Here is the last chapter. Now I go on hiatus for the next story I will be writing which is tentatively called Perfidy and or Renegade... but I'm not 100% on it, so keep a look out for my name attatched to the fic title. It will be angsty and conspiritorial and there will be some hot and heavy romance because I still want B&B together.


Later that night at home, Booth sat on the couch staring at the television with his son sitting next to him quietly kicking his feet against the foot of the couch. Booth sighed, attracting the attention of his father, "Dad? Are you still angry with me?" he asked.

Booth looked over at his son, shocked, "What? No, Parker. I'm not mad at you; I wasn't mad at you earlier either, bud." Booth said, ruffling his son's hair affectionately.

"Then why are you sad?" he asked.

"Sad?" Booth questioned, "What makes you think I'm sad?" he asked purposely putting on a jaunty smile.

Parker rolled his eyes, "I'm serious, Dad. You haven't said much at all… and you're not smiling."

Booth looked at his son for a moment before responding, "Bud, what are you talking about?"

"Bones." Parker said definitively.

Booth scoffed, "Bones? What about her?"

"Something isn't right. I know it, Dad. You're worried about her. Is she okay?" he asked.

Booth leaned back on the couch and rubbed his hand over his face, "She's fine, bud, just a little upset with me right now." Booth admitted.

"Why is she mad at you?"

Booth cleared his throat and looked back at the television, "It's not important, bud. Don't worry about it."

"Is it because of me?" he asked softly.

Booth turned toward his son, "What would make you think that?" he asked.

Parker shrugged, "Because I copied you." He said.

Booth smiled and patted his son on the shoulder, "Parks, Bones is mad at me because of something she thinks that I did."

Parker paused and looked at his father before saying, "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything!" Booth exclaimed, curious as to why his own son was taking his partner's side before his own.

Parker looked at his father, "Well you must have done something, Dad." He said, flailing his arms in the air.

Booth rubbed his hand over his face and looked back at the television, "She thinks that I put you up to saying those things today." He said despondently.

Parker quirked his eyebrows, "What things?"

Booth sighed and looked at Parker out of the corner of his eye, "About her and I being… in love."

"But you are." He said.

Booth shook his head, "It's complicated, buddy. Don't worry about it."

Parker sat back on the couch and crossed his arms. He knew that something was going on between his father and Bones and that it was his fault. He needed to make things right again.


It had been a long and frustrating day for Brennan, when she finally arrived home at about a quarter to midnight, she wearily dropped her back and jacket on her kitchen table and turned on her laptop before going into the kitchen and pouring herself a glass of red wine.

She slowly walked out of the kitchen, stretching her limbs on the way back to her computer. She opened her browser and logged into her email which was filled with numerous reminder emails from her publisher along with about 30 pieces of spam mail. When she cleared them all out, she found one email from an address that she didn't recognize; ParkinBball86. The subject read; Bones.

Obviously curious about it, she opened up the email. It read:

Doctor Bones,

It's Parker Booth. I am really sorry about today. I didn't think that you would be upset at my dad because of it. I just really wanted Anna to like me, and I found out that she does even before I started acting like Dad does with you. She told me today after I saw you that she likes me. Dad seems really upset now though. He said that you are mad at him and I think that it is because of me. So please don't be mad at him. He really loves you dr. bones. He told me so, but I think he's scared to tell you like I was scared to tell Anna. I don't think you know how hard it is for a boy to talk to a girl, but let me tell you, it's really hard.

That's all I guess. Oh don't tell my dad that I emailed you though, I'm supposed to be in bed right now.


Parker Booth.

When Brennan finished reading the email, she couldn't help but smiling widely. She leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms trying to figure out what to do about this. Had Booth really told his son that he was in love with her? How did she really feel about it? If she went with her 'gut instinct' as Booth would have, she would have to say that the news not only didn't surprise her, but made her feel slightly giddy. Then again, their partnership was extremely important. If something were to go wrong, or even if Cullen found out that they were seeing each other against FBI regulations, they could potentially be assigned new partners. She knew that Booth would be argumentative about the situation, but in the end he would be fine; she on the other hand would be tortured with a slew of incompetent and disrespectful agents which she neither had the time or patience to break in the way she had with Booth.

She printed out the email from Parker and moved all of the emails from her publisher into an online folder marked, 'publisher exposition' and closed everything down for the night. She picked up the print out and her glass of wine and walked toward the kitchen and dumped her wine and the glass in the sink. Then grabbed a fresh bottle of wine from the cupboard and then went to the couch, put on her coat and grabbed her keys from her bag and ran down to her car.

* * *

It was nearly one in the morning when there was a knock on the door. Booth had tried to go to sleep, but found himself too focused on the fact that Brennan was livid with him to sleep. Picking himself up off of the couch sluggishly, he grumbled as he moved down the hallway to the door. He unlatched the lock and opened the door.

"Bones?" he asked slightly groggy. Brennan pushed her way passed him and into his living room, placing the bottle of wine. Booth turned his head to look at her and then shut the door and locked it once again. He turned and made his way back into the living room and held his hands out to the side, "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I need to speak with you." She said flatly.

Booth looked at the clock on the cable box and then back at her, "This couldn't have waited until tomorrow? I mean, do you know what time it is?" he asked.

"Yes." She said, "That's why I brought the bottle of wine." She said, pointing to the bottle on the coffee table.

Booth looked down at the bottle and then back up at her before picking up the bottle and going to the kitchen to open it. Brennan stood awkwardly in his living room, not quite sure if she should sit down or follow him. A moment later, she heard the pop of the cork and clanging of glasses and Booth stepped back into the room, "Are you going to sit or are you going to make a presentation to me?" he asked.

Brennan took a seat on the couch and he joined her and handed her a glass of wine, "So, what are you doing here?" he asked.

Brennan took a folded sheet of paper out of her jacket pocket and started to hand it to Booth, but then stopped, "Wait." She said, pulling it back before he could take it, "You have to promise not to be angry."

Booth looked at her warily and then nodded and took the paper. He opened it and began reading, a small sly smile coming to his face, then rapidly disappearing and then replaced with flushed cheeks and wide eyes, "When did he send this to you?" he asked.

"I received it when I came home from work today." She answered.

Booth exhaled and covered his mouth with his hand, "I'll talk to him about this tomorrow." He said under his breath.

"Is it true?" she asked, before she could stop herself.

Booth looked up at her with wide eyes, "Huh?"

Brennan looked at the paper and then down at her hands, "I was wondering if what he said was true."

Booth stood up and crumpled the email in his hands and tossed it into the garbage can while making his way into the kitchen, "Does it matter?" he asked.

Brennan looked up, astounded by the comment, "Of course it matters." She said.

Booth looked at her and leaned up against the counter with his arms crossed, "Why?" he asked.

Brennan stood off of the couch and moved towards him, crossing her arms as well, "Because you're my friend, aren't you?" she asked.

Booth shook his head, "Of course we are friends, but I don't see why that would affect anything." He said, "Why does it matter, Bones?"

"It… it changes things." She said.

Booth shrugged, "How?" he asked, "If it were true, it's not as though I woke up this morning knowing that I was in love with you, it must have been something that I've realized over time and therefore I would have been living with it for some time now. So, It doesn't really change things does it?" he asked, "Because things were already different to begin with."

Brennan was taken aback; all of a sudden he was becoming extremely defensive for no apparent reason when all she wanted was a simple and straight forward answer, "What are you doing?" she asked.

Booth shrugged again like a petulant teenager, "Nothing."

Then it suddenly dawned on her, she knew exactly why he was acting this way, because he complained about it nearly everyday that they worked together, "You're afraid that I'm going to hurt you if you admit to it, aren't you?" she asked. He didn't answer her as he stood there, maintaining eye contact and pulling his arms subconsciously closer to his body, "You're afraid that I'm going to diminish your feelings into… as you call it 'science speak' leaving you feeling embarrassed and alone." She said, now smiling slightly and poking him in the chest with her pointer finger.

Booth smiled and lowered his head, then just lifting his eyes to look at her, "Well?" he asked, almost silently.

Brennan smiled and moved closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and studying his face. Booth uncrossed his arms and slowly wrapped them around her torso. Brennan tilted her head to the side, "If I can't trust you to take care of my heart, then I can't trust anyone for anything." She said. Booth smiled and pulled her closer the last three inches and planted his lips onto hers; kissing her triumphant attitude right out of her.

Parker smiled to himself and wandered back down towards his bedroom. Now that things had gone smoothly for himself and Anna and his dad and doctor bones, he had learned something about love that should be simple common sense. Love is simple. We make it complicated for lots of reasons that aren't very good like the need for drama or simply because we are too scared to be rejected; but we have to remember that we only live once. Time spent being scared is time lost with the person you love; and if it turns out that they don't love you back- get over it; they're obviously not the one for you. Just imagine what it would be like if you found out that girl of your dreams loved you two but was too afraid to let you know? Why would anyone let that chance just pass them by until it was too late. Yes, Parker thought to himself, Love is very simple; even if it was only clear from his short perspective at the elementary level.