Rufus stood there as Yuffie ran as fast and as far as she could away from the two of them. His eyes bore into Reno for awhile. How on earth could she care for the Turk? Reno was the type who seemed incapable of staying in a relationship for longer than three days. What on earth was do damn appealing about that? Well, even if he still didn't know... he understood. Reno was good looking and charming. The type who could charm you into forgetting such things. Rufus understood that very well.

Rufus closed the door on Reno and traveled down the hall toward his office. He really, really needed to clear his head.

Reno stood there utterly alone now. He'd just made a gigantic mess of his life. Not just his love life...but his boss looked pissed at him. So now work was going to be hell after the weekend. If there was anything Rufus did well, one of them was holding a grudge.

Zack watched, just as alone as Reno, as each of the three parted ways. This was not just a mess, it was a catastrophe. What now? How could he fix this? The only answer seemed to be revolving around Tifa. If Tifa could date Reno, Yuffie could perhaps date Rufus and the world would be fixed. How this would happen...he needed a bit more time to think about that.

Yuffie helped the poor woman drag cloud up the stairs, sadly his head wasn't hitting each step like Yuffie suggested, and thrown onto his bed.

"I think the beer added like twenty pounds to his weight." Yuffie huffed, Cloud was indeed heavy.

"I think so too. So what happened?" Tifa asked as they exited the room and went downstairs. Denzel and Marline where over at Barret's house so the two girls almost had the whole house to themselves.

"First. ICE-CREAM!" The ninja shouted as she jumped over the counter and to the fridge pulling out a huge tub of ice-cream, soda and other sweets she could carry. Tifa knew what was going to happen when Yuffie got the ice-cream. So she pulled out the beds hidden within the couches, grabbed blankets and pillows, and prepared for a girl's night.

"All righty time to explain the awkwardness." Yuffie sighed as the opened the tub of ice cream. Yuffie explained all the details of her event, earning some surprised looks from her at certain moments. The night worn on as the ninja's story did too, and the small flame of frustration that belonged to Tifa. The next morning arrived; the two girls where passed out, with a small amount of melted ice-cream on the table along with cookies and candy everywhere.

Rufus sat in his office utterly alone. The janitors and all other people had long since abandoned the gigantic and lavish Shinra building. Sitting in his large black leather armchair he slowly nursed his whiskey. Why had he been such a fool? To think that she'd be at all different than any other woman he'd ever met. Sure, she acted like it. Loud, uncaring, sneaky, immature at times, and funny...but underneath all that Yuffie was like every other woman. They all didn't want anything to do with him. So if Rufus understood all that...

Why did it bother him so?

Maybe it was the fact that even though he understood that she didn't want him, Rufus still wanted her and seeing her attached to Reno was like stabbing him deeper, burning him more, and hitting harder than anything else ever could. Rufus liked Reno, in all honesty he did. Reno was charismatic, funny, lazy at times...but he got the job done, and a person that most could never seem to hate. Until now. Rufus was feeling a hate pulse and run though his veins like nothing he'd ever experienced before.

The rage built up and soon, Rufus was throwing his glass of whiskey at the wall, and watching with utter satisfaction as the glass break. Afterward he rest his head in both hands and then ran them though his incredible blond locks. Tomorrow was another day, and with that Reno would suffer the way he was suffering now. Tomorrow gave him another chance; another chance to show Yuffie what it was that she truly wanted. Rufus Shinra always got what he wanted, and he wanted Yuffie...soon enough she'd want him too.

Reno drank one last beer before lying down on his bed. Why did he have to mess everything up? Why couldn't he just have kept dancing with Tifa? Reno just had to be an idiot and offer Yuffie some new clothes. Chivalry had certainly screwed him over big time. Mental note, doing nice things will bite you in the ass. So score...Reno: 3 pissed off people. Distinct possibility of being fired or worse. And messed things up royal with both girls. So in summation he was alone, possibly going to be fired or whatever Rufus planned on doing to him, and messing up possibly one of the best things that could have ever happened to him. Life sucked and Reno wished he could have been someone else right about now.

Yuffie's phone started to dance along the table while singing, trying to wake both of the girls. The phone fell off the table and onto the ground, but was still able to sing loudly. Like a zombie from Shaun of the Dead, the ninja answered the phone gurgling some greeting.

"Yuffie? It's noon. I thought Cloud was the only one that was smashed." Elena replied to the zombie on the other end.

"No... I had ice-cream snack party with Tifa..." Yuffie replied sitting up and rubbing her eyes, with her hair sticking up everywhere.

"Oh... That's just as bad." The Turk stated smirking at the other end. She was standing in the hallway that leads to Rufus' office. Elena saw the handle turning and quickly fled into the girl's bathroom just around the corner.

"Uhuh... So am I needed at Shinra or something because I forgot something?"

"Nope. Just wanted to give you a call and wake you up since Cloud needs to be here in about twenty minutes."

"You are fu-"

"Nope. Bye!" The blond female quickly hanged up the phone and quickly turned it off before strolling out of the women's bathroom right behind Rufus.

"Who was th-" Tifa groaned from the pillow.

"Cloud needs to be at Shinra in twenty minutes or Rufus will have his head."

"Crap." Tifa stated staring at Yuffie who stared back.

"CLOUD!" Both of the screamed as they dove off of the couches and while they sprinted up the stairs.

Rufus was awaiting the arrival of one Cloud Strife. Waiting was not something he particularly exceeded at. Patience is a virtue, an absolutely useless virtue. So Rufus called Elena into his office. "Elena, how long until Strife arrives? Oh, and ask the custodian to come to my office right away." He released the call button and stared out the giant glass window at the city below. There was a couple walking across the street, the sight alone could have made him vomit. Why should they be allowed to be happy instead of him? How were they more significant? It was utterly repulsive to think about.

Reno was awoken by his alarm clock and reluctantly got ready for work. If there was any way humanly possible to call in sick today...he sure as hell would have. Facing the boss seemed more frightening than being eaten alive. Reno slipped on his shoes and ran out the door to one of his most prized possessions. A fire red bike that made Cloud's Fenrir look like a tricycle. Quickly he hopped on and tore down the streets to work.

The two girls busted in to find Cloud staring, angrily, at them with his pants half on. He wasn't wearing the pair of Chocobo boxers Yuffie found one time. Cloud was wearing plain black boxers, how disappointing.

"Well this is not awkward at all." Yuffie stated turning around smirking. Payback for smashing yourself and having a hangover. The ninja snickered in her mind. She really wanted a Snickers bar right away.

"Rufus is going to eat you alive if you don't get to his office in the next ten minutes." Tifa stated as Cloud finally pulled on his pants.

"He should be only a few minutes; I told Y-Tifa that if he wasn't here soon that we would fire a missile into her bar. Right away sir..." Elena replied before releasing the scary call button. Breathing out she thought that she nearly set off a huge bomb. Or maybe the timer is already ticking.

Five minutes was not an impossible amount of time to wait. Still waiting was deplorable. Rufus looked briefly at the files on his desk. It was all a bunch of bull really. Frankly he'd rather throw the entire stack into the shredder than read them over. The mere almost mention of Yuffie's name almost had him snapping his pen in half. "Thank you Elena. That'll be all."

Reno parked his bike and then headed off toward his desk. He plopped down in his leather rolling chair and propped his feet up on his desk. So far, so good. Rufus hadn't given him excessive amounts of paperwork or anything. Though the day was still young and anything could happen.