Summary: Monday again and it's time to post my last chapter. I would like to take time out to say Thank-you to everyone that reviewed and put this story in their favorites and also naming me as one their favorite authors. I had fun writing this story and I am very happy to know that others out there appreciated it. Don't worry, the Psych fandom hasn't seen the last of me but for today and the rest of the week you have. Not to hold you up any longer I'm going to remind you that this is a slash story so if you don't like backspace now.

Enjoy. Now on to the disclaimer

Disclaimer: If you think I own Psych then I'll have what you're drinking. To the young readers this is not an ad for underage alcohol consumption.

Now on to Chapter Ten.

Chapter Ten

The first sounds the detective heard were small beeping noises. Slowly, his eyes fluttered open as he took in a slow deep but painful breath. He quickly closed them again when the bright sunlight in the room stung them. After a few moments passed he opened his eyes to found himself in a white sterile room. Soon he realized that he was inside of a hospital room.

Using one hand, he reached down and touched his leg. No longer was it bleeding but wrapped and tied properly allowing Lassiter was feeling minimal pain. That and probably the drugs he was on gave him the affect of no pain. Looking over, he finally saw the clump of messy hair currently covering his other hand. Reaching over, he touched the clump and realized that it was none other than Shawn Spencer asleep on his arm.

"Shawn, is that you?" Carlton whispered hoarsely as he gently shook the body of the person lying on his hand.

The scruffy man opened his eyes, startled to see who was calling him. He was surprised but delighted to see Carlton was awake. "Lassie," he stuttered, sitting up. "You're awake, thank God."

Lassiter noticed the stubble covering the lower half of Shawn's face. His hair was everywhere, his cloths were rumpled, and his eyes were sunken in. To Carlton it seemed like Shawn had ages twice his age. "You okay."

"Typical Lassie," Shawn laughed, sliding the chair over and running his fingers through Carlton's unprocessed hair. "Looking out for others when he's the one in pain. Just like the Hobbs case."

Carlton rolled his eyes but smiled at Shawn, "Exactly like the Hobbs case only this time I was stabbed by some crazy woman instead of being grazed by a drug dealer. Speaking of a crazy woman where's Elizabeth. The last thing I remember is her bleeding and falling into my arms."

"She's fine, she's down in the psych ward until she can be shipped off back to Shady Oaks. The officer only shot her in the arm and she didn't need any surgery or anything so she's fine, unfortunately."


"No, don't give me that look. She deserves more for what she did to you."
Lassiter could feel Shawn's anger radiating through him and grabbed his free hand in hopes to calm him down. "She's sick Shawn, she just needs some help."

"Well I guess that makes it okay then," Shawn scoffed, leaning back in his chair. "I guess her kidnapping and trying to kill you is viable since she's mentally ill."

"Yes Shawn it does. The real Elizabeth wasn't in control of her own mind; it wasn't her fault. I can't hate her for that and neither should you."

"I can't forgive her for what she did, I won't. Just the thought of losing you because of her, I-"

"You don't have to worry Shawn, I'm fine," Lassiter replied as he tightened his grip on Shawn's hand to let the younger man how fine he was.

"I know, it's just-"

"Let's just change the subject shall we."

"Fine Carly, what do you want to talk about then?"

"How long have I been here, you know, in the hospital?"

"Three days."

"Three days, you've got to be kidding me."

"The stab wound was really deep and you needed surgery to close it up but you lost so much blood that you needed a lot of transfusions," Shawn whispered thinking back to three days ago when they were finally able to bring Carlton to the hospital. He refused to leave the man's side, not caring what the people in the department thought as long as he was there when Carlton woke up. "It was too much for your body to take and you ended up going into a coma."

"A coma," Carlton whispered shocked. He couldn't believe that a deep stab wound would give way to a coma. "That's unbelievable."

Shawn stared at Carlton and rolled his eyes at. Only a cop could take a serious life-threatening situation and down play it. "It's a miracle that you didn't slice an artery or vein. It's a relief that you will only have to be off your leg for a few weeks before you're good as new and going after the bad guys again. Although I highly doubt Karen will let you off the hook that easily."

"I guess I'm going to be on desk duty for a while."

"You bet your detective ass you are, especially if I have something to say about it."

Carlton smiled and grabbed Shawn by the back of his head, pulling him close. Shawn caught the hint and captured the injured detective's lips with his own, kissing him passionately for the first time in four days.

"Whoa, slow down will ya. The man is injured you know not to mention the fact he just woke up."

Shawn pulled away and frowned when he noticed Gus and Juliet come into the room, Juliet carrying a large bouquet of flowers and a huge Get Well Soon card. "Well if it isn't Mr. and Mrs. Bad Timing."

"You're one to talk Shawn," Gus intervened, closing the door. "If I recall correctly you have interrupted me on numerous dates."

"Dude, that's because I knew that they weren't the one for you."

"You didn't even know them Shawn."

"I don't need to, I'm psychic duh."

Gus frowned while every one in the room snickered at him. "It's not funny."

"It's pretty funny," Juliet laughed, sitting the flowers down on the night table. "Glad to see you're finally awake Carlton."

"It's good to finally be awake."

"Hell yeah it is. So Lassiter, are you ready to get back to work."

"You know I am O'Hara but apparently I've been put on desk duty," Lassiter replied as he pointed down at his leg. "Obviously they think I need it."

"Don't worry, you'll be back chasing down the bad guys again in no time."

"God I hope so. I don't know how I'll be able to survive bed rest or desk duty."

"Don't worry, Nurse Spencer will take very good care of you."

"Spencer not in front of Guster and O'Hara," Lassiter hissed at Shawn causing the two to laugh.

"It's not like we don't already know," Juliet smirked, "And if we didn't Shawn shoving his tongue down your throat when we walked in was a pretty dead give away."

"Sorry about that."

"So O'Hara did you find out, did blabbermouth here tell you?"

"Actually his fingerprints all over your place tipped me off. Next time you become victim to a kidnapping you might want to take the time to dust and get rid of fingerprints if you don't want people knowing about."

"I'll keep that in mind," Carlton smirked.

"I hate to break up this lovely conversation but have either of you called a doctor, you know to let him know that Lassiter's awake," Gus asked.

"It must have slipped my mind," Shawn shrugged innocently as he pressed the button on the side of the bed to alert the doctor.

A few weeks later

Carlton Lassiter opened the door to his home and walked inside. Two weeks passed since the incident and Carlton was finally getting back into the groove of things. Luckily for him the stab didn't cause any permanent damage so he wasn't in any need of physical therapy, just ordered to take it slow. He was also granted permission to go back to work but only after he had a few sessions with the department's psychiatrist to make sure he was mentally stable to do so. He was but since his leg wasn't fully healed he was put on desk duty just like he thought he would be. It was boring but at least he was still working his job.

Throwing his keys on the table, he slowly walked to his bedroom. There, he found Shawn already in bed, lights on, reading the back of the cereal in the doorway. "Hey you're home."

"Yes I'm home; what are you doing here?"

"You say that like you don't want me here."

"Shut up Spencer of course I want you here," Carlton growled, loosening his tie. "I just want to know why you figure you have to be here."

"That's not why I'm here."

"Don't lie to me Spencer,"

"Okay," Shawn sighed as he placed the cereal box down on the nightstand. "I'm scared to leave because I'm afraid that something will happen to you. There I said it."

Carlton sighed himself and sat down on the bed beside Shawn. He still couldn't believe that he found someone to care about him as much as Shawn did. It scared a small part of him but the love he felt for Shawn outweighed the fear. Deep down he knew that he would whatever he could to make sure Shawn knew how he felt about him, that he was completely in love with him. "Shawn."

"Yeah Lassie-face, something on your mind."

"Yeah there is. You don't have to be afraid to leave me, I'm going to be fine."

"Tell that to the voices inside my head that drive me crazy with all the thoughts of you getting hurt."

"It's my job, I know the risks that are involved and I'm okay with it," Carlton whispered, looking down at his hands. "I need you to be okay with them too or else, this isn't going to work."

"I grew up with a cop so I am okay with what you do but it still doesn't make it less scary to know there are people out there who deliberately want to hurt you," replied Shawn. "But that doesn't matter because I am determined to make this work."

Carlton smiled and reached over to grab one of Shawn's free and closest hand. "Look Shawn, I know we've only been together for a couple of months but we've been through a lot already and I just want you to know how I feel."

Shawn felt his body tense as he turned around to face Carlton, "Oh really, how do you feel?"

"I just wanted to say that I love you," Carlton blurted out quickly as he turned his face away from Shawn. "I just thought you should know."

Shawn heart leaped out of his chest at the confession. He never thought Carlton would be the first to say it but he was and it was nice to hear. Reaching out, he grabbed Carlton's chin and forced the older man to face him "What did you just say?"

"I said I love you."


"Really," he admitted again. "But you don't have to say it back if you don't want too. It's not mandatory or anything I just-"
Shawn cut off Carlton's babbling with his lips and pulled into a kiss. Carlton responded immediately and lost all tension in his body. Lying back on the bed, he pulled Shawn's body closer to his and deepened the kiss. The two stayed like that for a small amount of time before they pulled away breathless.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting to hear you say that?" Shawn grinned trying to catch his breath.

"I can take it from that kiss that you feel the same way."

"Of course I do I just didn't know how to say or when. I didn't want to be the first one to say it and then have you break it off with me because we're moving to fast. I wanted it to be special since you would be the first person I'd ever say it to beside Gus, or my mom, or my dad but only when I'm extremely pissed or drunk or both."

"Aren't I the special one," Lassiter smirked the bottom of Shawn's lips and coercing him into another kiss.

"You're freaking fantastic not to mention awesome, incredible, and amazing and those are the reasons I love you."

The words rang inside Carlton's head and left his mind reeling. It had been a long time since anyone uttered those words to him and actually meant them. Never before had three little words made Carlton felt so good into his entire life and he was happy that Shawn was saying them. So much that he wanted, no needed to hear the same words over. "Say it again," he pleaded.

"The you're fantastic part or the I love you part."

"The I love you part."

"Oh I love you," Shawn smiled again and whispered in Carlton's ear. "I love you, I love you, I love you."

"I love you too."

"Of course you do, I mean have you seen me lately. I'd totally do me if I were you."

"Dammit Spencer, when are you not a smartass."

"When you're screwing me into the mattress a good answer for you."

"No because it would be a lie but I'll take it," Carlton smiled, grinding his hips against Shawn's. He quickly grabbed the back of Shawn's head and pulled him into another mind blowing kiss, thrusting his tongue inside the younger man's mouth. As usual the taste of pineapples filled Carlton's mouth as it transferred from Shawn's. He continued to move the lower part of his body against Shawn's and found himself hard instantly.

Shawn felt it too and soon found himself hard as well as he pushed his body down on Carlton's. He knew exactly where the foreplay would lead and immediately thought about his partner's injury. "Carlton wait, what about you're leg?" Shawn gasped as another jolt of pleasure soared through him.

"Shawn you ask me this every time."

"I know, I just want to be careful."

"Spencer if I'm in pain I'll let you know," Carlton growled, pulling off Shawn's shirt. "Until then please shut up."

"Whatever you say Junior Detective Lassiter."

"You're so going to pay for that Spencer."

Shawn laughed as he returned the favor and removed Carlton's clothes piece by piece. "That's what I was hoping for," he giggled before kissing Lassiter again as he reached into the nightstand and pulled out a few things. Something was telling him that he was in for a very long night with one very hot tempered but sexy Carlton Lassiter.

Now it's officially over. Once again thanks to all those who stuck by me with this story and I hope you'll look forward to more that I have in store. I don't have much to say except thanks again so until the next story-

Chase your dreams and follow your hearts,

Lady C