I was sitting on a high stool in my very small kitchen eating the blueberry Danish Edward had gone out and gotten me from the bakery down the street.

I felt like a display at a museum because everybody was looking at me, waiting for me to finish my last couple of bites of the delicious Danish. Jasper must have felt my tension because he looked away and I smiled graciously.

Right as I finished, Edward whisked away my trash and dumped it into the trash bin.

"So, how about we fly back to Alaska today?" Edward asked.

We came to an agreement the night before that we would move into his family's house. After a year or two we would get our own apartment.

"Ok, but I have a doctor's appointment scheduled in a hour and a half," I said walking into my room. Edward was right behind me in a second.

"I have to shower," I stated awkwardly while a blush crept on my face. This was one of the few times I wished he could read my mind. I heard him mutter an "oh". He was probably embarrassed because he hates not being able to tell what I'm thinking.

I hopped in the shower. Afterwards, I changed into a large sweatshirt and sweatpants. I was huge and that was the only thing that I could fit into. I walked back into the kitchen and sat down, rubbing my Little Nudger. I still had an hour until we had to leave. "What do you guys want to do until the checkup?" I asked

Doctor's offices, hospitals, and ER's were all the same. Depressing and painful. As I walked into the Doctor's office and entered the maternity section, I tripped over air. I knew my butt was going to feel a major impact, but Edward caught me. My cheeks flushed as I sat down on the table in Dr. Shultz's room.

"Hello Bella," she said while looking down at her folder, "It says here you are now past the seventeen week point. Would you like to find out the gender of your baby?"

I was so incredibly happy. Moments like these made me think my baby was the most important thing in the world.

"Yes!" As soon as I said that, Edward left the room. He was always the gentleman, but a sinking feeling aroused in my heart from his absence.

"Stay," I whispered. That was all I had to say before he was by my side in a second.

It wasn't like he'd never seen all of this in someone else's mind and it was his baby whether he knew it or not.

The doctor rubbed the cold lubricant over my stomach and pretty soon a heartbeat filled the room. Edward's eyes lit up. The ultrasound machine transfixed him. I soon was captivated by the sonogram's screen, also. That was our little baby that we created together. She didn't look like some of the other sonograms I've seen before.

"Wow, she is definitely more developed that any other babies I've seen in my life," The doctor said, astonished.

I could hear Emmett's booming laughter from the waiting room. I looked back up my baby and held my breath as I realized something.

"My baby's a girl," I said. She was going to be beautiful. My little baby girl.

"Yes it is," The doctor said.

As I turned my head to smile at Edward, he looked like he would be crying if he were able to.

The doctor gave me a sonogram picture of our baby, so we could show everyone else, and keep it as a memory.

When we got to the reception area I heard Emmett whisper to Alice, "See I told you she was too fat too early."

"Shut up, Em. I heard you earlier! You're just a jerk but and it's normal for a women's baby to develop a bit ahead of time. One day you're going to get slapped for your shrewd comments." I said, but I knew my comments were lies.

Emmett just sulked over to Rosalie, pretending to be hurt.

I walked over to a side table, and picked up a pen and pencil. I wrote in my scrawny scrawl, "How am I supposed to explain to everyone why my baby is popping out three months early? Am I supposed to tell them that it's growing quickly because it's Edward's vampire baby?"

"Easy. Just tell them it is baby fat," Alice said, a bit of humor in her voice.

I again scrawled on the paper, "Okay, that's doable, but when should I tell Edward?" As I wrote those words, my heart sped up.

"Well, I think the sooner the better, but wait until the time is right."

I took the parchment from her and wrote again, "That makes sense. I mean, he defiantly has a right to know. I'll tell him soon."

"Thanks, Alice," I said. I walked over to Edward and started to say, "Hey can we tal..?" but was cut off by a pair of soft, cold lips pressed hard to mine. I relaxed into the kiss. I didn't know what had gotten into him. I was pretty sure he was feeling fatherly feelings towards the baby, even though he would never admit it.

"Your things for Alaska are all packed in the trunk of your car. What did you want to tell me?" His face was pleasingly puzzled.

"Nothing, it's not important." I decided that I would tell him on the plane ride there. Please don't let me chicken out. I repeated that phrase many times, so that hopefully it was imprinted in my head.

Before I knew it, I was in the Volvo with Edward. He wasn't driving as quickly as he usually did.

"Where is everyone else I asked?" I hoped that fate was on my side, and they weren't flying back with us. I really wanted Edward to be the first to know about the baby

"Why are you driving so slow?" I asked. He never drove this slow, even when I begged and pleaded him to do so. The one thing he always refused to do was slow down, and now he decided to slow down the one day I want him to speed up. Life is cruel.

"If you must know, I don't want to shake your little girl by speeding," he said with a very discreet hint of the crooked smile that I love so much.

That was the sweetest thing I'd ever heard from him. He really loves this baby girl, even though he doesn't know it's his. I felt my eyes starting well.

We soon arrived at the airport and boarded our plane. While getting comfortable, Edward was sitting frozen in his seat.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, becoming worried from the look on his face.

Edward said, "Nothing at all." He told me with a complete changed expression. Even thought I had my suspicions, I let them slide, because I was actually really tired.

I woke up only ten minutes later, due to turbulence and a very queasy stomach. I remembered what I had to tell Edward, and decided now was the best time.

"Are you awake?" Edward asked lightly, probably not wanting to wake me up if I was still asleep He was so sweet and caring. It made me happy that he was the father of our child.

"Yeah, I'm awake. I have to tell you something." Breathing in and out heavily, I started my story. "Remember back before you left?" I asked, seeing his face turn to a frown. He nodded his head as a cue for me to continue. "Do you remember the night when we went past your boundaries?" I asked, trying to phrase to my question in the best way.

"Yes, I remember that quiet well, and I still haven't forgiven myself." He was always sorry for the wrong things and it drove me completely crazy.

"We'll get back to that part later, but what I've been trying to say for a long time it that this is your baby." A loud crash came from the back of the plane and I heard Edward say the last two words I ever expected him to say.

"I know."

Sorry for the delay..... and thank you all for the amazing reviews, I love reading ALL of the reviews.

And thank you to my awesome beta werefanpires

and pretty please review.... you know you want to ....... all the other kids are doin it!!

review with any question, suggestions, comments, good, bad, mean, I take them all.... (cause i kinda have to)