Hi, ill just get on with the disclaimer...

Disclaimer: I dont own these characters

Chapter 1: Cruising in the Rain

Rain crashed down on to moving vehicles, blurring windsheilds and wetting tires, causing the traffic to increasingly slow. One van, in particular, was stuck in the 5:00 traffic. Inside of the van were two teenagers, Jen Masterson and Jonesy Garcia. Jen was driving the van, and Jonesy was sitting in the passenger seat.

"Jeez, Jen!" Jonesy said, pushing his seat forward. "Could we be going any slower"

"It's not my fault!" Jen glared at him, then pointed out the window to the traffic. "Look outside!"

"I should have driven." Jonesy muttered. "We're going to be late for the movie"

Jen rolled her eyes at her step-brother. "Yeah, like Mom would've trusted you with the car"

"She should have. Everyone knows I'm a better driver than you. You failed your drivers test how many times?" Jonesy looked at Jen with a mocking look to his face, which she ignored, so he continued to push the passenger seat back and forth.

After a few minutes, Jen couldn't help herself. "You're going to break that"

"Break what"

"The lever"


"The lever for the passenger seat, you're going to break it"

"What lever"

"Jonesy!" Jen turned her head to stare at him straight in the face. "Don't play stupid with me"

Jonesy decided to stop. She was his only transportation to getting to the Galaria Mall. Besides, her head looked like it would have exploded if he had continued. They both faced the front again to find a guy cutting them off.

Jen honked the horn angrily, which caused the guy to flip them the bird.

"Bastard," Jen muttered crossly, then decided to change the subject. "So, what movie are we going to, exactly"

"I dunno," Jonesy yawned. "I didn't pick it out. Jude did." He then pushed his seat back again, to the annoyance of Jen, and said, "Wake me when we get there"

Jen rolled her eyes as Jonesy found a hat that was on the floor in the backseat, and pulled it over his eyes, falling asleep immediately.

Well, I'm not going to sit here and endure the traffic by myself, Jen thought. I'll turn on the radio.
When she did, a song that was by Dawg Toy just ended and the radio announcer started talking. Just my luck.

"We will be featuring 'Adam Gontier' on the show later today as he talks about the release of his new album and....oh...yes? Hold on. I'm getting Breaking News from the Police Station."

The radio sounded like static for a few minutes. Jen turned the radio up with new interest.

"Okay" the host said, coming back. "We have breaking news from officer John Kennon. He wants to shout a warning out for a man described as "40 years of age, with black shaggy hair, wearing torn up jeans and a black sweater" seen last at the Rogers Video on the South side of town. He has been accused of murder of a 15 year old girl, name not released yet. If anyone has useful information for John Kennon, who is investigating the case, please call this number"

The radio announcer continued to give out the office number of John Kennon, and repeated the entire message. Jen turned the radio off, feeling chilled. So a creeps running wildy through town? At least its nowhere near here.

Ten minutes later, Jen pulled into the Galaria Mall parking lot. It was packed. The rain, it seemed, hadn't stopped anyone from going to the mall.

"Finally!" Jonesy said, sitting up and stretching. "Good snooze, though." He pulled of the hat and tossed it into the back seat.

The two step-siblings locked up the van and ran towards the mall, covering their heads from the impending rain. By the time they got inside, despite their efforts, they were both soaked.

"Come on," Jonesy said. "Lets go the the Gigantiplex"

"But we were supposed to meet them at the Lemon," Jen stopped him.

"Yeah," Jonesy said, grabbing Jens' shoulders and redirecting her towards the 'Gigantiplex.' "Half an hour ago"

They hurried along through mall, dodging Ron, the Rent-A-Cop, and found their 4 other friends waiting for them. Nikki was the first to spot them. "What the hell took you so long?" she asked, heatedly.

"Sorry, guys," Jen gasped, clutching at a stitch. "Traffic"

Jonesy had doubled over, trying to catch his breath.
"No worries dudes and dudettes," Jude said, crumpling up his empty bag of popcorn. "We didn't miss that much of the movie"

"Oh, but the beginning of the movie is the most important part," Caitlyn complained.

"Lets go then," Wyatt said, stating the obvious.

"Wait...until I...catch...breathe," Jonesy gasped.

Nikki rolled her eyes and started to leave, with the others soon following her.

"Hey!" Jonesy said, standing up fully, breath suddenly returning, as he rushed into the theatre after them.

First chapter is UP! I hoped you liked it and found it a little funny. Review me please.