I still couldn't believe it when he said my name. But when he came to my window and asked if I could give him I ride I thought I was going to have a panic attack. Why is he so open.? We had just met yesterday and now he expects me to help him out.

He got into the passenger seat and I quit breathing."Thanks so much for driving me to school. My cars in the shop.""No problem"I literally didn't know what to say. I thought about turning the radio on but I wasn't sure what music he likes. What if he's into country. I know nothing about that. So I just left the radio off.

Thinking about Kayli and how mad I was; I had a disgusted look on my face. I thought I was hiding it so well."Are you alright? You seem a little angry."

"Well I'd be lying to you if I said I'm perfectly fine and I know you can see right through that so no. Me and Kayli got in a fight yesterday." Opening up to him was so easy.

"Kayli?" he inquired.

"The girl I sort of introduced you to yesterday. Well anyway, we got into a fight. She dresses, well you know, kind of slutty. And it bothers me. She's really smart and doesn't need to show her body just to get attention. So I told her she didn't need to get this outfit. She went insane; calling me judgmental. So I…"

"Whoa, whoa. Slow down."

"Sorry do I need to start over?" I was surprise I could even talk to him. He let out a tiny giggle that made me smile.

"No, but I think I know how I can fix this feud. From her point of view she took it as an insult. You hurt her feelings; even if you didn't mean to. That's how she took it. And from what you just told me that's not what you were doing. Am I correct?"

I nodded and he resumed.

"All you need to do is tell Kayli what you told me. And apologize. You don't have to apologize for saying it, just tell her what you meant by it."

"Do you think that will work?" I questioned.

"Only one way to see." He jerked his head to the bench at the side of the school. I had just pulled into the parking lot. We both got out of the car and he walked over to me.

"She's your best friend. She doesn't want to lose you just as much as you don't want to lose her."

"Wow. You should start an advice column in the school paper."

That beautiful grin showed up on his face again. I wanted nothing more to ask him if he wanted to walk to class with me, but I had to straighten things up with Kayli. I wasn't sure if it was the heat of the moment or what.

I got on my toes, kiss Josh on the cheek and ran to find Kayli.

When she saw me heading her way she was about to get up and walk away.

"Kay wait!" In theory I thought it would work. I started running towards her and finally caught up.

"What do you want Lexi?" The tone of her voice made me want to run and hide in the corner it was so mean.

" I'm going to be a while so just listen. Kay you are my best friend. I love you to death, I don't know what I would do without you. When I said those things yesterday I did it out of concern. I know it didn't seem like it, but you really don't need to dress like that. You are so intelligent and beautiful. You don't need to get attention that way. I felt like I needed to tell you that so you would understand. You're more than just a body for guys to stare at." I was waiting for a rebudle but I got nothing. Then it came.

A huge bear hug.

"I'm so sorry too. For all the things I said to you. I know you mean well and you're right. I don't need to dress like that and I don't know why I do. You can become my SCA sponsor."


"Duh! To go to my slutty clothed anonymous meetings."

"Oh." I still wasn't sure how to be. To lighten the mood I brought up my uncontrollable urge to kiss Josh. I thought now would be a good time to mention is as any.

"I'm so glad were talking now. Guess what? I might have kissed Josh today. On the cheek; he needed a ride to school today because his car was in the shop. He was the one who helped me get the guts to talk to you." I said it so fast I was out of breath.

"You did what? No way! So are you guys officially dating?"

"Girl I don't know. That's when I ran to see you."

"Well won't he need a ride back home? I'll get a ride with Zack so you guys can talk."

I was going to tell her that I could still take her home, but she kissed my cheek and ran to class.


I didn't have to talk to Josh in English. Mr. James was teaching a lesson the entire period. I quickly ran out when the bell rung.

The rest of the day went by in a flash. It was pretty much a blur. When the final bell of the day rung I was dreading going to my car. I didn't know if I should wait or not. To my surprise he was sitting on the hood of the car with a smile on his face.

Nothing was said. We just got into the car. I wasn't liking the silence so I turned the radio to a hip hop & R&B station.

"Hey I like this song" I gave him a confused look for half a second just realizing the silence was no more.

"Me too."

Then the quiet came once again. It was like that all the drive to his house.

Once we arrived I figured he'd say thanks and leave.

Instead I got, "Want to come in?"