Alright, so I decided that I want to try a reborn fic. Not because it'll soon be as big as Pokémorphs, but because it'd be fun. And I like fun.

Warning: This Prologue is contentious. So, to stop any flames, I'll say it now: The views and opinions of some characters/parties may or may not be the views and opinions of the author. You have been told.

Disclaimer: You really think I own Pokemon? You'd know if I did. Because (some witty remark about what Pokemon would be if I owned it) (Too lazy right now to come up with one)

Italics means thought and/or thought speech.

Normal is usually description, unless in "" (quotation marks). Then it is speech.

I had died. That was probably the climax of my life. And yet, here I am, telling you this story. A story not unlike the ones you had read about, yet never thought to believe in. Those fairy tales; that was what you would refer to them as. And yet here I am, acting out one of the biggest fairy tales of all time. My life.

I'm dead. Those were the first words that I thought. Then I saw it happen again, from almost every angle at once. Sister Carol, a look of complete anger and grief in her eyes. Myself, lying on a table, barely breathing. The doctor, face as calm as he could muster, but I saw that even he was starting to break under the pressure. And still from yet another direction, the one of the young boy who had wanted to grow up and never die.

We knew that my lungs would fail soon, and yet kept hoping that I would still be able to start my journey. Maybe even I would have gotten to the Silver Conference. That would have been the life I wanted. But Sister Carol said that is was a miracle that I had lived to fifteen, and that I would probably die soon; to depart to meet His Grace.

It hit me again, even harder than at first. My god, I'm dead. I tried to raise my spirit up to float up, to see if I could feel Him, but was surprised to find myself still in my body.

I raised my head, hoping to find whatever it was that tied me down to my body, but all I saw was a blackness; every direction completely dark.

I quickly started a silent prayer, like one of the ones Sister Carol had taught me. Oh Lord, why can I not leave my life behind, to come to see you. I am dead, and yet still I am here. What other purpose do I have? Answer me, my Lord, and show me the way to reach you.

A blue light started to descend from the top of the darkness. He has answered my prayer! I thought. He has sent an angel to help me find my place!

A thought drifted through my head, seeming to come from the light. My brain started to work the message into an understandable form, until I heard what it had said. Try dropping the religion and I won't re-kill you. Trust me; re-dying hurts a lot more than normal dying. 'Specially when you know it's coming. And when it's coming from a pink fur ball with superpowers.

I was furious. This thing comes bringing my hopes up, only for it to tell me to 'drop my religion'. I decided to retaliate, not at all caring what this thing wanted. My Lord does not care for the non-believers like you! I knew it was a lie, for He cares for all, even the non-believers who have not been touched by His Grace. But I was mad enough at the light for even suggesting that I should stop believing.

Come now. You were only raised in this religion for two years, and already it has turned you into a mindless slave? A pause in the thoughts, and then a continuation. What are you trying to compensate for? I already know, but I want to here it from you.

I got even angrier after it asked that question. For it to even think that I was trying to compensate for something.

But I knew it was right. I just couldn't bring myself to admit it. So instead I screamed. "Go plague someone else, Spawn of Satin! You cannot turn me to your ways!"

The light shimmered for a couple of seconds, before disappearing. In its place was a blue capped, blue floating pixie thing with twin tails that had crown shaped end… things on the tails. This creature resembled the descriptions of the Being of Will… but those were just myths of some long-gone people, weren't they?

'Fraid not. I'm here, and your god isn't, so guess which one of us is real. The creature paused, possibly thinking I would respond. I didn't, even though it took all my will not to do so.

The Azelf visibly sighed, though no noise came out of its mouth. That's the problem with you humans: too much will, and hardly enough to use it on. Maybe I made a mistake by giving you humans will.

I started to tremble. Not of fear, or hatred, but because I felt no reason not to. It felt like I had nothing. No will to live. I stood up, and started to wander towards the blackness, hoping to lose myself in it.. And then the experience was over.

See? The pixie thought as it flew over to me, without will, you humans would wander aimlessly until you found a way to die. No different than any primitive species that never had the will to live.

This was all too much for me. I started to cry. The tears dripped down my face, landing on the darkness, yet never actually stopping their one-way track downwards.

I finally was able to stop the flow of them, and Azelf continued 'talking'. Boy, while I know this may not be the best time to say something like this, but you could return to life. A different life, one as a Pokemon, but a life none-the-less.

I looked over at the Being of Will, its soft blue eyes looking compassionately at me, like a mother would look at her baby. Then my tears started to fall again. No, I thought, never again will I walk the Earth. Please, Azelf, let me move on to my rightful place. I want to be where I am meant to be now.

The small creature's face turned red with anger. Why would you deny yourself the right to live again? You have no choice in the matter; I must do what my god commands me to do. And that's put you back on that planet to live a new life. A life that will help you understand what it means to live.

There was a swirling feeling in my stomach, much like that of the butterflies. Then I found myself covered by a warm goo. It felt great to be in it, and I felt like there were no limits on where I could move. Then I wound up at a wall in my paradise, and I pushed against it, wanting continue traveling in my chosen direction.

I heard a voice; one of a young man that sounded excited and, at the same time, slightly dumbfounded. "It's hatching! Professor! The first egg is hatching!"

I already have some of this story planned, but I still need characters. So, submit some OCs using this simple form below and (wait to) see if your character makes the cut.

OC General Information Form

Name (and/or Nickname):

Species (Pokemon is a given! I mean 'What type of Pokemon'?):

Personality (Basic or complex is fine):

Any noticeable traits? (As in, extra information):

Alignment (Good or Evil? I need both, but Evil has a limited range of main characters):

Thanks to any and all who review! (Review may or may not influence your chance of getting a spot. Limit one per reviewer. Reviews one per account. Anonymous reviews may or may not count. It all depends.)

Any mistakes? Report them in your review!