Ok so this is my first fanfic and probably the first Twilight/Tokyo Mew Mew fanfic. So anyway if you haven't read the Twilight series then this might be a little confusing. I will have Twilight spoilers from all books so pleas read all 4 books in the series. This starts a little bit after Ichigo found out about who Alto and the Blue Knight are, so if u haven't figured that out I wouldn't read this. This is rated T for safety.


Disclaimer: I don't own Tokyo Mew Mew or Twilight. All characters and story baselines go to Stephenine Meyer or Mia Ikumi & Reiko Yoshida.

Chapter 1


Ichigo was so confused. How had this happened? Why was nobody who they said they were anymore? She had just found that her beloved Masay was the Blue Knight. And only weeks before that, Ryou was her furry friend Alto. She thought she could handle this but she wasn't able to look at either of them the same way. Even she herself wasn't who she claimed to be. She had 3 identities.

Ichigo Momomiya

Mew Ichigo

that little black kitten everyone saw running around

Ryou had 2 identities

Ryou Shirogane


Maysay 2 identities

Maysay Aoyama

Blue Knight

"Gerr" Ichigo let out a growl as she held her head. This was giving her a headache. Ichigo looked at her clock. "Hmm" she mused. "If I don't get up Ill be late for work again" Ichigo stood up and pulled a brush through her hair. She started putting her hair up in her usual pigtails when one of her ribbons snapped. She let out an irritated sigh as she glared at the pink ribbon. She was seriously considering leaving her hair down, even though she could just gab a new one from her top drawer. She sighed again as she plucked out a new ribbon and finished her hair. She brushed her teeth then pulled on her shoes. She looked at herself in the mirror. She had burse like patches under her eyes. They had always been there due to her cat DNA. It made sleeping at night hard and she couldn't sleep in the day so she just had to take naps and get as much sleep as possible. However the blue bags were begging to look darker, and almost as if they were soon going to be a permanent feature. Other than that she looked the same as ever. But something was off about her, she couldn't put her finger on it but something was different. "This is as good as it gets". She muttered to herself as she walked down the steps. "I'M LEAVING!!!!!" She yelled to whoever was in the house as she walled out the door.


Bella was lost in thought. Would that be possible? She knew she couldn't get Rosalie to do it. And Alice was out of the question, along with Carlisle, Esme, and Jasper. That left Emmett and Edward to try it.


"HU?!! Oh sorry. What were you saying Jessica?" Bella tried to look as if she had just spaced out for a few minutes. Jessica gave her a look that Bella knew all to well. She got that look a lot when Edward had left. It was the "I think she's crazy" look. When Jessica was convinced Bella was listening she continued. "So when are you planning on telling us. You about how you are going to become one of the Cullen's?" Jessica raised an eyebrow as she kept making obvious glances down at Bella's ring finger, which at the moment held a very large sparkly diamond. Bella was slightly confused when she relised what Jessica ment.

"Oh… that. Well I didn't think about it. So I guess Edward proposed last Sunday night." Jessica let out a squeal of glee.

"Let me see the ring. OMG! It's GORGUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you help pick it out?! Were you surprised?! Or were you expecting it?!

"Jessica calm down. No I did not help pick out the ring, its one of the things he kept when his parents died. I was more shocked than surprised. And yes I was expecting it. Here you go" Bella reached her hand over the lunch table so Jessica could inspect it all she wanted. So now that all the girls were busy looking at her ring, Bella could go back to what she was pondering. Is it possible to die a vampire's hair? Ill ask Emmett to test that first. She thought. Then she noticed Mike sulking in his chair. Bella sighed. You'd think that an engagement would show him she wasn't interested in him like that. She already had to feel guilty with the whole Jacob thing. She didn't need to feel guilty for Mike too.


"Shut up!" Ichigo yelled at Ryou. She was fed up with up with him. She was ½ a minute late and he freaks out and starts on about how he can dock her pay and bla bla bla.

YOU ARE LATE…AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! Ryou yelled

"30 SECONTS. GOT THAT 30 SECONTS. AND YOU FLIP OUT!!!!" Just then mint walked in. 5 minutes late and sat at her usual spot and started drinking tea. "YELL AT MINT. SHE IS LATER THAN I AM!!!!! SHE DOSNT EVEN DO AYTHING AND SHE GETS PAIED MORE. I GET PAIED $10 AN HOURE. SHE GETS $25 AN HOURE FOR SITTING AND DRINKING TEA. NOW SHE COMES IN LATER THAN ME AND YOU DON'T GIVE HER ANY LECTURES!!!" Ichigo yelled as mint looked up and rolled her eyes. They had this argument at least 5 times a day. And 1 of them started when Ichigo would forget to knock on Ryou's bedroom door. What he had against cloths was a mystery to them all. Mint smirked as she sipped her tea.

"Mint told me she was going to be ½ and hour late. She's EARLY."

"FINE Ill be late tomorrow. But if I got a break every once in a wile I might be able to wake up."

"Ichigo you really need to stop blaming me for your laziness. I have the same Iriomote Wildcat DNA in me so doesn't even start… where are you going?!" Ryou asked in a surprised tone as Ichigo walked away.

"I QUIT!!!" Ichigo yelled as she threw her apron and broom at Ryou. "BYE!" She yelled over her shoulder as she walled out the door.

Ryou was stunned. Everyone was staring at Ryou. "You have to go after her" Keiichiro said as he went back in the kitchen.

Ryou stood there for a moment. Had she really quit? Was she quitting the café or the mew project as well? But that wasn't the biggest problem. Ichigo was leaving him. She was never his. She was in love with Masay, but Masay was stunned and he had the same look that Ryou had. Masay was taking the order of another bunch of flirting girls. He wasn't quit as upset as Ryou was because Masay could see her at school and on dates. Ryou however only saw her at work and when a Kirema Anima attacked. Ryou was running now he had to catch her. Ryou would do whatever it took to get her to come back. He would raise her pay, he would let her have a shorter shift. He would…do…well anything. "ICHIGO!!" Ryou screamed. He could see her now. She turned to see who was calling her name. She stopped and waited for him to catch up.

"What?" she asked in a harsher tone than she expected. She softened her voice. "What do you want?" Ryou was trying to catch his breath.

"I…Want…You… To…Come…Back." He was taking a breath in between each word. "I'm…Sorry… Ill give you…a raise…you can…take the shorter shift…ILL MAKE MINT ACTUALLY WORK!!!!!"

"You are desperate." Ichigo said with a chuckle. "But I'm not coming back. I can't. I have no reason to. Ill still do as much as I can with the Mew Project, but I can't work with you anymore."

"But we need you. What about Masay. I thought you liked working at the café with him."

"Masay is just a schoolyard crush. I can see him any time at school. But I can't work with YOU anymore. I'm sorry." Ichigo started to turn when she heard Ryou stat to speak.

"Please. Don't go. You have to stay. Please" Ryou was begging. He had to find a way to keep her with him. Even if she thought she was with Masay. He needed her to stay. "Please."

Ichigo was taken aback. Why was he begging? She was just an employee. She was so confused. "Why?" Ryou looked up with a little hope in his eyes but more confusion than hope. "Why should I stay? Give me a good reason and Ill stay."

"Because I…I… I…you have." Ryou looked down at his feet. He had a good resion but he couldn't say it.

"See? No reason." With that Ichigo turned and started to walk away. Ryou's hand grabbed her wrist, jerking her back. She was pressed up agenst his chest feeling disoriented. Ryou was holding her against him, not letting her go. He was looking into her brown confused eyes.

"Stay for ME." And with that he closed the gap between them. His lips met hers and he wasn't planning on what happened next. She kissed back. His tong grazed her bottom lip asking for entrance. She permitted this. Ryou had his arms wrapped around her waist. He was surprised when he felt her hands tangle in his hair. They stayed like that for what felt like forever.

Ichigo was just as surprised as Ryou when she kissed back. This felt so right. She just felt like this was what she had been waiting for. Then she put her hands in his hair and she couldn't help but notice that her heart was beating faster than it had ever beaten before. Why hadn't she turned into a cat yet? She should have changed a log time ago. Or it must have been a wile ago. How long had she been standing there? Ichigo pulled away. She was so confused. Ryou looked at her. She was confused, he could see that. "Sorry" he said in a husky voice. Ichigo looked up into the blue eyes that belonged to Ryou.

"I have to go." She said in a whispered voice. "I'm sorry…I…I didn't mean to lead you on like that. I…just…I have to go." And with that Ichigo ran away with tears of pain, anger, and confusion in her eyes