Chapter 1: Flashback
I walked down the sidewalk, tears running down my cheeks, make-up smeared all over my face. I couldn't get to my apartment quick enough. It was the only place I felt safe, the only place I have ever called home. I just wanted to be alone. But then again, I also wanted a normal life, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.
Flash back-A couple of hours ago
"Get in the car Bella!" He opened the car door and threw me into the back seat.
"Please mike! Stop! Don't do this!" I yelled. He got in the back seat along with me.
"Aw, what's the matter Bella, I love you, and I want to do this." He smiled a devilish smile.
"But I don't want to do this! Please stop!" He ripped my shirt off, along with my bra. He sucked on my month and his tongue went down my throat. I tried screaming, but it didn't work. My boyfriend was rapping me. I thought I could trust him! Why was he doing this to me? After a while I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed my clothes, unlocked the door and actually escaped from Mike. I ran into a forest. I quickly put on my clothes. Why would he do this to me?! I felt so validated! My body was so sore and covered with bruises. I lay down on the hard forest ground and cried until I ran out of tears.
End of flashback
I finally made it to building. I walked through the doors and pressed the button to the elevator. The doors opened; thank god nobody was in it. I stepped in, and pressed the button to the 6th floor.
I took out a tissue from my small purse and tried my best to clean the black make-up off my cheeks. After doing the best I could I threw the tissue back in my purse and just waited. The elevator was always slow; it was only making its way through the 3rd floor.
Suddenly the elevator stopped and the doors opened. A man walked through with a couple boxes in his hands. Once he got in, he gently placed the boxes on the floor. That's when I finally saw his face, he was so…handsome. Almost god-like, his bronze hair shot out in every direction, but still looked nice. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of green. He wore a plain white T-shirt, he didn't have insanely huge-almost scary muscles, but you could defiantly tell he worked out. He caught me staring.
"What?" He asked with a smile. Even his smile left me breathless. I shook my head to snap out of it.
"Uh…um, nothing, it's just…I don't recognize you, did you just move in?"
"Oh, um…yeah,"
"Oh," There was a moment of silence, until he spoke again.
"My names Edward Cullen," He said.
"I'm Bella Swan," I replied. He smiled at me.
"That's a beautiful name." I blushed.
"Thanks," The doors opened on the 6th floor and we both stepped off.
"Do you need help with those?" I asked, referring to the boxes.
"Sure, here take the lighter one." I took the box on top and followed him to his apartment. His apartment was right across from mine, and I had a very unpleasant guest waiting for me at my door.
I froze in my spot and accidentally dropped Edward's box. I gasped.
"Bella, what's wrong?" Edward asked.
"Mike…" I whispered. He snapped his head up and looked at me. He looked furious.
"Bella, where the hell did you go?" He walked up to me, he was about to slap me, but something stopped him. It was Edward.
"I will not let you slap her!"
"What are you, her boyfriend!?" He paused at looked at me. He had sadness in his eyes, mixed with anger. "You're CHEATING on me?!"
"No Mike, I just met him! I'm helping him move in! Please don't make a scene, I live here!" The anger escaped his eyes.
"I'm sorry Bella, you know how I get jealous, please forgive me?" He got closer and hugged me. I didn't know whether to forgive him or not? He has hit me before, and always said the same thing, 'I'm so sorry baby. I'll never do it again!' I didn't want to forgive him, but I was afraid of what he would do to me if I broke up with him.
"I-I forgive you." I said, pulling away from him. He was smiling. I looked at Edward. He seemed like he thought he couldn't believe that I actually forgave this jerk. I couldn't blame him. "Mike, I'm really tired. Please go home."
"Are you sure you don't want me to help you get some sleep?" He asked seductively, while wrapping his arms around my waist. I looked up at him furiously, and pushed his arms off me.
"No! I don't need your help! Just go home!" Then, he just stormed off, without another word. I took a deep breath and turned facing Edward.
"I'm really sorry, Edward. This doesn't usually happen in the halls." I apologized.
"It's fine, I understand…wait, no, I don't understand. I think I got that he's your boyfriend. But…what did he do to you?" Should I tell him? I just met him! He'd probably think I was some crazy, paranoid, desperate, freak, for staying with Mike.
He took my silence as his answer.
"Oh, never mind, I get it; you just met me, I just met you. We're not ready to tell each other personal stuff. Sorry I even brought it up…" He babbled. He took a step closer to me; our body's almost touching.
"But…I'm here for you if you need to talk." He put his hand on my shoulder.
"Thanks and thank you for not letting him… hurt me…"
"Bella," He sighed. Hearing his name roll of his lips- for some reason sounded wonderful. I felt…protected around him. That feeling was nice. "I was raised to be polite, and to treat people with respect mostly women. I couldn't let him hurt you. I know we just met about ten minutes ago, but still…" He smiled sweetly at me.
"Um…thanks again," I picked up the box I dropped. "Well…we should probably get these boxes in your room." I said.
"Oh! Right, yeah," He opened his door and walked in the apartment, with me behind.
"You can just set those down there." He pointed to the ground where I was standing.
"Do you want me to help you get situated? I can help unload dishes or something like that and," He stopped me.
"No, no Bella, I don't want to put you to work. It's fine." He laughed.
"Okay, well…I guess I'll get going. Bye," I turned around and headed toward the door.
"Wait!" He called after me. I turned around.
"I was um…wondering if…you maybe wanted to go out for coffee or something, since, you know, we're going to be neighbors and all…" A grin crept across my face.
"I'd Love to." I answered. He smiled back at me.
"Great! I'll get my keys and we can go."