
Ok – my first Ingus and Luneth story. If you don't like the idea of two men liking each other in a romantic way then don't read. Other than that- please enjoy.

I didn't know what to call the fic – So chocobo seemed like a good enough title.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own the characters. ( ; _ ; )

"Stand still damn you!!!"

Ingus couldn't stop the smirk that spread over his face at his comrade's distress. He lay against the lone solitary tree in the middle of Chocobo Woods, East of the Village of Ancients.

"Hey - come back here!!!"

Looking up and seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled from deep within at the cheeky sounding Kaw coming from the lone Chocobo who stood teasing Luneth, who was trying hard to catch it.

At the sound of Ingus' laugh, Luneth turned his furious purple eyes on the slightly older man, forgetting momentarily about his Chocobo issue. "Stop laughing!" He demanded almost petulantly.

This only caused Ingus to laugh more. "HEY!"

Letting his laughter ease, Ingus stretched his long legs in front of him and arched his back to release the kinks in his aching body. "I'm sorry," he began, "You just looked..." He didn't finish his sentence, letting it trail off quietly as he looked away.

"I looked what?!" Luneth demanded, hands on hips ignoring the way Ingus had trailed off. He watched as Ingus stood, brushing down his Red mage outfit to free it from loose blades of grass which clung to his trousers and cape. When he received no answer he stalked over to him, bringing them almost face to face.

Ingus looked down, locking eyes with Luneth. The eyes of the young man before him hid so much from the world, yet offered it all at the same time. Blinking a few times, Ingus forced himself to pull away. "Forget it." He threw at Luneth turning as if to leave.

Ingus should have known that the last thing Luneth would ever do is forget about something. The next thing he knew, he was being shoved from behind towards the tree he had left the embrace of. Instincts took over immediately. He spun, grabbing Luneth's warrior armour and turned their positions, shoving Luneth hard against the tree.

Both men stared into each other's eyes, breathing deep with their grips on each other's garments strong, their faces a hairs breath apart.

The challenge was there, clear in Luneth's dancing eyes. Luneth knew for certain one thing about Ingus. He knew that he would never back down from a challenge. Spoken or otherwise insinuated.

With a low growl Ingus drove forward the last breath's gap between them to capture Luneth's lips in a possessive kiss. Hands move from garments to hair as they both grasped for a different, more intimate hold.

As time passed they eventually parted to breathe, eyes closed, and foreheads together.

"Cute..." Ingus confessed after a moment. It takes another moment before Luneth is able to think clearly enough to ask what he's talking about. "Huh?" Luneth's puzzled simple question causes Ingus to chuckle lightly. Opening his eyes to gaze fondly into the purple eyes now open and gazing back at him, he clarifies with a gently caress removing stray strands of hair from Luneth's eyes, "I said... You looked cute..."

Blushing, Luneth gently places his hands on Ingus' chest, pushing lightly so he is no longer pushed hard against the trunk of the tree, but leant against the soft warmth of Ingus's chest. "Thanks..." He breaths. Chuckling Ingus asks, "So let's see about catching that chocobo..."


Both men look around only to find the forest empty and a distant echo of a cheeky chocobo kew.