HTYT: Hey people!
Annu: Where the fuck were you last night?!
HTYT: OUT. *blushes* Kind of had someone I have a bit of a crush on flirt with me...
HTYT: Shut up. Now, this is for a fellow authoress and fan of this oneshot, because she did a fanart for this story. I always wanted to do a bit of a follow up, so here it is!


Tea screamed again, tears pouring down her face in rivers.

"Come on, you're doing great Tea, just one more push on my count."

She glanced at the doctor and nodded, sobbing slightly. Yugi gripped one of her hands while Yami was unfortunate enough to get her dominant hand. He yelped and his lower body thrashed in reflex as his fingers were squeezed together and his bones gave a crunch. His face contorted in pain from the crushing grip his hand was in, and he momentarily contemplated using the words, 'you have no idea how much this hurts...' but thought better of it as his friend, who had been in labor for 7 and a half hours with his and Yugi's baby, would have happily throttled him before he had a chance to hold his child.

Tea waited...and finally the doctor counted down. "3, 2, 1..."

She pushed with a cry and sobbed louder as the pressure was gone, and she felt relief flood over her.

She'd done it.

Yugi's eyes were wide as he looked at his daughter open her mouth and give her first cry. The hair, although stained with the blood of her birth, was beautiful, and clearly had Yami's colours. His hand tightened on Tea's and every wonderful bit of emotion hit him at the same time, and he cried, kissing his friend on the forehead and hugging her, which despite her exhaustion she returned.

9 months ago, Yami and Tea had gone to a clinic to get her impregnated. Since Yugi wasn't able to have children himself for obvious reasons, she'd promised him when they were younger that she would be his surrogate. And she lived up to that promise.

After a few days, she took a series of tests, and several home pregnancy tests and a doctor confirmation later, she found she was definitely pregnant. Tea's pregnancy, luckily for both her and the baby, had gone smoothly, and that morning she had gone into labor.

And now, on her birthday of all days, she sat, now cleaned up, with a new life in her arms, and looked into the beautiful blue eyes that complimented the black and slightly red locks on the top of the girl's head. She was crying a little, but it was a good cry. It was the kind of cry that was the result of a proposal, the joy of a wedding, or a friend saving your life.

She smiled and giggled as she noted the expression on Yugi's face. It was one of complete mesmerization, rapture... "Yugi, she's yours and Yami's. You want to hold her?" Tea smiled happily as Yugi accepted the bundle, unsure of how to hold her, and Yami helped him settle her into his arms. Within minutes, where she had been snuffling, she'd settled into a dream in his embrace.

Yami leaned over and gently brushed her already apparent bangs from her eyes and smiled. "What do we name her, Yugi?" he glanced from his lover to their friend and surrogate.

Yugi looked from the little girl in his arms, then to Yami, then to Tea. "Tea, you were the one who carried her. Why don't you name her?"

She felt honored. Her hormones were all over the place, and with the wonderful responsibility having been placed upon her, she cried happily. Yami drew away from Yugi for a moment, and moved to embrace the friend who'd done such a wonderful thing for him, letting her tears seep into the shoulder of his shirt.

When she'd calmed down a little, and the tears had ceased to fall, she opened her eyes too look over at Yugi, who was still holding the little bundle in his arms, but had drawn closer so that she could see the little girl again. Tea gave a hint of a smile, and suddenly the perfect name fell into her head. "What about Teyumi?"

Yugi smiled as the newly name Teyumi awoke and gave her first smile, and reached her hand out to Yami's bangs, cooing at the silky texture.

Yami grinned at his little girl, then his friend, "What made you pick something as unusual as Teyumi?"

Tea merely smiled. "Because she's a part of all three of us, and it has two letters from each of our names."

Yugi looked at Teyumi and then to Tea, "Your name in our past was Anzu, wasn't it?"

"Yes." She wasn't really sure where this was going.

"How about Teyumi Anzu Mutou?" he grinned at Yami as his eyebrows shot into his hair, and then received a smile from the former Pharaoh.

"It's perfect."


The gods watched on Tea and smiled. Her heart wouldn't even need weighing at the end of her life. Like Yugi, her heart was as pure as they came.

In both this life and her past incarnation, she had been given the opportunity to hurt her friend. She could have lived up to her role as queen, and easily have had Atem's lover, Heba, executed. But she had seen the love between them in its most potent forms, and had stepped aside.

And she had done the same in her second incarnation. Although Yami would never be hers, she had done the wonderful task of giving the two a child they could raise, love and most probably spoil rotten.

Without a single bad word against either.

Ra smiled at the empty seat that was of the deities and demi-gods. It would be many, many years before it was filled, but Tea was sure to fill the space as a blessed honorary goddess, the Deity of Kindness. Her displays of goodness were a seldom seen thing in the current world, and with ones as untainted as Tea's, the world had hope yet.


HTYT: And another oneshot against the constant Tea/Anzu bashing is born!
Annu: This is a twoshot.
HTYT: Shut up. Hope you enjoyed it, and I hope Ceilo in particular liked it!
Annu: She can't wait to see your first YGO fic!