I was bored and I figured that a high school story might be a good idea for Zelda. Someone might have already done this, but I wouldn't know, because it's not on the first few pages of FanFiction. This is based on Twilight Princess, by the way. Hope you enjoy!

Kate :)

Disclaimer: If I owned this game I'd be making another super awesome Zelda game, not wasting my time on FanFiction...what do you think?

Ilia sighed as she walked down the little country road that took her to her house. Link hadn't talked to her in a week. He hadn't talked to her that much since he had become "popular". He'd saved Hyrule and now he was considered the number one bachelor of Ordon High School. He used to be her best friend and now he just ditched her. What was up with that? She shivered in the chilly autumn air and she suddenly felt warm strong arms wrap around her. Link. She turned and glowered at him but he just shrugged, giving a sheepish grin.

"You looked cold." Ilia rolled her eyes at him.

"I'm mad at you, for your information." He cocked his head to the side, and his blue eyes were filled with confusion. He looked like some sort of lost puppy.

"You haven't talked to me in a week!" she snapped at him. He looked down guiltily.

"I tried, I swear! You had to have seen me trying to walk over to you at least once!" he defended. It was true, she had, but Zelda or one of his fan girls usually dragged him off.

"I guess I did. But you only wanted to hang out with your little fan girls." He looked at her in amazement. He kept this up for 30 seconds before she finally asked, "What?!" He kept staring at her. He finally shook his head and laughed. It only fueled her anger. She crossed her arms over her chest and glared up at him. It was an amusing sight to see. Link was about 6'1" while she was only 5'5".

"You seriously think that?!" he finally asked after he'd finally stopped laughing. "I can't stand them! Every single time I walk by they scream 'Mr. Star!' or some other disturbing things I'd rather not mention. It gets annoying. Especially when they chase me all around the school when a dance comes up, trying to get me to go out with them." He shivered at the memories of it. Ilia remembered him running around the school screaming 'They're coming for me!' and 'the Apocalypse is near!'. She would've laughed if she wasn't still fuming at him.

"You could've called me." She stated, still glaring at him.

"My mom took my phone privileges!" When she gave him the 'yeah, right' look, he said, "I swear! You can ask her. I can't have the phone back until tomorrow!" Ilia kind of believed that. Link's foster mom was very strict, and she usually took stuff away for the craziest reasons.

"What'd you do?" she finally asked. She couldn't stay mad at him, even if she tried really hard. His face cracked into a grin. He was victorious!

"You know my psycho aunt, Libby?" after she nodded, he continued. "Do you remember her satanic pet cuccoo?"

"Fluffy?" she verified, her eyes wide.

"Yep. Well, Fluffy was really getting on my nerves one day because he kept pecking my foot, so I threw him out the window." Ilia started laughing extremely hard.

"You threw Fluffy out the window?! Do you have a death wish or something?!" she managed to ask in amazement. "I'm surprised Libby didn't murder you right then and there! I wish I could've been there. This is awesome." She wiped a tear from her eye. Link pouted.

"Not really. It sucks. My mom doesn't understand that Cuccoos can fly. She was cooing over Fluffy, saying how he was such a poor baby and that I would pay for the horrible treatment I had given to him. So she grounded me for a week. I can't go over to anyone's house or call anyone. It's torture. But seriously, who has a cuccoo for a pet in the first place? They're retarded. I could've sworn Fluffy was smirking at me or something when my mom grounded me. It was creepy." Ilia rolled her eyes at this.

"Fluffy can't smirk. He has a beak." She said slowly, like she was explaining this to a 3 year old.

"I said 'or something'. It seemed like he was smirking or something. Is that better?"

"I guess." She admitted grudgingly.

"Good. Now that you've heard my pitiful excuses, are you still mad at me?" he gave her the puppy eyes. He was so cute when he did that.

"I guess not." She muttered. He gave a happy yelp and picked her up off the ground in a giant bear hug. "Can't…breath…down boy…" Link plopped her down in the grass and grinned.

"Happy now?" he said slyly.

"You're going to pay for that." She scrambled up and chased after him. He may be the Hero of Time, but she could still beat him in any race. She ran and leaped up on his back, trying to push him down. She finally succeeded and they both tumbled down into a ditch, both covered in leaves and twigs. Somehow Link had ended up landing on top of Ilia, pinning her to the ground.

"So I still won." He stated, smirking. She grinned mischievously telling him that it wasn't over. She went limp for a few seconds and when he started to relax she blew in his face, startling him, and rolled over, then pinned him against the ground.

"No you didn't." she replied back. She had to smirk when she saw his amazed face. Then he grinned.

"Okay, I'll admit defeat, but only because I kind of like having you on top of me." Her eyes widened and she scrambled off of him as fast as she could, mumbling something along the lines of 'perverted weirdo'. He laughed as he pushed himself up.

"I was kidding! Jeez. It's the best way to get someone to give up. Saying something that makes them uncomfortable." Link explained, still laughing.

"Yeah, sure…so you just told Ganondorf that he looked hot in his tight armor and he stabbed himself?" Ilia asked dryly.

"Yeah, something like that I think. Or I might've actually fought him myself in an awesome one on one sword battle and I defeated him in the end."

"To tell you the truth, the first one is actually more believable. I mean if you hit on me, I'd probably stab myself, too." Link raised his eyebrows suggestively at that.

"Oh, really? Ilia, you know you can't resist my sexiness." He mockingly growled, trying to do some weird dance thing that was supposed to be desirable.

"Wow…you've succeeded in looking like you have a nest of ants shoved up your---"

"Ilia, you know you shouldn't say naughty potty words," Link interrupted, using a gay voice.

"And you shouldn't mock gay people." She retorted.

"Are you going pro-fag on me, Ilia?" he asked, putting his hands on his hips and giving her a look.

"No, but some people might take offense to it."

"Like who?"

"Like the little gay postman." She said, as if that was the most obvious answer ever, which it kind of was. A look of realization dawned on his face.

"Oh." He stated simply. "Well, shall we get going? It's probably 4:00 by now." When he said that, a look of horror crossed Ilia's face.

"Oh, shoot! I have to be home by four!" she ran up the hill and grabbed her book bag, which had been thrown to the ground in the scramble of things. She took her cell phone, an enV2, and looked at the time. It was 3:50.

"Crap, crap, crap! It takes 20 minutes to get to my house!" Link came up behind her and grabbed her shoulders.

"Breathe, Ilia, breathe. You're not going to die. Just tell your dad that you had to finish up some stuff at school. But I know a way to get there faster, okay. Follow me." Link led her into a thickly wooded area. All the reds, oranges, yellows, and browns made it look beautiful.

"Okay, so the scenery's great, but how do we get home on time?" she asked dully. Link grabbed her hand and dragged her through.

"Just come on. It should be around here some--- ah! There it is!" He pointed to a normal patch of dirt wall sprinkles in leaves.

"Wow, amazing. You found a wall." She commented dryly. He smiled and shook his head.

"Not any wall. A camouflaged tunnel entrance!" He walked over and placed his hand on the wall. "Maybe this isn't it…what about here?…Nope, not it either. Okay, this has to be---never mind. Where is it?!" He yelled in frustration. Ilia sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. Then she saw a place a few feet down on the wall with the Triforce insignia on it. She walked over and pressed her palm against it. It slid open silently.

"I found it, Link!" she called to him. He whipped his head up quickly and smacked his head on a ledge that was sticking out.

"Ouch…oh! You found it!" he exclaimed, rubbing his head.

"Yeah…that's what I just said…" she explained to him slowly.

"Oh…well, look at this! You can just crawl through here and you end up in the Ordon Spring. Now you don't have to walk all the way around those cliffs. You can go first if you want." He offered.

"I guess…" Ilia crouched down and wriggled into the small tunnel. Link went in just behind her, and the hidden door slid shut. She started crawling along the tunnel and she heard Link wolf-whistle behind her.

"Man, the view's amazing from here!" he exclaimed stupidly. Ilia kicked her foot back, hitting him square in the face.

"What was that for?" he pouted, rubbing his nose. Ilia rolled her eyes.

"When I'm trapped in a tunnel with my feet in front of you, and you're staring at my butt, you don't say it out loud. It's a guarantee that you're going to kicked in the face."

"I guess you're right." He admitted. "But I totally wasn't being serious. I just wanted to see what you'd do. And I found out…painfully. Remind me never to go behind you in a closed space." He added as an afterthought. They kept crawling along, and sure enough, in about 3 minutes, they were in Ordon Spring, which was usually a 15 minute trip if you walked along the road.

"Thanks for showing me that, Link." She said sincerely. "I probably would've been eaten alive by my dad if you hadn't." He grinned at her.

"Thanks for showing me that." He nodded in the direction of her rear end. Her smile faded.

"Boundaries, Link. You're on dangerous territory." She reminded him menacingly.

"I know, I know. I just thought it'd be funny. But I really don't want to be kicked in the face again."

"Oh, my foot's not going to go to your face this time. It's going to go somewhere much more sensitive." She grinned evilly. His smile was the one to disappear this time.

"Yeah…I'll have to be more careful with my suggestive comments…" he said, watching her to make sure she didn't try anything.

"I'll let you off the hook this time, since you showed me a secret tunnel. But next time…"

"Okay. Hey, you wanna race to your house?" he asked, changing the subject.

"Sure, but you're going to get destroyed."

"I don't know about that. Running around Hyrule makes you faster." He reminded her.

"Whatever. On your mark, get set, GO!" she yelled, and they ran off towards the town. They sped past Link's tree house, past the shop, across the river, and they pulled up next to each other at her house, panting.

"Tie. Oh, well. I'll see you around." He waved goodbye and took off towards his foster house, which was over by Rusl and Uli's house. Ilia smiled and shook her head. Her best friend really was an idiot.