Two updates in one night?? I just wanna throw in, thanks everyone for the comments and feedback. It's certainly the best part of writing fanfiction. I'm glad people enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it. And now... the final chapter!

"I've always liked Michael."

"Ehh," Elle protested. "One angel name is enough for our family."

"What do you suggest? Robert?"

"Of course not." Elle tore her eyes from her perfect baby boy to glare at her boyfriend for a moment. "I don't even know what to call him," she admitted with a sigh.

"Well, he needs a name, Elle. It's been a month already."

"I know that, Gabriel." Elle spat.

She was pacing the nursery of their tiny Arizona home. They obtained the house when the owners decided to take an extended vacation and rent it out... or so they told the neighbors. They had settled in shortly after the subway fiasco. Gabriel- no longer using his Sylar alias, had found work at a small watch repair shop in town while Elle stayed at home with their nameless baby.

Gabriel opened his mouth to suggest another name when the door to the nursery was kicked in. Neither parent was surprised to see a fuming Noah Bennet in the doorway.

"You two." Bennet spat viciously. "You took everything from me." He had his gun trained on Elle, knowing full well he couldn't kill Gabriel at this particular angle. The crying baby tore his attention long enough for Gabriel to wrestle the gun out of his hands.

Gabriel had Bennet pinned to the floor, unaided by his telekinesis. "Get the baby out of here!" He shouted to Elle, who wasted no time in doing just that.

Bennet kicked Gabriel off of himself before making a successful grab for his gun. "Thanks to you, my wife left. Took my boy with her. Claire wants nothing to do with me... even that stupid fucking dog they left behind hates me." He hastily aimed and shot Gabriel in the shoulder, then the chest before running out after Elle.

Elle was almost all the way up the stairs when Bennet began to fire at her. She volleyed a few bolts of electricity at him over the railing while making a break for the bathroom- the only locking door on the second floor. She kept the screaming infant close to her body, hoping to calm him down. She backed herself against the window, wondering if she could make the jump with the baby in her arms.

Bennet pounded against the door, demanding entry. "What's wrong, Elle? Don't enjoy having your family threatened?" He kicked a hole in the lowest panel on the door, sending splinters across the bathroom tiles.

Elle tried to zap Bennet's leg, but it was too hard to aim while holding the baby still. She'd rather miss Bennet than drop her squirming, panicky son. "Leave us alone!" She shouted.

There was a gunshot, then the doorknob fell off. Bennet managed to kick open the door to find Elle and the baby huddled helplessly in the corner by the window. "Well, isn't this a pathetic sight?" He asked. He didn't bother waiting for a response; he only took aim at Elle again and pulled the trigger.

Elle turned her back to Bennet, shielding her son. She squeezed her eyes shut and waited for the bullet to pierce her. When the gunshot rang out, she instantly felt that same clinging feeling she experienced in the subway. She only opened her eyes when she heard Bennet make a choking noise before hitting the floor.

When Elle turned around, she saw Bennet sprawled across the bathroom floor, face first in a growing pool of his own blood. She looked from the body, to the baby, then back to the body. "Did you do this, baby?" She asked her son, who only grabbed for her hair in response.

The confusing moment was cut short when a breathless Gabriel appeared in the doorway, bloodied shirt, but otherwise unharmed. "You got him?" He panted, indicating Bennet's body.

Elle shook her head. "No. I think the baby did."

"Huh." Gabriel helped Elle up and took his son into his arms. "How'd he manage that?"

Elle caressed the baby's head while she explained. "I think he made some kinda armor or something. When Bennet shot at us, the bullet seemed to bounce off of us and hit Bennet instead. It felt like when Peter tried to drown me. That same feeling, like something was wrapping around me, protecting me."

"Like a force field?" Gabriel wondered.

Elle shrugged. "I guess so. This is the second time he's saved my life." She tickled the baby's feet. "What a good boy!"

Gabriel looked from the baby down to Bennet's body. "Your first kill," he congratulated his son, showing the baby his handiwork. "Definitely my boy."

Elle gasped. "That's it!" She clapped her hands together and pointed to Bennet's body. "We can call him Noah!"

Gabriel seemed to consider it. "Noah Gray..."

Elle nodded. "It's perfect."

"I like it." Gabriel agreed.

Elle moved to kiss the baby when her foot slid in Bennet's blood. "Ohh, gross."

Gabriel looked down. "Yeah."

"What are we gonna do about..." Elle finished by nodded at Bennet's body.

"Leave him." He answered. "I think it's time to upgrade anyway."

"Upgrade to what?" Elle wondered aloud.

"You heard him yourself." Gabriel said, shifting little Noah's weight in his arms. "Wife left, took the kids. He's got a huge empty house in Costa Verde."

Elle nodded. "I do like that house..."

"Lots of bedrooms." Gabriel suggested.

Elle simpered. "Why, Mr. Gray, are you suggesting what I think you are?"

"Let's move to California."