Chapter One
"No!! You are grounded until further notice from everything!"
"But Katie, please!" I begged, although I knew it was useless. My life would end. I would go nowhere, see no one, and have nothing electronic to comfort me. My games, my music... the two things that could bring me out of the eternal misery that seemed to follow me everywhere.
"You're a liar! Go to your room!" Katie yelled. I hated her. She had taken me in when I was young, after my father left me and my mother. My real mother was dead. She had died not too long after Dad left. Katie was one of her friends. I couldn't see why my mother had left me in her care. Katie was the devil.
I turned and ran into the small room that I called mine, and sat on my bed. I pulled my knees to my chest, trying not to cry. It had been three months since I had shed one tear. I had promised myself to never cry again. I would not break that promise now.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I opened them again and looked at my watch. It was 11:11. Time to make a wish. I had heard from someone that if you made a wish at 11:11 and did not look at any clocks until 11:12, that your wish would come true.
"I wish that I can disappear into another reality, and never come back." I whispered, and closed my eyes. I counted to sixty in my head, and then I opened my eyes and looked at my watch. It was 11:12. I sighed. Who would wish on a clock, anyway? I knew my wish wouldn't come true. It was a silly wish.
What I didn't know, however, was that I was wrong.
Yay, my first chapter! Please review! It was short but the rest will be longer, I swear. :)