Chapter 1. Bittersweet

Disclaimer: Me no ownie Vk-y.

As the wind caressed her tresses, Ruka once again loathed herself, not for the first time. It was becoming quite normal, actually. The feelings of loath and happiness blended seamlessly, quite easily. She knew she should get out of there, turn her back on him and forget this had ever happened. Yes, that was the right thing to do. Only problem was... she didn't want to.

How selfish of her. By doing this she was hurting someone who loved her dearly. Someone who had been by her side ever since they were children, had always protected her, cared for her... She felt so utterly ungrateful, she hated what she was doing... But she also loved it.

He made her feel so good, so happy. She valued every minute she spent with him, it looked like they were in heaven. Yes, she was sure he was the closest she'd ever be to paradise, that fabled place of eternal joy and ethereal beauty. After all, he always brought joy and beauty with him.

Funny thing is, she would have never thought she'd end up with him, of all people. They were just so different, so unlike each other. But that made it even more interesting. And the secrecy gave her such an adrenaline rush. How immature.

It was his fault. He made her act like one of the screaming Day Class fangirls. Not that she actually screamed his name, she'd never do that. But she always felt a tingling sensation when he held her hand, touched her cheek, whispered in her ear...

She knew she should hate him for turning her into this kind of person. The worst kind, really. Weak, stupid, selfish, ungrateful, a traitor. She smiled dreamily. He's turned into a romantic fool, really.

She heard footsteps. She didn't need to turn around to know who it was. The feel of his arms around her was so familiar now. Leaning back on him, she closed her eyes, inhaling his scent.

How did it all begin?

A/N:Here's the first chappie. Ruka's rambling on about her situation. It's quite short, so consider it as a kind of prologue.

I know there's not much to review yet but...