I stared at my monitor, mesmerized by my screensaver. 20-5-1. Jonathan was rattling off the days agenda. It's been 6 months since she pulled me out of the Ever After. Six months since I realized I had a twisted sort of crush on her and Rachel Morgan was avoiding me and I can't blame her. I told the demons about her potential children. I sighed, she protected me, risked coming back to the Ever After to rescue me and I tried to kill her, twice, right after I told her I wanted to be more than what I was. 'Murdering bastard…'
"Sa'han?" Jon's voice called me out of my reminiscing.
"Are you ok?"
"Of course. How about you take a break? I'd like some time before my first appointment. Let Sara Jane know she can leave early today." He nodded and left my office. Jonathan and Quen have both been asking after me a lot lately. Too much for my tastes. There was a loud knock at the door.
"I thought I told you to leave me alone." I yelled. The door opened a crack, and Quen peeked in.
"My apologies Sa'han."
"I thought it was Jonathan again." I leaned back in my desk chair. "Make it quick."
"Uhh, Ceri and I want to talk to you about something."
"Is everything ok with her child?" She was approaching the last trimester of her pregnancy. So far all lab tests point to a healthy elf baby. Quen's brows twitched. He was acting nervous about something.
"Ceri will be here for her 12:30 tea with you. Before I pick her up," he paused,"I'm sorry Sa'han, I'm not sure how to phrase this."
"Spit it out already."
"Ceri and I want to get married and I think I want to pursue other career opportunities with Ceri."
I laughed, "You want to marry a Dulciate elf. And you want to leave your job?." Quen didn't answer and I saw an annoyed look move across his scarred cheeks. I heard Rachel's voice whisper in my head. Silly elf, she's never going to love you. No one is going to want to love a murdering bastard. I rubbed my temples. "Get out."
"Trent?" Quen cautiously approached my desk.
"Get out!" My voice growled, "Get out, get out, get out!" I rose from my desk chair, approaching Quen, "Get out!" He retreated slamming the door. The intercom buzzed. I stood, dazed. I could hear Rachel's laughter through my mind. The stupid witch was tormenting me and she wasn't even here. I stumbled to my desk and answered the intercom. Looking at the paper agenda Jonathan prepared, I composed myself. "Cancel everything except for the meeting I have with Cormel and his scion. I'm curious to hear what he has to say. Give my apologies to Ceri, I'm going to miss our tea today." I disconnected before Jonathan or Sara Jane could respond.
The newspaper and a photo album sat out on the small round table. I spent most of the morning staring out at the waterfall, allowing the lull of the running water to provide a sound track to my daydreams. I stretched my legs out. The leather chair squeaked from the friction of the dress pant material. I spent the morning thinking of Ellasbeth, the numerous women I had as lovers, and the infuriating Rachel Morgan. I was never the saint to Ellasbeth. She probably ran around on me too. Money, looks, and politics, were the items our relationship was made from. Ellasbeth didn't love me, but then again who did? I closed my eyes remembering sitting with Rachel in the mirrored basilica in the Ever After. We were alone while Jenks looked for the blood samples.
"She's not going to ever love you." Rachel's tone was to the point. My eyes were closed, thinking about Rachel and how I wanted to change things between us.
"I know, but someone might." I sounded wistful. There are things I wanted to tell her, ways I wanted to hold her. The moment going to waste as she turned and rose up.
"You're still a murdering bastard."
As I heard foot steps and voices I sat up and craned my neck. A trio of elves were approaching my location, Ceri leading the charge with Jonathan and Quen at her sides.
"Ceri, he's not in the best of moods."
"Let me go." I smiled, imagining the glare she gave the other two. "Trenton, we need to talk." Her golden hair fell like a curtain past her shoulders. Her stomach bulged with the child growing inside her. I won't lie, she's a beautiful elf. It's unfortunate that her aura is covered in demon smut. I would have tried to pursue her if she wasn't tainted. Not like I'm one to talk. I took the cost of that little trip to the Ever After with Morgan and have a little smut coating my aura. 'She's not going to ever love you.' Stupid little witch. Ceri knelt in front of me and took my hand. Her lips were tightly pursed.
"Is this about you and Quen?"
"It's a cumulative talk about a lot of things." She started, "What Quen and I do is none of your concern."
"It is as long he works for me. He's not the domesticated type." She leaned in and slapped me.
"What in the Turn has gotten into you?" Her green eyes narrowed. "Answer me."
"I don't have an answer." I rubbed my cheek.
"Did something happen in the Ever After?"
"I already told you what happened in the Ever After." I stood up and walked over to the window. I felt the delicate weight of her hand on my shoulder and we stood in silence watching the waterfall.
I cleared my throat, "Please tell Quen I'm sorry for earlier. You two should do what makes both of you happy." Our silence continued for a few more minutes.
"Jonathan and Quen are worried about you." Ceri said. "Jonathan heard you having a nightmare last night."
"I haven't been sleeping well and have been short with both of them a lot lately."
"What have you been dreaming about?" Her eyebrow arched as she quizzed me, "Jon said he heard you call out for Rachel." My cheeks felt hot.
"From what I remember, I was stuck in the Ever After. I was calling to Rachel to help me." I left out the part that followed, as my face continued to burn up. The dream started off innocent enough. Morgan came to the rescue and bound me as her familiar. As the dream progressed, it took a turn for the erotic. I seduced Rachel and was still shocked by the things I did to her in my dream.
"Why are you blushing?"
"This is ridiculous, Ceri. I've had a few nights of bad sleep and made some harsh remarks to the hired help." I threw my hands up," Nothing else is going on."
"Fine. I'm here for you if you want to talk to someone other than the hired help."
Her voiced sounded pissed, but she didn't move to leave. Jonathan's reflection appeared in the glass window.
"I'm sorry to interrupt Sa'han; Rynn Cormel's representative is here."
I did a short bow to Ceri, "Excuse me. We can continue our game of 20 questions later."
I reluctantly returned to my office. I smiled when I saw Ivy Tamwood sitting on my desk. She was playing around with the Rubik's Cube I kept on my desk as decoration. I shut the door and she looked up. "Ms. Tamwood," I smiled. "This is a pleasant surprise. How's Rachel?'
"She's fine." She glanced at her watch, "Look, Rynn sent me to give this to you. He's having a private dinner with Cincinnati's influential citizens. You made the cut." She handed me the invitation as she walked pass. I opened the door for her as she walked out. Jonathan was sitting at Sara Jane's desk and I beckoned him into my office.
"Clear my day tomorrow. I need to go shopping for Cormel's dinner and hire my favorite bodyguard." He didn't ask any questions and left as soon as he had his orders. I sat down at my desk and began to daydream. I tried not to think of her, but my thoughts eventually drifted to the red haired witch and how I would like to dress her for the dinner party.