Passion In Art - Chapter 1

Shino Aburame came home, dumping his duffel off when he got inside his studio. He picked around the mess on the floor, and made his way to the kitchen. Knocking off some empty instant ramen boxes, he pulled down yet another instant ramen. He followed the directions, letting it lie forgotten in the microwave. A roach skittered across the floor, and he gazed after it. They did him no harm, although he should clean up.

Kicking some trash out of the way, he went back out into his studio, retrieving his paintbrushes from the duffel bag. Finding them, he grabbed a large, fresh canvas from the shelf and brought his thing over to his easel. He had to get this idea down! Plucking the ever-present pencil from behind his ear, he licked the tip, thinking about where to start. Putting the tip to the canvas, he began.

Fifteen minutes later, he had what was supposed to be a woman with butterfly wings. He had the wings and the general position of the woman planned out, but he couldn't get the girl herself to look right. The idea was good; and the girl would have to be painted last anyways. His stomach protested, and he remembered the ramen, cold and forgotten, in the microwave.

Putting his pencil down, he went into the kitchenette to get it. He grimaced when he pulled it out of the microwave; the noodles had absorbed most of the soup. Disregarding how cold it was, he grabbed a pair of chopsticks (totally filched from the Chinese restaurant) and began to eat it.

Shino looked around his studio. It was a mess. Setting his dark glasses on the table, he rubbed his temples, vowing to at least get started picking it up. Should a colleague come around, he didn't want to make a bad impression. Throwing the now empty ramen cup into the garbage, he slipped his glasses back on and set to work.


By six o' clock, the studio was in decent condition. Another roach skittered across the room. Shino noticed the white spot on its back from a paint splatter. Maggie. He was fond of her. Walking back over to his canvas, he put on his smock, and tied a bandanna around his forehead to keep his wildly bushy hair out of the way. Mixing his colors, he set to work on the painting, working late.

By eleven, he had a good portion of the painting done. The background, reminiscent of a midnight sky, was finished, and the wings, an array of pleasing colors, were just short of being finished. But the girl…

Shino shook his head. It was getting late, and he had work to do in the morning for the art show. This painting would have to wait. Cleaning his brushes, he cleaned up his area and left the oil paints to dry on the canvas, making sure he didn't spill any turpentine. Taking off the smock, he hung it off the back of the easel. The paint on his hands he wouldn't worry about. It would come off eventually.

After changing, he went to bed, setting his dark glasses on the table. The concept of this new work was exciting to him.

Here it is. My first AU. Sorry the first chapter is a bit short, but I have plans on where I'm going with this story. Read and review!
