Author's note: Greetings and salutations to my series of short chapters of a great game:

Shin Megami Tensei:

Persona 4

For those of you who are familiar with the title of this short series of one-shots, this is based on a certain funny show, so there is bound to be a few of the jokes seen here. If you don't, then just enjoy.

In this fiction, the game that the characters play is rather simple and fun… where they try to guess the word based on the clues that the other person gives to the guesser. However, will these words be easy for the characters to guess? Well, I'm looking to you guys to choose what word and character to guess the word should be! Please for now, only characters from Persona 4.

If you've got a word that would be difficult for a character to guess, post it in the reviews, and if you do, please no curse words (although, I suppose it they were too much, then this story wouldn't have been in the T-Teens.)

And watch out, there will be a few OOC and breaking the fourth wall moments… but hey, no one's perfect. Speaking of, this story isn't bound by the story, so there might be a few spoilers to the game if you haven't finished…

I don't own any characters, Persona 4, or the idea of the game… but now, I turn you to the host of the show… Right after the title!


It's the Persona 4 Word Game!


Word One



A large spotlight lit over the mysterious studio, revealing the infamous blue bear in a red jumpsuit spinning a small microphone in his paw. "And thank you very much Vyser D! I'm your host, the un-bear-ably awesome, Teddie!"

A small cricket chirped in the studio, making a small sweatdrop roll down the side of the fuzzy blue bear's furry head, "… Awe come one people, that was classic!"

But with a cough, Teddie only smiled as he spun once, "Anyway, welcome to the Bear-sona 4 Word Game!"

From out of no where, a wave of applause filled the darkened room, allowing Teddie to bow slightly with a huge grin on his face, "Thank you, and thank you! So, now, let me explain the rules of the game, because that guy above didn't do a good job at explaining."

"In this game we have two players," Teddie explained as all of the lights lit up to reveal the TV studio like area inside the television. Behind the small bear was a small makeshift table with a pair of chairs "And one mystery word that is hidden to the player who guesses it. The other player gives clues to the word, but cannot say the word or a word that has the word in it. But there is a time limit… thirty seconds which would be so much easier if I had a watch on."

"Now why would the players want to play?" Teddie asked with a shrug of his small shoulders. "Well, besides the fact I won't let them out of here until the game is over, the players will win very unique prizes from things I've found in here! So, let's bring out the player who gives clues, you know him, and look up to him… Souji-Sensei!"

From the mist, the young silver haired youth slowly walked towards the table, his black school uniform jacket unbuttoned over his white shirt as he looked around confused. "… What the? How'd I get here?"

"Please take a seat Souji-Sensei!" Teddie requested with a smile towards the silver haired leader.

"Teddie, what's going on?" Souji asked raising an eyebrow behind his glasses (hey they are in the TV world).

"The sooner you take a seat," Teddie chuckled with an evil glint in his lens-like eyes. "The faster you'll get out of here."

With a shrug, Souji took a seat at the table.

"And for our guest this week…" Teddie announced into the microphone making Souji cringe slightly from the noise. "… We have the guy whose luck with the ladies matches his low grades, Yosuke-san!"

"What'd you say about me!?" Yosuke shouted as he ran from the mist, his brown hair slightly curled but kept out of his eyes. While around his neck, his trademark red headphones hung around his school uniform. "My grades aren't that bad!"

Souji and Teddie couldn't help but sweatdrop at the fact that Yosuke ignored the other part of the comment. But with a cough, Teddie motioned to the seat across Souji, "Please take a seat across from Sensei."

"What?" Yosuke questioned pushing up his orange glasses. "What in the world is going on?"

That's when the title appeared over Teddie's head, "It's the Persona 4 Word Game!"

Souji and Yosuke started to sweatdrop slightly as Teddie turned to the two contestants, "I don't feel like repeating the rules, so just look above if you don't get it."

"… Look above?" Yosuke questioned looking up only to see the mysterious mist. "… Dude, all I see is mist."

"This week, Yosuke-san will be playing for a brand new set of dumbbells since he could use the muscle," Teddie explained reaching below the table.

"Hey!" Yosuke shouted.

Teddie tried hard to lift the dumbbells, however, he wasn't able to lift them up, "Uh… you can see them there can't you Yosuke-san?"

"Seriously, what is going on?" Yosuke questioned lowering his head.

"… Even I'm confused," Souji stated.

"Yosuke-san, cover your ears," Teddie requested as Yosuke reluctantly covered his ears with his headphones. That's when Teddie lifted up a small sign and held it up in front of Souji. "Sensei, you have thirty seconds to get Yosuke-san to say this word!"


"Sense!" Teddie stated placing the sigh in front of Souji with the word hidden from Yosuke. "Sense!"

"Okay… I think I know how this works," Souji muttered raising an eyebrow.

"And…" Teddie started pulling down Yosuke's head phones. "Go!"

"Uh…" Yosuke mumbled raising an eyebrow. "Cabbage?"

"What?" Souji questioned with a question mark appearing over his head.

"Um, lettuce, I mean groceries!" Yosuke shouted making Souji and Teddie step back slightly.

"Yosuke, it's not lettuce or groceries," Souji replied raising an eyebrow.

"What? Oh, I thought this was a guessing game," Yosuke stated tilting his head to the side slightly. "I thought I had it too…"

"Well, you're supposed to wait till I give you…" Souji started.

"How about android?" Yosuke guessed making Teddie and Souji look at each other for a second.

"You better throw him a clue, Sensei," Teddie suggested.

"Someone better give him a clue, I tell ya," Souji replied gesturing towards Yosuke.

"I need a break," Yosuke said.

"What?" Souji questioned.

"I need a break to think," Yosuke repeated.

"But we only get thirty seconds," Souji retorted. "It's not that big of a game."

"Actually fifteen seconds now," Teddie corrected waving the microphone.

"A-Alright, Yosuke, this is a real easy word," Souji stated rather quickly his hands motioning towards the sign.

"Hmm," Yosuke mumbled under his breath. "How about couch?"

"What?" Souji questioned again, this time a little taken back.

"It's a real easy word," Yosuke explained with a grin on his face. "No weird spelling or pronunciation, and its something everyone uses!"

"I don't think you're supposed to say words at random, Yosuke," Souji explained waving his right arm in the air.

"Ramen!" Yosuke retorted. "Michigan?"

"Wait till I give you the clue!" Souji snapped with his eyes narrowed behind his glasses. "Then say it!"

"Oh, uh, android!" Yosuke shouted before it struck him that he said that word already. "No, um… Rice ball!"

"… Yosuke, do you know how many words there are in the English language?" Souji sighed slamming his head into the table.

"Dude, I don't know why we're even speaking English in the first place," Yosuke stated crossing his arms. "We're Japanese and speaking English… that doesn't make sense."

Teddie and Souji looked to each other for a few seconds until countless streamers fell from no where and Teddie spun the sign around, "Yosuke-san is the winner!"

"What?" Yosuke questioned.

"And that's all the time we have this week!" Teddie announced jumping on the table, making Souji and Yosuke fall from their seats in surprise. "Be sure to tune in next time and send in who should come on the show! Till next time!"

"… Do you have any idea what just happened?" Yosuke asked raising an eyebrow.

"No clue," Souji replied.