wept the entire trip, until he fell asleep due to exhausting himself from all the seemingly millions of tears he had shed. They only had one hour left by then, one blissful and silent hour out of nine almost completely agonizing ones. It was apparent that the first year would be the most diffucult, even after that it would still be hard. They just silently prayed that one day…

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Ending! A/N: Review? Please? Reviews are love, so… please review. Please.

Yes, it was a cliff hanger. I am very sorry, but I couldn't resist.

Now, onto the next chapter! Mwahahahaha!