Disclaimer: Harry Potter is not mine.

Where Has All The Time Gone?

Eighteen years.

Thats how long its been since I last saw him. The earth has rotated around the sun eighteen times, but nothing is really different. The world hasn't changed as much as we like to think it has. I've changed though. How could I not? Its been eighteen years, you know.

I find myself thinking 'Is that all its been? Just eighteen? Seems more like ninety.' and also 'It seems like just yesterday. How could be so long?' That's the thing about time, it passes by so fast and so slow that by the time we realize how long its really been we can hardly believe it.

I'm not going to say that a day doesn't go by that I don't think of him. That would be lie. I hardly ever think of him really. Its terrible, but its true. I'm just too busy these days. Between having kids, a husband, and a job, who has time to think anymore? Every once in a while though, I do think of him. Something will jump out at me and remind me of that boy I used to know. Its just everyday things like a broomstick or a dessert we both enjoyed, but they're enough to make me remember and sometimes enough to make me cry even after eighteen years.

As I stand next to my husband on Platform 9 3/4 waving goodbye to my oldest child, I'm thinking of that sweet, slightly annoying, know-it-all, insecure Hufflepuff boy. I'm thinking of him because this is where it all started. This is where I met Cedric Diggory, my best friend.

A/N: Please tell me what you think good or bad.