Ah, here it is, chapter 5/5. I've become addicted to counting chapter numbers, I think. Major props to everyone who read, and everyone who reviewed! Oh, right, the chapter XD. Shall we?

Disclaimer: Alas, not even mine for my Valentine's Special.

Donatello's feet hit the roof with practiced ease as he landed behind the shadowed figure of his older brother. Discovering that he'd finally caught up with the other turtle, he decided that Raph's predictability was, in fact, a good thing. It didn't change the fact that he was always just walking out of the lair, but it made finding him much easier. And of all his favorite brooding spots, his first choice was almost always the roof of Casey's old apartment building. The genius never really understood the appeal of the place once Casey had started making enough of a living to upgrade to a better apartment. It was old, in shambles and surrounded by noise.

Maybe Raphael was just set in his ways. Another example to add to his lengthy list of displays of stubbornness, Donatello figured with a roll of his eyes. Raph sat idly on the ledge of the roof, watching the procession of early morning traffic begin to fall into place. The purple-banded turtle hesitated, debating his course of action, before deciding against sitting next to his brother at the moment.

"Hi," he said, fully appreciating exactly how awkward he felt. Raph glanced over, cocking an eye ridge in consideration before looking back towards the street impassively.

"Hey." Donnie allowed his eyes to wander for a few moments, randomly observing their surroundings and scuffing his toes against the roof of the building.

"I'm...uh…I'm sorry for yelling at you. I didn't mean to come across as ungrateful or anything." Raphael shot him a surprised glance before shrugging the apology off with a wave of his hand.

"Forget it. Should've figured ya wouldn't want someone doin' stuff for you. I wouldn't."

"It's not that, I appreciated the help, it's just…You didn't have to sneak around doing it, you know. You could have just asked if there was anything you could do."

"Yeah, whatever." The genius rolled his eyes; of course his brother was going to be difficult about this. Maybe it would have been best to get a good night's sleep before trying to deal with him. On that note, the second-youngest reflected, maybe it would have been a better idea to just set up security cameras in the lab before confronting his brother at a later date.

The things one realizes when they're exhausted.

Nonetheless, he hadn't followed Raph out of the lair to get in another fight over an apology. Sighing, he decided that it was one of those battles that he would have to fight another day.

"Well, that's really the only reason I came out here. As long as we're clear, I'm going to head home. You should probably get going soon, too." At that, the larger turtle straightened up, turning his head slightly in his brother's direction.

"You can stay. If ya want," he offered, face the picture of indifference. Donnie tilted his head to the side, debating whether or not his brother was being serious. After a few moments, he carefully plopped down next to Raphael on the ledge, gently nudging the side of the building with his heels.

"This is a bit out in the open, isn't it?"

"Probably. Never been seen before, though." Taking his brother's word for it, the genius observed the street below. After a lengthy silence, he spoke again.

"You did a good job. Fixing the toaster, I mean. When did you learn how to do those kinds of repairs?"

"Looked it up. You ain't the only one who knows how t'read a manual, y'know. Once I got it figured, it wasn't so hard." Don nodded, making a confirmative noise.

"Well, if you're ever bored enough I could always find something for you to do. So maybe you wouldn't have to go running out of the lair all the time." Raph grunted noncommittally. After a moment, he seemed to remember something, reaching into his belt and pulling out the flattened shell cell he'd grabbed before leaving.

"Forgot to give this back to ya," he muttered, looking somewhat embarrassed. "I, uh, I didn't do any more damage or anythin', in case ya wanted to know."

Donnie took the device in both hands, picking at the damage with an analytical eye.

"I can tell."

"Probably would've picked it up instead of the toaster, but there ain't exactly a manual for those things. Never could figure out the stuff ya made yourself," the hothead stated casually. Donatello snorted in response, allowing them to lapse into silence.

He turned the phone over in his hands gently in the meantime, already trying to remember where he'd put his tool kit. His gaze flickered over to Raph and back again.

"I could…I could probably show you how to fix it. If you wanted." Raphael's glance was felt rather than seen, and he continued turning the phone over, feigning obliviousness.

"Yeah. If ya don't mind showin' me."

Glancing at his brother out of the corner of his eye, Donatello felt a smile creep across his face.

It was kind of short, but there wasn't much for it. Hope you enjoyed my pathetic Valentine's attempt ^-^