
"Come on boys! We're almost there!" I said happily.

The boys, my brothers trudged on weary feet with me. We had almost reached the big apple and so far we had been undetected. I wanted to keep it that way. Our father, Daddy Elroy Dearest, and our mother, Rosabell Renee Mysteria, were dead. For a few months now I think. I somewhat lost track of time while being on the run. Hidden in plain sight with none the wiser. People also didn't know about my gift, or curse, call it what you will.

My mother's sister, Aunt Mary Beth had slipped poison into our father's dinner one night. Mother said it had looked delicious and took a huge bite. They were dead within minuets. I think Aunt Mary Beth planned it to be that way. It was around that time I discovered that our aunt didn't like us. She hated us. She wanted to be the sole controlling boss of Mysteria co-op: but if I had my way, she would be behind bars, and I would take over the business. Mysteria co-op, creators of gadgets and technologies for the better purpose, at least which that would be my company if I could make sure I survived long enough anyway. We were second only to David Xanatos, owner of Xanatos Enterprises.

This journey had been long and hard on all of us. I was either carrying my brothers or they were trying to walk with me for a bit. Whenever I could I did odd jobs for money. I was a very good engineer, and auto mechanic, so I put those skills to good use. Whatever I made went to my brother's care. They always came first. I didn't care how bad I looked. I always made sure they were well fed and dressed. Then I came. I loved my brothers to distraction, and I was protective of them as well. I had fired over ten different babysitters because of that. Long story. So far my brothers thought this trip was just some grand adventure. But in reality it was to keep them safe and away from Aunt Mary Beth. I was gaunt and lean at this point, but as I said before, I didn't care. The mark on my arm was stark in relief, but that didn't bother me unduly. That's just how it was.

Finally I saw city lights in the distance. "All right! Dinner and bed soon!" I crowed with delight. My brothers whooped and laughed like all little boys do. As they smiled and such I realized how tired they must be. "Here. One of you goes piggy-back and I'll carry the other." They complied happily. Roy was piggy-back since he was oldest, he was eight, and I carried Cale. He was five. They were both so young, and innocent, I would do anything for them. I was stronger than I looked, that was for sure. Soon we were situated and off we went. We came in through the bad part of Queens. People gave us strange looks, but otherwise left us alone.

Except for a group of men. "Hey girly, don't you know your curfew is way past?" snickers and laughter came to my ears. "Yeah, we wouldn't want you to get hurt!" More laughter, with a tinge of cruelty in it. I ran for it. "Hey, were you goin?" "All we want is to…talk." I took a blind turn and ended up in a dark, dead end alleyway. I set my brothers down against the wall and turned to face my assailants. There were seven of them total. "We just wanna have some fun..." one of them cajoled. I crouched and snarled at them silently. "Someone like you could get hurt otherwise…" he paused and looked right at my brothers. "Or they could. Play nice now girly…" I growled at them. Low and building from my belly I was ready for them. One drew a knife now tossing it form side to side, and another started to swing a chain, heavy and big linked. If that sucker of the knife hit me they would leave some pretty nasty bruises in the morning. They would not touch my brothers though, no matter what. I jumped at the one with the knife. He wasn't ready for that and he went down, with me smacking his temples for good measure. I lunged at the other, the one who had the chain. He dodged just barely and so I spun and did a roundhouse kick to his gut. He doubled over and I rammed my knee into his face. Down and out. Someone had drawn a gun now, and I heard the safety click off. Oh no, not while I was still fighting. I ran at him, but had my way blocked by some goon. I ended up tackling him and while he was on the ground I did a cat like spring at the man with the gun, I caught his arm and snapped it across my leg. I saw the remainders eyes follow something in the air. His scream hurt my ears: high and toneless, and I flung him away. The three left standing looked at me, and then looked at their comrades on the ground I was all but roaring at them. They ran, like the cowards they were. I glared after them for a moment, and then I went to my brothers. I pulled them into a hug that was much needed. They were scared, but otherwise unharmed. "Let's get out of here." They nodded and once they were situated once more I walked out of the ally, failing to notice the shapes that flew overhead.