A/N: Hey guys! Okay, I think this story really, really needs a new title? Suggestions? Send them to me, please! If I get enough, I will post a poll on my page. OH! And by the way, thank you everyone who has favorited this story and my other stories (If I ever get to them), put an alert on this story, and reviewed! You are my inspiration!

Courtney's POV

I finished with my shower quickly. I knew I had to because I needed to pick out what to wear. He'd seen enough of my usual look at the island… what about something more attractive? After a while, I picked out a white tank top with a blue half sweater over it and jeans. I picked black converses. I brushed my hair. I looked in the mirror with distaste. I look like a total prep… I must have something more… out there! My search for something interesting became a quest for life. I finally found an old black skirt that still 'fit,' it was just a little short, and I decided to keep the white tank, but wear a black half sweater, instead of the blue one, that I wore for a violin recital. I looked in the mirror. Much better. Deciding to keep my black converses, I walked downstairs.

Duncan was on the couch watching TV. He turned to look at me when he heard me coming. His face lit up and I blushed. "Not the usual, but I dig that look on you," He said.

"Why thank you," I flirted.

"No fair!" He frowned.

"What? What's wrong?" I thought I had done something wrong when getting dressed… I looked down to double check that I didn't put my bra on the outside of my shirt.

"If you're going to say that we don't work out, don't ruin the fun of my operation!" Duncan pretended to pout.

"What 'operation'?"

"The operation by which I win you back as rightfully the one and only love of my life," he said in a fake dramatic voice.

I came over to him on the couch and sat on his lap. Catching my mood, he turned off the TV. "What if you already won?" I asked playfully.

"Well then all my hard work has gone to waste, oh darn," Duncan joked.

He put his hands on my waist and I pulled away. He looked dumbfounded. "I didn't say that you did 'win,' just that you might have won."

He glared, "Must you be so damn complex?" I laughed.

Duncan sighed. "So what are we doing today?"

Duncan's POV

"How should I know?" Courtney replied.

"Well," I became impatient and she noticed. "you're the one who asked me what I was doing today. I was positive that when I said, 'What ever you want me to,' that you wanted to do something today."

She looked at me, confused, and she finally remembered what I was talking about. Then she looked at me… well, what I was wearing. I had boxers, jeans, red converses. Everything the usual except the shirt. She raised an eyebrow. "What? I told you last night that that was a bad excuse. Bad excuse equals no good objection. No good objection means I get my way, without breaking a law this time, thanks."

"That's a darn shame," Courtney said. I raised an eyebrow. "What? I have a thing for outlaws. Seeing as how you decided to go all 'goody-goody' on me, you've lost my interest."

I smirked. "No matter what you say-- reverse psychology or not-- I'm wearing this today."

She smiled and in false happiness said, "Yes!"

As we were sitting there, I scanned the room. I saw a doorway and wondered where it went. I gently put Courtney on the couch and went to the door, about to open it. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"Umm… what's in here?" I asked.

"The practice room, why?" she looked at me curiously.

I didn't even answer as I opened the door. In the room was Courtney's violin case, a music stand, shelves full of what I guessed to be music, and a piano. I walked over to the piano. It was all white and I sat down on the bench. "Duncan?" Courtney asked worried. Is she was worried about me or the piano, I wasn't sure.

I looked at her intently before I spoke. I could tell she wanted an explanation, so I decided to make it as quick and painless as possible. "When I was a kid, I begged my parents to let me take piano lessons." I stopped to look at Courtney, expecting her to laugh. Instead, she sat down on the bench with me and looked me in the eyes, intently. "After about two years of begging, they finally decided, 'What the heck?' and I took piano lessons for three years. I loved it, if you can believe that."

"Play something," she ordered.

I looked at her skeptically, "I need music, for your information."

She got up and went to the shelves as I watched her closely. She came back and handed me a piece of music called "The Gift" by Jim Brickman. "Bet you can't play this," Courtney challenged.

"The hell I can," I replied. I began to play the song with Courtney leaning on me. She sighed contently at parts and seemed happy. At the end, Courtney looked at me.

"That was amazing, Duncan," She said.

"And I would like to dedicate that song to all my dudes out there listening and my girl, Courtney! I don't know what I would do without you guys!" I pretended to be the rock star on stage. We laughed. I turned to her. What should I do…? I could suggest something like…

"What do you want to do now?" Courtney asked.

Perfect question… "Wanna make out?" I suggested. She raised her eyebrows.

"Do you have to ask?" she said. "No."

I kissed her. "What are you doing?" she asked when she pulled away.

"Being the outlaw you know you love, babe," I winked. She smiled, so I, naturally, began to smirk. I kissed her again and this time it was more passionate. I was smirking under the kiss. After a very good amount of time, we pulled away to catch our breath.

"You're not getting farther than this, just so you know," she said.

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you."

She rolled her eyes. "Want to watch a movie?" she asked.

"Only if it's my pick. Promise?"


"Stay right here. I'll be right back down." I ran upstairs to get my favorite movie from my bag. I quickly put a shirt on to make little miss princess happy. I ran back downstairs to find her on the couch. I put the movie in and joined Courtney on the couch. She was smiling for a second on the couch as she saw she won and that I was wearing a shirt.

"What movie did you bring?" she reluctantly asked.

"Saw," I said excited. She looked at me, frightened. "Don't worry, babe. If you get scared, I'm here for you."

Right at the beginning, if a precaution or an act if love, I couldn't tell, Courtney cuddled up to me. I put my arm around her so that way if she wanted to hide her eyes from the screen, she could hide right behind me. At the end of the movie, I quickly shut it off. Courtney didn't seem to like it too much. "You okay, princess?" I asked her, worried.

She looked up at me laughing. "I was wondering if I acted scared that you would be worried about me. It worked," she said sounding excited.

I pecked her on the lips. "Oh really? 'Pretending'? What if I told you that I went to juvvie for being a mastermind like Jigsaw?" I asked.

At this she looked frightened before she rolled her eyes. "Am I going to be tortured now?"

"That depends, is it illegal?"

"Were I to say yes, it would not be illegal; it would be completely voluntary," she stated.

"So you do want me to torture you.? Well… we could always say you didn't want it," I smirked hopefully.

"Fine, torture on," she said expectantly.

I leaned in close to her and whispered, "Stay here, okay?"

She looked at me, confused. "Okay." I ran up to the guest bedroom where my bags were. I all but tore my bags to shreds looking for my mp3. When I did, I ran back downstairs and rejoined Courtney on the couch by placing her on my lap. "Oh please, please no Duncan! Don't do this to me!" She exclaimed.

"Come on, princess, you'll love these songs. I knew that the thought of my music was torture enough," I laughed.

She groaned. "Okay, I said torture, I'm getting torture. might as well get it over with," she sighed. I put one earphone in my ear and offered the other one to Courtney who, reluctantly, took it. I decided to play my favorite song first. She heard the intro and her nose scrunched. "There's a guitar," she said distastefully before I shushed her.

Hey,Don't write yourself off 's only in your head you feel left out,Or looked down try your best,Try everything you don't you worry what they tell themselvesWhen you're just takes some time,Little girl, you're in the middle of the , everything will be just fine,Everything, everything will be alright. (alright)Hey,You know they're all the know you're doing better on your own, (on your own)So don't buy right , just be doesn't matter if it's good enough (good enough)For someone just takes some time,Little girl, you're in the middle of the , everything will be just fine,Everything, everything will be alright. (alright)

It just takes some time,Little girl, you're in the middle of the , everything will be just fine,Everything, everything will be alright. (alright)

Hey, don't write yourself off 's only in your head you feel left out, (feel left out)Or looked down do your best, (just do your best)Do everything you can. (do everything you can)And don't you worry what their bitter hearts (bitter hearts)Are gonna say. It just takes some time,Little girl, you're in the middle of the , everything will be just fine,Everything, everything will be alright. (alright)

It just takes some time,Little girl, you're in the middle of the , everything will be just fine,Everything, everything will be alright. (alright)

I looked at her expectantly. "What song was that?" she asked. I couldn't tell if she wanted to say she hated it and wanted to use the song title and artist, or get the song for herself.

"It's 'The Middle' by Jimmy Eat World. Like it?" I asked curiously.

She looked up at me, her eyes sparkling. "I love it! I'm putting that on my iPod later."

I smiled as I put the next song on.

Can't explain all the feelings that you're making me feelMy heart's in overdrive and you're behind the steering wheelTouching you, touching metouching you, god you're touching meI believe in a thing called loveJust listen to the rhythm of my heartThere's a chance we could make it nowWe'll be rocking 'til the sun goes downI believe in a thing called loveOoh!I wanna kiss you every minute, every hour, every dayYou got me in a spin but everythin' is !Touching you, touching metouching you, god you're touching meI believe in a thing called loveJust listen to the rhythm of my heartThere's a chance we could make it nowWe'll be rocking 'til the sun goes downI believe in a thing called loveOoh! Guitar!Touching you, touching metouching you, god you're touching meI believe in a thing called loveJust listen to the rhythm of my heartThere's a chance we could make it nowWe'll be rocking 'til the sun goes downI believe in a thing called loveOoh!

"Umm… okay. I give up: was it a guy or a girl singing this?" Courtney asked. I was laughing so hard I almost fell of the couch. …Almost, I didn't want Courtney to fall off and get hurt.

"That, that was funny, princess. It's by a band called 'The Darkness' and sung by a dude." I put emphasis on dude. "It's called 'I believe in a thing called love.' Did you like it?"

"Um… it's alright. His voice sounded weird… especially when he cued the guitar," she said distastefully.

I laughed. "I don't like this song because of the guy singing it, Court. I love this song because of the meaningful lyrics it has," I said after my laughing fit.

"Oh really?" she asked, clearly interested in my momentary 'philosophy.'

"'I believe in a thing called love, just listen to the rhythm of my heart,' that makes perfect sense and it's true."

She leaned on my chest and appeared to be listening to my heart beat. "Your heartbeat sounds pretty normal to me…" she said absentmindedly.

"Now, but watch this," I said. I leaned near her and kissed her. While we kissed, I paid attention to my heart for once. It really did seem to quicken. After our passionate kiss, she listened to my heartbeat and giggled. "Hey! No making fun of my heart," I joked. She laughed more.

When she pulled away, I took her wrist in my hand and felt her pulse with my thumb. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"Feeling your heartbeat," I replied. She raised an eyebrow. "What? I thought I would've gotten slapped if I put my head on your chest and listened to your heart. Right?"

She pondered this and nodded. "Probably," she responded.

After a minute and I got the pace of her heartbeat, I smirked. "Hey! If I can't make fun of your heart, than why make fun of mine?" she asked playfully.

"I'm not making fun, princess. But I knew you wanted me. A simple kiss made your heart beat even faster than mine. Admit it, babe," I said. She was blushing like crazy.

"I don't have to admit anything," she said.

"But you do have something worth admitting?" I knew Operation Courtney 2.0 would be fun, but never this fun!

She blushed again. "I have rights. Anything I say can and will be held against me in a court of law. I demand a lawyer," she said sarcastically.

"Oh really? You're looking at 'em," I said.

"Yeah, right. Like you could be a lawyer."

"You'd be surprised, princess."


"Don't I always surprise you?" I asked playfully.

"I'm always alert around you, that's for sure," she said sarcastically. I smirked.

"I have an idea, how about we go outside? Do something? It's one and we should be doing something," I suggested.


"Come on, follow me," I said as I walked out the door.

A/N: LONGER CHAPTER! YAY! Mostly due to song lyrics, but… anyway! Read and review please! I've gotten over 500 reads, so please, please review! And don't forget titles, please! Bye, Bye for now!