Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or anything, sadly.

Warning: This is my first attempt at Twilight, and watch out for slight OOCness and AU

Pairing: EdwardxJacob

It's One or the Other

Chapter 4

Jacob woke up early for once, even before the rooster had its chance to holler out to the whole forest. He was excited. Too excited to get some sleep in last night. Today was the day he was going to go on his date.

He hopped out of bed and started cleaning his room, incase Edward decided to come up to his room for a little chat before they left. After he finished, he picked out a pair of jeans and a tight black shirt.

He went into the shower and turned the knobs on, sighing as he felt the water spray over him, but the giddiness wouldn't leave. He sang to himself as he washed his body, nodding his head as he sung the lyrics. Once he finished, he stepped out of the bathroom and headed back to his room, there he changed into his clothes.

He went over to his mirror and combed his hair. He winked at himself through the mirror, and took a pose, running his hand through his hair. He then moved his hands down to his collar shirt and pulled at it, singing once again.

"I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt. So sexy it hurts-"

"Son, what are you doing?" A voice interrupted him. He spun around, staring at the doorway where his father stood. He stood there, arms crossed across his chest, an eyebrow raised in amusement.

"D-dad!" Jacob stuttered. "What am I doing? Nothing. Nothing of course." He put the comb behind him, forgetting that he was in front of a mirror.

Billy sighed, walking inside and taking a seat at the corner of Jacob's bed. "No need to hide it, I saw everything." Jacob sputtered, his cheeks flushing pink. "I swear, you should have been born as a girl with the way you're acting. Like a love sick girl waiting for her boyfriend to pick her up." Billy rolled his eyes.

"I do not act like a girl!" Jacob denied, waving his hand in front of him, the one holding a comb. He 'eeped' and put it back behind him.

"...And I'm not your dad. Right." His father replied in a sarcastic tone. "Why are you up so early this morning? Do you have plans?" He questioned him.

Jacob threw the comb across the room, and took a seat on the chair across his dad. "I have a date-"

"A date? Is this someone I haven't met yet?"

Jacob twitched, continuing on as though he hadn't been interrupted.

"-With Edward-"

"Edward Cullen? Him?-"

"At the diving cliff-

"At the diving cliff? Are you sure?-"

"Would you stop interrupting me?" Jacob said annoyed. Billy chuckled.

"Sorry son, I just haven't seen you so excited in awhile. So Edward Cullen, huh? Was he the one who asked you out? Or was it the other way around?" Billy asked, suspicious for a minute.

"He asked me out," Jacob exclaimed. The giddiness coming back to him. Billy smiled softly.

"As long as you're happy, Jake."

"Huh?" Jacob cocked his head to the side.

"Nothing. Just get downstairs to have some breakfast. Don't you have a meeting with the pack this morning?" Billy asked, one hand ruffling Jacob's hair.

"Ah, right!" He said, swatting at his dad's hand. Billy stood up and walked out, going down the stairs.

Jacob took one last glance at the mirror and headed down the stairs too.

"...So...what's for lunch?" He asked warily. "Bacon and eggs?"

"You guessed it!" Billy grinned, handing him a plate.

Jacob rolled his eyes. It's the same everyday, he thought to himself as he took a seat and began inhaling his food.

"Dad, I'll be going now, alright? I'll be home before noon." He stated, standing up and putting his plate in the sink. "Bye dad." He walked out the front door.

"Have a good time at the meeting, Jacob." He heard the door slam shut. "I'm glad that boy decided to take my advice and made the right decision." He thought happily to himself.


Time Skip

Edward stood up from his position near the window. He grabbed his car keys and headed down the stairs, taking a seat at the dining table.

"Good morning, Edward," a voice chimed over to him.

"Good morning, Esme." He replied.

"Edward! Morning!" Alice cheerfully sung out to him. He gave her a nod before taking in her shocked look.

"What is it, Alice?" He raised an eyebrow.

"You...you..." She was speechless. "You're not going to go out on your date looking like that, now are you?" She asked, horrified. Rosalie, who sat next to her shook her head and click her tongue at him.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Edward looked over himself in confusion. A black chemise and a pair of white trousers. A white necktie and belt in place.

Emmett broke into a burst of laughter. Edward glared at him. He didn't understand what was wrong with what he was wearing.

"It's too formal! Is this a date or not? You're not going to a conference meeting or anything. Loosen up, will you?" Alice chided him, hands on her hips.

"I guess so-"

"What do you mean, you guess?" Alice screeched. "Change! Go change right now!" Alice started pulling him towards the staircase, pushing him into his room with Rosalie following behind them. "With the way you're acting, it's like you've never been on a date before."

"Correction. I've never been on a date with a male before." Edward answered wisely.

"It's the same thing. It's still a date." Rosalie answered, rolling her eyes at his cluelessness.

"I know, it's just-"

"You never felt like this before?" Alice finished for him, a sly smile on her face

Edward sighed, giving in.


As he answered, Alice and Rosalie shared a mischievous look, both grinning behind his back. Rosalie gave her a nod, as she approached Edward, throwing him over her shoulder, following Alice as she made her way into his room.

"What the? Let me down!" Edward fidgeted, trying to get out of her grasp. Rosalie rolled her eyes. Funny, both Edward and the dog had the same reaction, thought Rosalie.

"What? You did this to Jacob, too?" Edward asked, astounded.

Once they entered his room, Rosalie threw him down on his couch.

"So you need me to hold him down too?" Rosalie asked Alice.

"No, it's fine. I'm pretty sure he'll be willing to change if he wants to look good for his date," Alice gave Edward a pointed look.

"Fine, what do I have to wear," Edward asked, begrudgingly.

"I knew you'd see things my way!" Alice replied chirpingly.

"Not like I had a choice," Edward mumbled under his breath.

Alice went through his closet, picking clothes that went to her suiting. She grabbed some out before shaking her head and putting it back in place, before she grinned and started taking some out.

"Here! Wear these. Rosalie and I will be waiting outside." Alice threw the clothes down next him, and pulled Rosalie out with her, who went without another word.

Edward grimaced as he saw the clothes, before standing up abruptly, starting to change. He pulled off his top and pants, replacing it with the ones given to him by Alice. He blinked. Now, that's weird. He pondered. He heard a knock on the door, and sighed, walking towards the door and pulling it open.

"Wow Edward, you look great!" Alice giggled. Edward rolled his eyes. Of course she'd think so. She picked it out, Edward thought to himself.

"But really. Must I wear this? I feel ridiculous. Even I have never worn something this outrageous on my dates with Bella. Come to think of it, you've never even complained over what I wore on my other dates, either." Edward asked.

Currently, he wore a white wife-beater and a pair of navy blue jeans that clung tightly around his hips, and went baggy from his thighs down.

Rosalie rolled her eyes. "That's because it's Bella. This is Jacob we're talking about here." Rosalie talked as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Edward looked at her in confusion.

"You have to look good if you want him to fall head over heels for you," Alice hinted.

"What?" Edward asked, still confused.

"Nevermind," Rosalie shook her head.

"You'll get it in time, Edward." Alice said. Poor, poor Edward. He's so clueless. Alice thought to herself.

Edward snarled. "I heard that."

Alice sighed before smiling again. "Come on, you have to get ready to get going," Alice urged him, pushing him out the door.

"I swear, you're more excited than I am, and I'm the one who's going on this date!" He exclaimed.


In Another Place

"...And so, that is how we'll take turns guarding the border. Is that understood?" Sam ordered out to everyone. Everyone chorused an agreement, except for one who's deep in his thoughts.

"...cob. Jacob!" A voice yelled into his ear.

"Huh? What?" Jacob snapped out of his day dreaming.

"Have you been listening to a thing I've said at all?" Sam asked sternly.

"Uh...yes?" Jacob responded sheepishly.

"Alright, what's wrong? You've been out of it all morning." Sam looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Haha, it's nothing. Do you have the time, by any chance?" Jacob asked anxiously.

"Near noon now, why?" Sam was suspicious of him now. Oh goody, Jacob thought.

"It's nothing. I-" He was cut off.

"It's a date, a date!" Embry shouted. "With his dear little vampire."

Jacob turned to glare at him. "How did you know that?!" He demanded.

Embry grinned while Quil looked down at the ground. "We came by early today and decided to check in, when we heard you talking to Billy." Quil answered nervously. "W-we didn't mean to eavesdrop, honestly!"

Jacob sighed dejectedly. How he wished the ground would open up and swallow him whole.

"Hey dude, take this." Embry reached out his hand, and dropped something into Jacob's hand.

"Huh?" He took it and opened the package dropped into his hands, only to drop it onto the ground. "Embry!" He snarled loudly, ready to pounce, chasing after the other werewolf.

The others looked down at the contents in the package that had spilled out when it was dropped on the ground. Condoms. Lots of it.


Time Skip

He opened his door to his house. "Stupid Embry." He muttered under his breath. "I'm home!" He yelled out.

"We're in the kitchen!" A voice yelled back.

We? He thought to himself. He walked to the kitchen, and was surprised.

"E-Edward?" He squeaked.

"Hey Jacob," Edward said smoothly.

"Is it noon already?" Jacob cocked his head to the side, which Edward found cute. "Let's go then. Dad, I'll be home later, okay?" He pulled Edward outside with him, closing the door behind him. "So um...let's go then?" He asked.

Edward chuckled. "Jacob."

"Yes?" He turned his eyes on him.

"You're holding onto my hand."

"Oh!" He let go immediately, as though it was fire. "Sorry."

"It's fine. You don't mind if we get there with a Volvo, do you?" Edward asked, motioning towards his car that he parked outside his home.

"Uh, no. It's fine." Jacob replied shyly. Edward flashed him a smile.

They walked to the car, and as Jacob reached over for the passenger's door, the door opened for him. He looked at Edward in surprise. He inclined his head and stepped inside, taking a seat. Edward closed the door after him, before walking over to the driver's side and climbing in.

"Ready?" His breath blew over to him, making him shiver.

Jacob nodded. "Yeah." He belted in his belt, and turned to face Edward, looking him over. Wow, he looks good. He thought to himself.

Just then, Edward chuckled. "Thanks, you look quite good yourself." At that, Jacob flushed red, remembering Edward's ability. Jacob remained quiet for the rest of the trip. Not knowing what to say, he looked out the window.

Soon, they arrived to their destination.

"It's been awhile since I've been here," He said wistfully. When a hand made a grab for his. He looked up to his right. Edward smiled at him, pulling him along. He blushed and looked down at the ground, allowing himself to be dragged.

"...So...who's going to go first?" Jacob asked, looking over the cliff.

"Well, you can go first if you want to?" Edward answered, unsure.

"Alright." Jacob smiled, taking off his shirt.

Edward let his eyes trail over the other's torso before tearing his eyes away from the sight, not wanting to be caught staring.

"I'll be going first then." Jacob lept, let out a loud 'whoop' on his way down.

Edward stared after him, laughing. He watched as Jacob reached the bottom, and waited for him to resurface. As seconds passed by, he started growing impatient. No sight or sound of Jacob yet. He grew more worried as more time came by. Finally, he took off his top and dived down after Jacob. As he plunged through the water, he tried to find him. And he did. Floating, but not moving. Edward pulled at him and brought them both back to the surface, swimming to shore. He dragged him to land.

"Jacob? Can you hear me? Jacob?" Edward asked hastingly, patting the side of his cheek. "Damn it all." He ran a hand through his hair, before taking one hand and raising his head by the nose, resting the other hand on his chest. He inhaled and brought his lips down onto the other, letting out air into his mouth. He sat back up and put both hands on top of Jacob's chest and pushed. He repeated the process quite a few times, and just when he thought that it was impossible, Jacob started to cough, giving him hope.

"Jacob?" He said softly. Jacob shuddered, coughing out all the excess water. "What happened?"

"I, I don't know. It was all good until I entered the water. I think I twisted my ankle," he whispered, his voice croak.

"Do you want to go back?" Edward put his hand on Jacob's head. Jacob nodded, shivering. Before he could stop himself, he brought his arms around the other, pulling him into an embrace.

"Edward?" The other called his name.

"Shh, let's go." He wrapped one arm around his knees, and the other around his neck, carrying him the bridal way.

"I can walk you know."

"Yeah." Edward didn't say anything more and Jacob didn't ask anything else.

The drive home was quiet. No one said another word, reveling in the silence. Jacob leaned his head on Edward's shoulder, falling asleep as Edward drove, smiling softly. Soon, they arrived.

"Jacob? We're here." He said, hooking his arms around his knees and neck once more, carrying him inside.

Jacob nodded sleepily, his head nodding as his eyes opened and closed.

"Billy's not home, it seems." Edward commented.

"Yeah, I think he went fishing," Jacob answered, yawning loudly.

"Let's get you to bed then," Edward carried him to his room. Putting him down on his bed, he turned to leave, when arms encircled around his neck pulled him back

"Jac-" He was cut off when a pair of lips silenced him. He stood there in shock. Jacob pulled back, blushing.

"Sorry. I should have ask-" A pair of lips covered his own, and he wrapped his arms around the vampire's shoulders.

Jacob felt a tongue probe his lip, and he opened his mouth, allowing the other to slip their tongue in. He moaned silently as he felt it rub against his inner walls. He reacted, and his eyes slipped shut, as he got more into the kiss. He pushed his tongue into the other's mouth, and started tasting him. Groaning at the taste that was pure Edward. Suddenly, he felt like he couldn't breath anymore. He pushed his arms at his chest, but he wouldn't let go. So he did the only thing he could have thought of. He bit the vampire's lower lip.

Edward shot up in surprise, holding his bleeding lip. Jacob gasped, taking in large gulps of air. His face red as a tomato. Edward too would have blush if he could, instead, not even a hair was out place. Edward laughed as he bent over and gave a peck at his lips before straightening up.

"I'll see you soon, okay?" He said, his voice low and husky from the kiss. Jacob nodded. Edward took in his appearance. Jacob's face was flush red and his lips were still moist and trembling, as though begging to be kissed again. He couldn't help himself. He leaned over and captured his lips into another kiss. When he broke it off, Jacob was clinging onto him, eyes half-mass in pleasure. Edward smiled at the site. "Night, Jake." He tucked him in and walked out of the room.

So addictive, he thought to himself, licking his lips.


Time Skip

Edward parked his car outside and entered his aboded home.

"Hey Edward, how'd it go?" Alice asked, clinging off Jasper, who was watching the television with everyone else.

Edward thought it over, before smirking. "Deliciously well." He jogged up the stairs.

The others looked at one another in confusion, before shrugging and turning back to watching the film.

Well, it seems that EdwardxJacob is in the lead. Please review! ^_^ You have one more chapter to vote who should be on top. Edward or Jacob. And thank you to those who have reviewed! I am overjoyed to have receive such nice comments.