"You." She said simply.

I blinked, not believing at all what my ears told me. "What?"

"I know you heard me, Lucius. Don't act stupid." She huffed. Such behaviour is very unbecoming on a woman of her status! Not blood status, if you know what I mean.

"OK. So why would I be in your thoughts?"

"I think I…" She trailed off, presumably unsure as to how to explain her whizzing emotions. Why I used 'whizzing' to describe her emotions, I have no idea.

"You think you…" I trailed off, just to make her feel annoyed. This is jolly good fun!

"I haven't…"

"You haven't…"


"Andromeda!" I mocked in the exact same tone.

"Stop annoying me!"

I felt like a first year at Hogwarts once more. I decided to keep my mouth shut and listen to what she said. Unfortunately, she was still a little annoyed (and frustrated) with me…

"How am I supposed to tell you that I still love you after 20 odd years, when you're still trying to mock me?" She cried, frustrated.

She almost seemed to be crying, but somebody with her kind of upbringing would not do anything of the sort.

"What?" I asked hoarsely, the second time in the span of two minutes. I had no idea what to say.

Her eyes widened, for she had (presumably) realised what she had said out loud. "I didn't say that out loud just now, did I?" She asked helplessly.

I nodded, still in shock.

A silence had wedged uncomfortably between us. I had no idea as to how to respond to that, and she probably felt extremely awkward. I mean, you can't blame somebody that didn't expect the conversation topic to become that awkward!

"I think I'll go." She sighed, as she stood up.

This triggered panic and alarm bells in my system. Don't let her go! Don't let her go! My unconscious screeched.


She stopped and turned around. "Yes Lucius?"

"I-I still love you too." My eyes widened at my secret thoughts being blurted out. I leant forward and kissed her on the lips.

"Then we're going to speak of all those soppy things… all of which aren't going to happen." She said bluntly.

"We can make it happen, Andy!"

"We still have our spouses. We can't forget them." Her brows were furrowed in thought.

I blinked at her.

"At least we have the knowledge that we still… you know. It'll comfort us forevermore." She added, shifting on two feet uncomfortably, for I knew that she was itching to run into my arms, but she couldn't. She took my hand and squeezed it tightly.

Then she released it, the tingling feeling that had been there disappeared… and in a flash, she had left the room.

And I realised something: love doesn't stop even when that special person isn't there physically. Love isn't just being loved, you have to give it too.

I, Lucius Malfoy, have acquired a wealth of knowledge about life... it's not only about living.

One last thought engulfed me before I fell asleep:

Love is eternal.

And my eyes contentedly fluttered shut as my mind made its way towards dreamland.
