"Horeo, Zabimaru!"
The blade of the katana extended and assumed its familiar segmented form. Renji's hand gripped the black and crimson handle even tighter as he braced himself for the next attack. "Bring it on, Ichigo!"
It had been several years since the great war of the winter had occurred. The threat of the traitor Sousuke Aizen and his Espada had subsided, and peace was slowly returning to Soul Society. Casualties had been severe, and the Fourth Division continued to work at its full potential to heal all those who had been injured in the war. The substitute Shinigami, Ichigo Kurosaki, had no doubt contributed to the victory of Soul Society. As a result, Captain-Commander Yamamoto-Genryuusai considered giving him a position as captain of one of the three squads whose captains had defected. The boy was definitely had strong spirit powers, and he had the potential to be a powerful captain. His various battles were proof of this. However, as tempting as the offer was, Ichigo couldn't bear leaving his life in the human world. Instead, he just took the liberty of visiting Kisuke Urahara's shop and using the senkai gate located there to visit Soul Society whenever he wanted.
Like when he wanted to spar with Renji.
Ichigo chuckled at Renji's release of Zabimaru. "You can never fight me with just a regular blade, can you?"
"That's easy for someone with a constantly released zanpakuto to say," Renji retorted as he charged at his orange-haired opponent. Their blades clashed and for a few seconds it became a battle of strength as they pushed forward, hoping to overwhelm the other. After seeing it was a stalemate, they jumped back to catch their breath.
Renji wiped the beads of sweat off of his forehead. Ichigo mimicked the gesture. "You have some nerve to just come here whenever you want and demand a battle from me," Renji said. The corners of his lips curved into a smirk. "But you're lucky that I needed a training session anyway."
"Talkative as usual, eh, Renji?" Ichigo taunted. "That's not going to get either of us anywhere."
"If you say so." Renji swung his blade behind him. "Horeo, Zabimaru!" Thrusting it forward, Zabimaru extended and aimed for its next victim.
"Oho, it seems like Zabimaru is getting faster," Ichigo grinned. "Still not enough, though. Getsuga Tenshou!" Swinging his oversized zanpakuto down, a blade of blue-white light emerged and countered Zabimaru's attack.
Their battle progressed until Ichigo was satisfied, as had been the agreement before they began. To say that the battle would end when either of them was tired would have been pointless. Even if they did reach their limits, both Ichigo and Renji knew that they would never admit to it. The resemblance of their stubbornness was uncanny.
Renji sheathed Zabimaru as Ichigo made his way toward the wooden steps that led to the walkway that wound through the Sixth Division and sat down. He propped Zangetsu against the railing. "Thanks, old man," he said to the blade. Renji took a seat next to Ichigo.
"These are some pretty nice training grounds," Ichigo commented, looking around at the vast field. "You Gotei people sure are hardcore."
Renji scoffed. "If our facilities were anything less, how would we stay strong and fulfill our duties as protectors of Soul Society?" He placed his arms behind him and leaned back. "But of course, you would know that if you had taken the Captain-Commander's offer."
"And leave everyone in the human world? I could never do that. I can't just pretend like I never had a life there. There are people who still need me over there, too, you know." Images of Ichigo's family, Orihime, Chad, and Uryuu flashed through his mind. "This way, I can go in between both worlds."
"Doesn't it get tiring, though? Wouldn't you just rather stay in one world or the other?"
Ichigo nodded. "But it's worth it if I can come back and beat your ass every now and then," he grinned.
"Don't start, you little punk." Renji grinned as well.
They both sat in silence and stared at the clear, blue sky, lost in their own thoughts.
"Hey, Renji." It was Ichigo who broke the silence.
Renji turned his head toward his friend.
"How's Rukia?"
Renji couldn't help but feel his cheeks become a shade closer to the color of his hair. He smiled. "She's fine."
"I heard that she became a Lieutenant or something," Ichigo said matter-of-factly.
"From who?"
"I see…" Renji trailed off, not sure if he should be the one telling Ichigo about Rukia's life. It was always awkward whenever the orange-haired man was brought up between the two of them. No matter how much he fought it, Renji somehow always found himself feeling envious of Ichigo when he was brought up to Rukia. It had been Ichigo who had saved Rukia when she was about to be executed. It was Ichigo who was strong enough to stop Captain Kuchiki. It was Ichigo who had gained Rukia's trust so easily.
Ichigo scowled at Renji's silence. "Well? Is ol' sandal-hat right?"
"Oh." Renji snapped out of his thoughts. "Yeah… she's a lieutenant now."
"So Byakuya finally gave in, eh?"
"Is it so difficult to call him by his title?" Renji asked in an irritated tone. "Captain Kuchiki. It's not a hard concept. Say it. Captain. Ku-chi-ki."
"I know what his name is," Ichigo said defensively. "I just think that it's so uptight. That guy seriously needs to loosen up. It must be a pain to have to be so… noble-like all the time. When have I ever called you Lieutenant Abarai?"
"I assure you, noble or not, respect should be instilled in every being." A cool voice replied from behind Ichigo.
Ichigo nearly choked on his own saliva.
"Good afternoon, Captain Kuchiki." Renji stood up and bowed to his superior.
"I see you have graced us with your presence yet again, Kurosaki," Byakuya said uninterestedly, staring down at the back of the spiky, orange head.
Renji gave a kick to Ichigo's side. "If you're not gonna address him, at least have the decency to look at the man."
Ichigo grabbed Zangetsu and stood up, turning to face the two heads of the Sixth Division. "Well, I think I'm just about done here," he laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head. "I think I'll be returning to my world now. Later, Renji, Byakuya." Before they got a chance to react, Ichigo vanished.
Renji sighed. "Really, Captain, I'm surprised he isn't a shredded corpse by now."
Byakuya disregarded his lieutenant's last statement, as tempting as it was. "There's something for you in your office. I normally wouldn't go through the trouble of coming out to find you, but the messenger said it was urgent."
Renji detected a hint of disapproval in Byakuya's voice. He cocked his eyebrow. "Urgent? What could possibly be so urgent that it would have to reach me and not you? Aren't you the captain?"
"It's not a good habit to second-guess your superiors, Renji," Byakuya's serious voice threatened.
Renji shrugged. "I'm just saying it's--"
"Just go back to your office."
"Yes, sir." Renji bowed and walked past Byakuya in the direction of the Division's offices. As he made his way back, he wondered who would need to contact him and what would be so "urgent" that Byakuya himself had to come out and retrieve him. Everything seemed calm and peaceful enough. He reached the entrance to his office. "Well, here goes nothing," he muttered to himself. Renji slid the door open and peered inside, half-expecting something to jump out at him. When nothing did, he proceeded to step inside. Everything was just as he had left it. A complete mess. He never did take up his captain's organization skills. He wasn't that anal and he simply didn't care. And it wasn't like everything was completely mixed up. There were attempts at sorting the paperwork. Little explosions of papers littered the room and especially the desk, but he knew where was what. That was all that mattered.
The desk…
Renji wandered over to his desk, carefully maneuvering between the piles of to-do paperwork and making sure he didn't step on any. They may have been disorganized, but turning one in with a giant footprint on it would bring about a very unhappy Captain Kuchiki.
There was a small, brown drawstring bag placed on his desk. It was fairly small, no bigger than his hand. He lifted it and gave it a small squeeze. The contents were soft, but he heard a crinkle of paper. Undrawing the string, he peered inside, and sure enough, there was a note. He unfolded the note and squinted at the scribbles of calligraphy. He was glad he was alone because he knew a goofy grin had just spread across his face. The horrid writing was accompanied by even more horrid drawings of rabbits in the corners. If he hadn't been accustomed to reading this handwriting, it probably would have taken him even longer to decipher.
I heard that Ichigo was coming today…
Renji couldn't help but feel his stomach drop a bit.
And I know how you guys fight every time he comes. I remember you saying that you fight better when you've had something to eat (you always did have an appetite), so I made you something! It should be edible. I ate one myself before giving it to you. Keep fighting and getting stronger!
With the grin still plastered to his face and reaching into the bag, Renji pulled out the remaining contents. An onigiri. As he turned it around and observed it, a voice made him jump and nearly drop the rice ball.
"Like I said, it's edible." The familiar scolding voice.
"One can never be too safe." Renji turned towards his visitor and took an over-exaggerated bite, as if proving the point that he was going to eat it and not throw it away. "I'd better not get food poisoning from this, Rukia."