Chapter 7

It was after hours in Youkai Academy, and only a selected few clubs were still here, which were open after hours. Though already dancing down the colorful halls of Youkai Academy were sounds. More specifically the sounds of instruments being finely played in tuned.

The sounds of notes and keys simply reverberated off of the walls. Several students noted the sounds and simply continued on their way, though if they had taken the time to find where the sounds were coming from. They would have been spell bound.

Inside the homeroom of Naruto, seated comfortably at the grand piano. Holding a rather beautiful concert for his audience, which were Moka the vampire, Kurumu the succubus, Yukari the witch and Mizore the yuki onna. Miss Nekonome, who had stumbled into the room when she came looking for her test papers, was also in attendance.

All the while each girl had a unique reaction towards the alluring sounds of the music. Moka had a wistful and beautiful smile on her face. Her intense green eyes gazed longingly at the pianist she held so dear in her heart. Kurumu couldn't help but feel pure adoration and a mixture of lust dazed her eyes as she watched his meticulous fingers dance across the keys in rapid succession.

Each time he seemed to hit a chord or note, it made her heart beat faster, and her cheeks were simply decorated with a beautiful hue of red. Oh she loved those magical fingers, and if they could do what she was thinking they could do or were capable of, oh the possibilities were simply and utterly. Endlessly delicious and totally satisfying.

Yukari eyes simply sparkled with amazement at her hearts interest, and she couldn't help but be pulled in by the sounds her crush seemed to create. And was, for a better word in awe of his musical prowess. Mizore simply sighed softly, a beautiful dreamy smile came to her lips as she watched Naruto play with a flush on his face, ever so focused and determined.

Meanwhile, Miss Nekonome was resting her head in her arms and a light dreamy purr left her lips. She felt absolutely relaxed and comfortable by the warm and beautiful tones.

Naruto gave one final stroke of the ivories and ended rather beautifully. He turned to his friends for a review of his mock performance, but didn't have time to ask before all present simply roared with applauses.

"Absolutely amazing, Naruto-kun!" Moka cheered.

"Naruto-kun, you were simply breathtaking!" Kurumu sighed with longing.

"Yay Naruto-kun!" Yukari cheered brightly.

"Very impressive, Naruto-kun" Mizore smiled beautifully.

"Uzumaki-kun, you are so talented!" Miss Nekonome clapped with a cat like smile.

Naruto blushed visibly at the praise and scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Well.. its nothing, really."

Moka shook her head. "Naruto-kun, that was really good. "You're the best in the school."

Actually," Yukari clarified for them all. "He's the only boy in the school who's well versed in more than eight instruments."

"Well in any case I think Uzumaki-kun should enter the Talent Show," suggested Nekonome.

Naruto seemed to freeze at this. "T..t..t..t..talent show you say?" he stuttered.

Moka seemed to smile cheerfully at the idea, and she clapped her hands. "That's a great idea don't you think Naruto-kun?"

Naruto visibly began to turn pale, his face drained of all color. Sweat rolled down his cheek and his heart was doing the Olympics in his chest as horrible memories came rushing into his mind. His breathing was slightly haggard as it all came back to him.

He'd remember back when he was in the shinobis academy, he was about nine or ten; he really couldn't remember all that well. Iruka figured that it would be nice to have a talent show, and he tried playing the ocarina. He'd gotten it as a gift from Sandaime and truth be told; he was really good at the instrument.

He was really good at it too. But as soon as he stepped in front of the class and saw all the kids stare at him with intense looks, he felt extremely nervous and panicked.

Because of that, his ocarina playing was affected greatly. So much so that he missed notes left, right and center, and the noise he made was simply horrible. Everyone booed, laughed and teased him. Thus it caused him to run off stage and out of the academy doors. Since then he'd never tried or even attempted to play in public ever again.

"Naruto-kun? Naruto-kun, what's wrong?" Moka called and shook him slightly, Naruto's eyes simply rolled into the back of his head and he promptly fainted. "NARUTO-KUN!"





Naruto Uzumaki was still unconscious, and his friends had to carry him straight to the infirmary so he could lie down. So far he was in a very deep sleep and was in need of it. So the nurse told them before leaving them in the room alone.

"Why did Naruto-kun faint like that?" Yukari asked glumly. "All we did was mention the talent show"

"Naruto-kun doesn't like to play in front of a large crowd of people," Moka explained as she wiped a wet cloth across his face. Taking away the bit of sweat on his forehead. "He doesn't feel confident and doesn't want to be made fun of. So far we're the only ones he feels good enough with that he's willing to play without feeling nervous or scared.

"But he's so good at playing music," Kurumu sighed before she trailed her eyes over his frame. "He should be proud that he has such an amazing gift"

"Naruto-kun is just shy," Mizore spoke as she gently stroked his whisker like markings, causing him to unconsciously rub his face against the appendage. "I'm not surprised that he would feel that way, being on stage in front of hundreds and hundreds of people would frighten me too. I should have seen it earlier."

"Maa, that's terrible," Nekonome frowned visibly. "Uzumaki-kun has a very special talent, but he's terrified of showing it off a little."

"It's not so bad," Naruto caught there attention as he sat up, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "It's nothing to be worried about.

"No way," Kurumu shook her head. "You have a we have to fix mister, and we are going to fix it"

"Kurumu-chan," Moka spoke gently. "I don't think we should"

"Oh come on Moka, he can fight monsters without flinching or even backing down," Kurumu pointed out. "I think we can help him get over this little stage fight."

Of course her devious little mind was already clicking, and she cackled mentally with an evil mental grin. Oh yes, he'll be oh so grateful!

Yukari held a thoughtful pose. "Well, I could always make a potion to help Naruto-kun to be more confident on stage," At this Naruto visibly gulped. Mainly because Yukari's potions had a really really bad habit of… having unexpected results that wasn't really good for one's health.

Naruto quickly shook his head, and waved his arms. "No, it's quite alright, really. I just need a little rest is all, just please don't mention that," A shiver rand down his spine at the very idea. "That word to me"

"Naruto-kun," Moka frowned sadly. Though she watched as Mizore gently caressed the young whiskered teen's cheeks with such care and affection. She was jealous, but deep down she knew that the Yuki Onna cared deeply for Naruto as much as she did, even if she did have strange and bold ways of doing it.

"It's not alright," Kurumu huffed, her cheeks inflated. "You need to face this Naruto-kun, it's been long overdue. You have such an amazing if and talent, and you really shouldn't be afraid to show people what your really capable of."

"I… I don't know" Naruto was really bummed out, and seemed a little distressed. The academy incident played in his mind and he simply shivered at the thought. He never wanted that to happen again.

Kurumu sighed, and took his hands into her own. Easily, they seem to match and fit comfortably into her own. She really didn't like seeing her destined one to be so distressed and worried. It just didn't suit is bright and cheery personality. "Naruto-kun, sooner or later your going to have to face this, and deep down I know you can beat this,"

Kurumu placed a hand on his chest comfortingly, instantly she nearly hissed an intake of breath. Heat seemed to reverberate off of his frame, though she quelled her inner desires and fantasies. "And I… I mean, we'll always be there for you, right girls?" They simply nodded in agreement at this.

Naruto was more than touched by their kindness and gave a huge bright smile. Flashing white teeth and slightly pointed canines. Though mentally he had no intention of entering a talent show, his friends still wanted to simply help him over this little hurdle.

"Thanks guys, it means a lot to me"


Suki Nightroad was a girl with much talent and she knew it deep down. Her skin was most fair and which she perfected with some amounts of make up and her platinum silver hair simply flowed smoothly down her back; like a waterfall. Her eyes were a deep hue of blue and her lips were full and pink.

She wore the standard Yokai Academy uniform, but she kept the neck unbuttoned just to reveal a tempting and ample amount of her cleavage.

At the very moment, she was watching the line up for the signups to the Youkai Academy talent show. Some of the people there were performing the most ridiculous acts she had ever seen. Some were even outright funny and hilarious, and nearly made her laugh and gag at the same time.

"Tch, nothing but a bunch of amateurs," She snorted proudly. "Like they even have a chance against me."

As a third year, Suki had secured her rightful title of the most talented student for the past two years in a row. Her singing voice was hailed as something from the very gods themselves, and as the best she was determined to claim her rightful place on top of the ladder. Besides, it wasn't as if there was anyone who could actually compete, or was even on her level.


"Achoo!" Naruto sneezed suddenly.

"Bless you Naruto-kun," Moka smiled softly to her sniffling friend.

"Arigato Moka-chan," Naruto smiled. "Either I'm getting a cold or someone must be talking about me."

After doing dinner with the rest of the rest of their group at the cafeteria, Moka was walking alongside Naruto to an empty clearing. Mainly because he was going to reverse summon back to Myobokuzan, with the help of Gamakichi. He hadn't told Yukari, Mizore or Kurumu just yet, later he would but not now. Besides, he hadn't even told them where his dorm room was.

He wouldn't put it past any of them that they would find a way into his room, if such knowledge got out.

Naruto unfurled the scroll and wiped some blood across it. It poofed and turned into a much larger scroll, and he began to go through a long series of hand seals before he slammed his palm into the ground. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!"

Summoning from a plume of smoke a large human sized toad with large with dark orange skin and purple like markings on its body. Gamakichi took a look at Naruto and gave a toad like smile. "Yo!"

Moka gave a beautiful smile and greeted the toad back, already being use to seeing toads of different shapes, sizes and color from her last visit. She turned to Naruto with a wave of her pink hair. "I'll see you tomorrow, Naruto-kun," Moka placed a soft kiss on his whiskered cheek.

The boy gave a heated blush at the display of affection, and before he could say anything she turned to leave and simply gave a wave. Gamakichi gave a wave at the beautiful vampire and both figures disappeared in a plume of smoke, and out of sight.

Deep down Moka had often wondered what it would be like to grow up in such a beautiful scenery. To say that it was beautiful wouldn't even do the place any justice. It was homely, warm and flowers surrounded them from miles upon miles. It held warmth unlike anything she had ever seen with her own eyes, not something she experienced back in her old home. With a sigh Moka left to return back to her dorm with her thoughts about her.


"So, your telling me kiddo that you fainted?" Pa questioned after hearing about Naruto's day. He ran his finger through his beard. "When they mentioned the talent show, you thought about the ocarina incident didn't you?"

Naruto's left eye simply twitched at the very mention of the horrible event that had happened in his youth. "Yea, I did"

Both were sitting in the Main Chamber of Naruto's mansion. Naruto sat across from his teacher, Pa who had taken a sip from his sake and sighed. Ma nor Gamakichi were present.

"So they wanted to help you?" Pa received a nod from Naruto and he couldn't help a sigh. Naruto was so much his father and that it could be considered quite hilarious if this wasn't such a serious matter. "You know Naruto, those girls are right about one thing," Naruto looked up from his hands and stared at Pa. "You need to get over this hurdle my boy, its been over seven or eight years since it happened."

"Old wounds don't exactly heal without leaving a scar," Naruto responded, just the simple memory of his humiliation was proof enough. "To be honest Pa, I really don't want to go through that again"

"Son, I highly doubt that these girls would care if you played beautifully or badly," Pa gave a nod, taking a sip from his dish. "They seemed to be a group of people who sincerely wish to assist you in your endeavors"

"But Pa, what if I disappoint them, or even wore, fail them" Naruto frowned at the very idea. Failure was not and option, much less disappointment.

Pa drained the contents in his dish, and hopped over across the table. Staring Naruto eye to eye. "My boy, failure and disappointment is only natural in every day life. But it's from learning from those experiences that makes an individual stronger, for the future. Naruto, you have beautiful women who are more than willing to help you; they trust you and believe in you and your abilities."

"I am sure that all you have to do now is believe in yourself and let your friends help you," Pa gave a small chuckle and patted his hands. "I think its time that instead of you saving them, you should let them save you my dear boy and accept their help."

Naruto blinked at his words. It was true, they were really willing in wanting to help him though he couldn't dispel his nervousness so easily. Truth be told, he didn't want to disappoint them in any way, shape or form. He realized that it was now time to face his fears. Pa was right. Maybe, just maybe even he needed some saving. They were his beloved friends, and they wouldn't judge him.

They cared about him just as much as he did for them. Pa wasn't surprised when he was lifted off of the table and was held in a tight hug.

"Thanks Pa, I, I really needed to hear your words. Tomorrow I'll ask for there assistance." Naruto gave a beam.

"Good," Pa patted him on his shoulders, and gave a small shake. "Now off you go, Ma has been wanting to see you since you brought that Moka girl here."

"Alright!" Naruto gave a nod and took for the door.


Naruto had been in Youkai Academy for roughly over three months now and enjoyed his time and splendor in school, despite the fact that it was an actual school for monsters. Though it does prove to be fatal from time to time, he was able to make friends with some of the most beautiful girls in school. Something considered by the entire male body, a freaking gift from Kami himself.

Naruto was able to hide his status because of the furry nine tailed bastard in his gut, who from time to time seem to prove more troublesome then help. But learned to ignored him for the better part of his stay here. The only one who knew that he was pure bred human was Moka, and the only reason why most students thought he was a monster was because whisker like markings.

They would darken from time to time when he was either aggressive or when he was in the mood to fight. Though the student body knew that he was a kitsune, mainly because he intentionally did it. After all, he did make several public appearances as one anyway, so he may as well roll with it. Though there was several theories floating around about that.

Naruto was suspected to be a shape shifter, which wasn't really to far of a stretch due to his ability to perform a half transformation and full transformation (Henge). This made students very wary of him but he also gained the admiration of few. Boys would just look at him with contempt because of Moka, Kurumu, Yukari and Mizore.

Naruto really liked these girls, even if they way he'd met them were under life threatening and somewhat extreme circumstances. Deep down, he realized that despite the fact that they were monsters, they were still amazing people who he had the honor and privilege of meeting and associating with.

He'd learn a very long time ago not to judge, since he didn't like the feeling all the same.

He'd helped them through many a situation and now they really wanted to return the favor. He still had doubts, but what could he lose? It was time to get over this fear. Uzumaki Naruto was going to enter that damn Talent Show and he was going to steel his nerves, though he really hope that nothing would go wrong.


"Yahoo! I knew you could do it Naruto-kun!" Kurumu cheered happily as she glomped Naruto, her arms wrapped comfortably on his neck.

It really didn't take much of a genius to figure out who walked in on the scene to figure out Naruto had announced that he would join the Talent Show. Kurumu took the news the best by far, if the reaction was any indication.

"I've got the perfect thing to help you out Naruto-kun!" Yukari simply smiled. She pulled out a bottle filled with a red substance, and it sloshed inside of the bottle. "If you drink this you'll get the courage of a lion!"

"Are you sure about this Yukari-chan?" Naruto got a happy nod from the girl. He looked at the bottle and gave a shrug and took her word for it. "Alright, bottom's up!"

After Kurumu released him, reluctantly, Naruto took the potion from her grasp. He really wondered if this was such a good idea or not though. Yukari was hailed as an academic genius, but she was still a witch in training. Still, it would have been very rude and ungrateful if he didn't try it out and see if it would work.

Naruto popped the cork and drained the bottle of its contents. He smacked and licked his lips dry. Hmm, taste like, cheery coke. Delicious!

"Naruto-kun, how do you feel?" Moka asked in concern, since she knew about Yukari's track record with potions and the likes. Before he could answer, a warm feeling trickled down his belly, and he gave a small burp.


Naruto was engulfed in a plume of white smoke that shielded him fromt sight. They girls all gasped, shock was in their eyes at what had happened. Oh they were so going to interrogate Yukari about what happened before he could come out of the smoke.

Naruto coughed and tried to push the smoke away. "Yukari-chan cough cough, I don't think your potion worked. "Naruto managed to choke out, still waving the smoke out of the way.

"Are you sure?" Yukari asked disappointedly. "I thought I made it right for sure."

"Proves that your methods are a quack, you brat," Kurumu giggled.

"At least I tried, you big breasted cow!" Yukari snapped as she raised her wand.

"Naruto-kun!" Moka cried in shock.

The remaining three girls turned to why Moka was shouting. Once they got a good eyeful, their jaws dropped in shock.

Naruto had grown a really big mane and sported a tail, swishing behind his backside. A confused look was on his face. "What?"

"Why you little!" Kurumu shouted angrily as she pinched Yukari's cheeks and began stretched them out to their limits. "That's not the courage of a lion! You just made him look like a lion!"

"Lemme go! Lemme go!" Yukari struggled against Kurumu's grasp.

"Fix this! NOW!" Kurumu hissed.


Thankfully, the effects of the potion were only temporary. Well, almost temporary as Naruto's hair was still in the shape of a lion's mane, but the tail was gone, sadly. They were going trim and braid his hair much later, but now it was Kurumu's turn to help with his courage.

"Alright Naruto-kun," Kurumu gave a minx of a smile. "I have a fool proof plan that will have your confidence go through the roof!"

"You do?" Naruto asked, his long hair was now held together by a rubber band. "Does it have to with why we're here ?" he asked.

Currently, they were now in the infirmary. Though Kurumu had decided a change of scenery was in order, black lace drapes crossed the curtains and candles illuminated the dark room. Naruto couldn't help but get a sense of déjà vu.

Kurumu turned towards him and gave him a very sexy smile. "Oh trust me Naruto-kun, this will help your confidence by leaps and bounds!" Slowly she strode over to him, a light sway was in her hips.

Naruto gulped and found himself simply hypnotized by her movements and he felt a stir in his loins. Oh yea, this was really starting to look very familiar.

Kurumu grabbed Naruto by his coat and lightly pushed against his chest, causing him to tip over and land into one of the beds. On the sheets and pillows were rose petals, and incense filled his nostrils. From there she straddled his waist, and a seductive purr left her lips as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"Darling, I'm going to invoke my secret succubus technique," Kurumu smiled as Naruto looked at her with shock. Her hands glided across his warm, hot skin and she could feel his heart beating fast.

Oh the succubus hadn't forgotten the last time they were in this very room, and she remembered his words very clearly. Naruto wanted her just as bad as she wanted him, and she felt physical evidence of that.

"Of course it will take some time endurance, but I'm positive that you're well equipped for my little exercise, Naruto-kun" Her voice was husky with want, she blew into his ear and she was delighted that he trembled underneath her body. Her hips pressed into his slightly. Already she could feel his loins stir, and his body temperature rose steadily.

Naruto saw a weird glint in her eyes, it was the same look she gave him several months ago the last time that they were in this very room. Her eyes were burning with lust and want, and for some reason it seemed much bigger than last time.

But something very unexpected happened. An icicle flew out of nowhere and dug itself into Kurumu's forehead with a loud "thunk". Instantly she fell back and blood gushed from the wound, Naruto was shocked and looked around for the attacker. He found the source, Mizore stood with her head out from behind the infirmary door and she lowered her throwing arm.

"I knew that we shouldn't have left that baka onna alone with you," She frowned and her body was covered in an icy mist. Naruto at that very moment was a little scared, the reason you may ask?

You do not want to mess with an upset or pissed off yuki onna, especially if she has a throwing arm as good as Tenten.


Mizore dragged Naruto out of the infirmary and decided to implement her very own method in helping Naruto. How dare that big breasted cow try and seduce Naruto, again! She was inwardly furious by the prospect, but was glad that she rectified it quickly enough.

She'd help trim his hair a little and got it back to its original length with her ice claws. Currently, they were now in an empty auditorium. Mizore guided Naruto on stage to an empty and unused piano, and sat in the same seat next to him. At this the boy was a little confused by the action.

Just what did the yuki onna have in mind exactly?

"Umm, Mizore-chan, what are you going to do?"

Mizore gave a smile and a wink before calling upon her powers. Suddenly out of nowhere the entire auditorium floor was covered in ice. Naruto simply wondered just what in the world was she doing?

He gave a small shiver because of the temperature drop. She then summoned multiple ice clones of herself to fill the seats of the room, much to his surprise all the clones simply stared right back at him. Not one of them so much as twitched their noses or blinked an eye lash.

"Alright, Naruto-kun" Mizore smiled. "You can play."

Naruto tried, he really did. But the unblinking stares, old memories and not to mention the slight cold was starting to affect him. At first it was all fine, and he managed to get through a quarter way of the song. But then he began to shiver, and soon he began to miss simple chords and notes.

Naruto sneezed, before he stopped his playing. Disappointed with himself, he spoke. "Mizore-chan, I don't think this is working," Suddenly he felt a pair of arms wrap around his stomach from behind, Mizore rested her head against his shoulder and placed a small kiss there.

A blush reddened his cheeks. "Mizore-chan?"

Mizore sighed in complete content, and snuggled her head into his warm neck. A serene smile came to her lips. "Just relax, Naruto-kun"

Naruto did try to relax despite that his cheeks had reddened, but the ice that settled on the floor and his chair was starting to make him go numb. And shiver a little.


Naruto let loose a sneeze, and wiped his nose. He was back in the infirmary after the black lace and candles were removed, and now he was covered with a blanket. A warm cloth was placed on his head. Apparently, Mizore's attempt to help left him with a minor cold.

Moka couldn't help but sigh, it was like each attempt was being less and less productive. But they refused to give up. No way.

Naruto gave a groan. "Damn it, I don't think it's going to work Moka-chan" Naruto mumbled, drinking the warm tea that she had made him. Mint tea always left him feeling pepped up and ready to go.

"Don't say that Naruto-kun," Moka frowned, pulling a lock of pink hair from her face. "I just know you can do it"

"I'm just not courageous or fearless Moka-chan," Naruto stated with a sigh, he drained the contents of his cup and rested it down on the counter. "The only reason I'm brave is because I want to protect you and the others, or I just don't think about it"

"Then, maybe you shouldn't think about being brave," Moka retorted.

Naruto blinked and had to take a double take. "Nani?"

"Well," Moka spoke up. "You don't think about being brave or anything like that when you fight, right?"

"Heck no Moka-chan," Naruto answered. "I'm more concerned about the well being of others if I don't fight and give it everything I got.

"Well, why don't you just imagine that no one is watching you?" Moka suggested. "Or better yet, just play as if only me and the others are watching you? You always play your best for us right?"

Realization hit Naruto like a semi truck and he gave a light hum in thought. Moka was right and she did have a point, he could play in front of the girls and Nekonome-sensei without fear or anxiety. For some reason he never felt the kind of panic he felt when he played in front of others.

He'd just feel as calm and collected when he played for them.

"Just think about it, okay?" Moka gave a bright smile and cupped his face, while taking his empty teacup.

"Arigatou Moka-chan, it means a lot coming from you." He smiled warmly, and placed his hand on top of hers. She blushed by the contact and smiled back, looking deeply into his eyes.

Though behind the door, Kurumu couldn't help a growl escape her throat, Mizore looked greatly agitated and Yukari was just satisfied that at least one of them was able to help Naruto.


Naruto took a deep breath of air as he looked about him. He stood alone in the auditorium, and his only companion was the large white grand piano that stood in front of him. He didn't tell the girls that he would be here again, and he had to do this on his own.

Alright, I have to do this. I can do this, I have to believe myself. Naruto sat down and began to visualize himself playing, with hundreds of people watching him. At first he started to sweat, and began to feel nervous and it showed when his hands began to shake and his palms were sweaty.

Then, he mentally began to make them vanish, like the way you shake an etch and sketch. All that was left in the seats, in front of him were Moka, Mizore, Kurumu, Yukari and Nekonome-sensei. Oh, and that wolf bastard; Gin, was there too.

He breathed in a sigh and cracked his fingers. After stretching his digits and placed them on the keys, focusing on the images of his friends and the people who he saw as family. Before he began to play.


Suki Nightroad was walking along the hallway after practicing with her melodious voice. The girl was very confident that she would win this year yet again; after all she did win the two previous years. All the other acts were ridiculous and purely amateur at best. There was no one alive who could challenge her prowess.

Suddenly, she stopped in mid step and she listened very intently. Just what was that beautiful melody?

She followed the sounds of the music, which she recognized was a piano. Quietly she came to a door and poked her head inside of the room. Suddenly her eyes widened. A small gasp of surprise left her lips as she realized who it was.

It was that strange boy, Uzumaki Naruto that had all those rumors floating around. People believed he was some sort of rare kitsune with access to never before seen abilities that no monster had ever seen before. Suki simply watched as Naruto had his eyes closed the entire time, playing a beautiful yet haunting song on that illustrious piano.

She realized that goose-bumps had broken out on her skin, and she decided to leave. Suki gave a snort and rubbed her nose. "I'll admit, he's good, but not as good as me"

She walked away from the door a fast as she can, but soon realized that as soon as she was several feet away; she was deeply worried. It would seem that this first yea may become a problem for her in the talent show.


From that day forward, Naruto had begun to practice in the presence of his friends every day, since it helped build up his confidence. Even Gin, who had recovered remarkably, came by now and then. While Naruto was one of the most vicious S.O.B he had ever come to face, he was a really wonderful musician, which came as a big surprise to the werewolf.

While the succubus and yuki onna were very happy that their Naruto-kun had found his new confidence. They were jealous because while they had done more work, all Moka did was simply gave him some heart to heart advice. Yukari was simply happy that she could help in anyway.

The day of the talent show was coming up and the auditorium was simply packed with many students and also faculty teachers. The Newspaper Club was there to cover the even while showing their immense support to Naruto.

Back stage, Naruto sat down in a chair and breathed in a deep breath. Wanting to quell the quickening of his heart. He was dressed in a black tuxedo and his hair was straight and spiked along his shoulders. He chanted his mantra within his mind to get into the zone, remembering Moka's advice.

All he had to do was ignored everyone else in the crowd, and just focus on the people who mattered the most to him.

Suki, who was dressed in a very elegant white gown looked over to Naruto. Watching in amusement as he downed his fifth water for the evening. She simply smirked. Hmm, so he's tensed huh. This is going to be too easy

The third year was positive within herself that victory was practically in her grasp. All she had to do now was simply take it, and she didn't need to sabotage anybody. All she had to do now was watch each of the competitors show of the (lack of) skills they possessed.

Slowly, one by one they all took their turns on the stage. Each showing off their unique talents and what they were capable of doing, though some of the acts were really weird, and pretty bad. He especially felt bad when some of the acts failed miserably in front of the hundreds of people watching them.

One girl even actually laughed outright, and he simply scowled at her. Naruto had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach about her, like the kind he got from the other monsters who had attacked him in the past, and it made him tense a little.

"Suki Nightroad!" a stagehand called. "Please report to the stage!"

"Watch and learn from a professional, everyone!" Suki smirked as she threw her hair back and waltzed out on stage.

Naruto couldn't help but frown at the girl. Sure confidence was one thing, but being arrogant and rude was something else entirely. Though he had to admit, her singing voice was exceptionally beautiful and he did feel a little intimidated that the crowd was simply rallying behind her.

Her voice was simply hypnotic in tone and Naruto's mind was clouded slightly for only a second. Finally, she stopped and their was a uproar of applauses for her. Naruto couldn't help but feel worried, just how in the hell was he going to beat that.

Suki walked past him, and gave a snobbish smirk, as if she was challenging him. He narrowed his eyes and adjusted his collar. He fixed his tie, and ran his hand through his hair. Finally his name was called.

"Oi! Uzumaki Naruto!" another stagehand called. "You're up!"

Seeing that it was now or never, he swallowed the lump in his throat . He walked out to the front of the stage, nervousness was striking with a vengeance in his heart. Already he could feel himself panicking inside of his mind, and anxiety rose within him.

He came to the piano and sat down, though he stared at the keys. Frozen, like a statue.

His hands trembled as they were inches away from the keys. Already he could hear the crowd muttering and tittering in the crowd, wondering why wasn't he doing anything at all. His friends decided to lend a helping hand.

"Naruto-kun!, just do your best!" Moka cheered.

"Come on baby! Show mama what you can do!" Kurumu encouraged her destined one.

"You can do it Naruto-kun! We believe in you!" added Yukari.

"Darling, believe in yourself!" said Mizore.

Gin couldn't help but shake his head, and chuckle. Without even trying or showing any effort, Naruto had gained four girls who cared deeply and madly for him. That guy was just something else.

Naruto hearing his friends encouraging words in the crowd felt a whirl of emotions run through his body. Confidence and determination burned brightly in his heart, and he knew right then and there. He wasn't going to disappoint them, not now, and not ever.

He closed his eyes, and tuned out the rest of the audience. Suddenly a mental image of his friends who supported him came to his mind. What suddenly came from that piano was something unearthly, and simply amazing.

So much so the masses simply watched with dropped jaws, and looks of shock. The masses were simply astounded, and was for a better word shocked. Naruto had composed a song that came from his heart, soul and mind in the honor of his friends.

The audience was moved and entranced by the sounds that came. It was something unlike anything they had ever heard before. You could feel the immense emotions and power behind it. It was a fierce amalgamation of each unique characteristic each of girl he knew gave off. The power and fierceness of Akashiya Moka, the innocence of Sendou Yukari, the beauty of Kurono Kurumu and the companionship and affection of Shirayuki Mizore.

All of it was brought together into this one song by Uzumaki Naruto. Meanwhile, the four girls who was the inspiration for this song thought that might burst out into tears, all because they could feel the man they held such intense affection for played what was in his heart and soul.

Though they weren't the only ones who felt this way.

Suki could only gape in pure shock and horror at what she was hearing. This was absolutely nothing like the sounds she had heard from this freshman earlier on. How did he improve so quickly!? How could he not notice the reaction of the very audience he was playing for? Didn't he know how popular and famous he could get through this alone?

It didn't make any sense! What made him want to be this good if there was nothing to gain from it all?

Naruto was winding down and with his last poke in the ivory; he breathed in a deep sigh and ceased his playing. His face was flushed from the effort, and he wiped the bit of sweet off of his brow. He stood from his seat, his arms held at his side and panted slightly as he awaited for the reaction of the audience.

He remembered the jeers and booing he got the last time he was in front of a crowd much small than this, but this time he was going to face them. Naruto would not run away.

But what he got simply shocked and amazed the young ninja. There were no jeers or booing, but instead he a wave of applauses and cheers. His eyes widened as he saw the entire mass of students themselves got up, and cheered for him, giving him their standing ovation. His eyes didn't miss his friends who weren't too far as they too applauded.

With a heated blush and a large grin, he gave a bow and walked off the stage. Along the way students gave him pats on the backs and several girls swooned at his feet. Some even ran their fingers through his hair, and winked at him.

Suki Nightroad's eyes simply narrowed at this Naruto boy, and she gave a snort. So what if he could play the piano really good? She would win this year, just like any other. It was faith, no one could beat her at these competitions. She was the best at what she did, and there was no way some noob was going to….

"By popular demand, the winner of this year's talent show is," An elderly judge spoke, as he took an envelope from his colleagues and opened it. His face brightened and he boomed. "Uzumaki Naruto!!!"


Naruto was shocked to have found his friends and teacher congratulating him on a job well done. Gin simply took some photo's for the next issue of the school's newspaper, grinning like a mad fool since this would earn the club some serious publicity.

"Yaaa, Naruto-kun!" Moka cheered happily.

"Yahoo! I knew you could do it baby!" Kurumu cried out.

"I knew you had it in you Naruto-kun!" Yukari beamed.

"That was remarkable, Naruto-kun" Mizore gave a warm smile.

Naruto simply blushed and held a small grin on his face. He realized that they had called his name and went to get his trophy. Though, of course, there was one person who wasn't very happy about the outcome of this contest.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?" Suki simply raged as she stood on stage, her face was red as could be. The rage and anger was practically on her face and judging by the way she dug her nails into her palms, was a very clear indication that she was royally pissed. Her blue eyes became beady and red began to fill the white spots in her eyes. "THERE IS NO WAy IN HELL I COULD HAVE LOST TO SOME… SOME… AMATEUR FRESHMAN!!!!"

Naruto turned to see his fellow competitor and found that her body was beginning to change. Her slim figure was now growing with pure muscle, and either her dress was getting smaller or she was getting bigger, and her eyes turned as black as coal.

"I HAVE WON THIS TALENT SHOW TWO YEARS IN A ROW!" she shrieked. Naruto noticed that her skin was beginning to turn red, really red. Like boiled lobster red as she began stomping towards him. "I AM NOT GOING TO LET SOME NEWBIE TAKE WHAT ITS RIGHTFULLY MINE!!!"

Aww crap, can't I have one normal day, err, evening? Naruto thought, before lowering his knees and preparing for action.

Suki let loose a might bellow before she jumped into the air, her fists were reared back and she wanted to smash Naruto to bits.

"Damn it!" Naruto jumped and flipped out of the way. Just in time for her to obliterate a section of the stage. He landed roughly on Moka. Which in turned caused both to tumble back in the chair hard, his hand had caught onto her Rosario and he landed on the floor hard.

The impact made it come off in his hand. Naruto saw the Rosario in his hand, and before he could say anything he already felt a powerful wave of demonic power rising. After all he knew it all too well, and now he along with the audience watched as Moka transformed to her more attractive and intimidating form.

Moka simply smirked down at Naruto who shed his tux suit and shirt in one swift movement. "So it would seem that you need my assistance this time, Naruto" Her crimson gaze turned towards their opponent. She was now a big, mean and muscled killing machine sporting blood red skin, and onyx black hair and eyes.

Suki Nightroad, was a rage demon. "It would seem that this opponent will be of great interest to me," Moka gracefully leapt up and landed onto the stage, while cracking her fingers and pulling the crick out of her neck. "Besides, I can use the exercise."

The audience watched in stilled silence as she continued towards the nearly obliterated stage, facing off with the rage demon.

"Stay out of my way vampire!" Suki snarled with venom, her cold black eyes trailed towards the subject of her ire. "All I want to do is to kill that blond upstart.

Moka simply snorted at this, "Its obvious that your much to arrogant for your own good," A feral smile came to her lips. "It would seem that I will have to show you your place"

"You first!" Suki roared before jumping into the air, like a flea and made to smash Moka's head in. But she jumped to the side, and skidded across the floor. The ground shook slightly, and the building creaked. It would seem that this female rage demon was strong, very strong.

Right before Suki could even react, Moka slammed her fist into her jaw. Lifting her off the ground and sending her into a column with little to no effort. Naruto was sure that it would have knocked her out cold for sure.

Everyone was so sure that this fight was as good as over, but instead got a very painful answer. Suki gave a very powerful scream. It was so intense that it broke all the windows and glass, shaking the auditorium in the process. Students and teachers had to cover their ears, wanting to break out the immense pain that they were all feeling.

It was simply deafening and very excruciating to one's hearing. Naruto was forced to his knees, screaming also as he clutched his ears to block out the sounds. But it was too intense. His blue eyes looked up and he could see Moka sway slightly, trying to block out the intense sound waves that were making her ears bleed.

Vampires were well known for having enhanced senses; one of them being in the case of their hearing. Naruto got up on all fours, all ready he could see blood pouring down her fingers as Moka tried in vain to block out the sounds.

The blond knew that he would go deaf if he pulled this maneuver, but decided to risk it anyway. He pulled his hands from his ears and pointed his fingers in the direction of the piano. Instantly chakra strings emitted from them and latched onto the instrument which was next to Suki.

Already he could feel his ear drum burst and his ears was pouring out blood in torrents.

Hot flashes if pain ran through his body, he bit his lip in frustration and gave a fierce yank. The object was lifted off of the ground and smashed Suki directly in the face. The shot sent her reeling on the floor and her screaming ceased.

After Moka caught her breath, she wobbled over to Naruto, whose hands were enveloped in a deep green chakra already doing his best to heal his injured ears. Her healing factor had already kicked in and the damaged done to her ear canals was already fixed.

"Naruto, are you alright?' Moka mouthed out, already knowing that it would take him a little time to get his hearing back.

"I'm a little dizzy, but nothing that can't be fixed," Naruto read her lips and replied, he removed his hand and shook his head. He tested his hearing and saw that it was working just fine. "Alright much better!"

"Good, now I'm going to beat that little bitch into the ground" growled Moka who cracked her knuckles and her neck.

"May as well let me help you!" Naruto jumped to the ceiling and began to wall crawl to her position, and he got into position to aid Moka.

Suki got back on her feet and winced in pain. That freaking piano made her bite down on her lip, and that angered her further. She caught movement in the corner of her eyes and looked up just to find Naruto look down at her, and he had the gall to wave at her!

"Get down here and fight like a man!"

"Why don't you come up here and fight like a spider!" Naruto teased, and nearly burst out laughing when her face flushed a boiling red. She sucked in a deep breath and made to let loose a deep bellow, one that would definitely bring down the house.

He cast his hands and the chakra string wrapped around her feet, and yanked hard. Suki felt like someone yanked the rug from underneath her and found herself suddenly flying through the air.

Naruto casually flipped and landed on all fours on a nearby wall. He cupped his lips. "OI MOKA! BASEBALL SPECIAL!"

Moka gave a nod and while she pumped demonic aura in her limbs, and she easily ripped a pillar out of the building structure. She casually brought it in a striking position and watched as Suki's enraged face was turned to one of shock, and complete horror.

"Now… Know You Place!" Moka shouted and struck with all of her might, the column smashed into pieces as it connected with Suki's body. Her eyes turned white, teeth and blood came pouring out of her mouth as she screamed in pain and smashed through the ceiling roof. The only indication that she was still flying was they all saw a little star glisten in the sky.

"Whoa, if I didn't know any better Moka-chan, I'd say your swinging arm improved dramatically. I told you those bracelets would work!" Naruto hung upside down on the chakra string and stared at her face to face with a beam on his face.

"I suppose so," Moka dropped what remained of the destroyed pillar and brushed her hands off, while eying the strange prayer beads that seemed to glow a dark green color. Signaling that she was about half way through her weight training, Naruto had made them for each girl to wear and told them that he would only take them off when they all glowed red. "I guess your training wasn't so bad after all"

This was when the audience regained their own hearing back. Seeing that the encounter was just about over and the two local idols were standing victorious, they suddenly burst out into a wild cheer. Boy's cried out messages of love for adult Moka while the girls practically swooned and cried out their adoration for Naruto, much to the resentment of three girls in particular.

Naruto got his prize which was a fairly large trophy and a ribbon for first place. Moka, Kurumu, Yukari and Mizore crowded round and congratulated him. Though he simply stated that he wouldn't have won had he not had their assistance. They were really especially proud that he was able to fight over his fear, and come out on top.


Suki Nightroad was suspended from school for her action and was barred from any future school events until summer break. It was all published in the article of that the Newspaper Club had made for the next issue. A front page depicted Naruto and Moka working together to defeat Suki.

"Oooh! Naruto-kun and Moka-chan look so cool!" Yukari cheered happily as the group huddled around the article.

"You look so handsome and sexy without a shirt Naruto-kun!" Kurumu cooed as she leaned on Naruto's shoulder.

"Yes, you do," Mizore agreed with a small smile, and leaned her head on Naruto's other free shoulder.

"You looked pretty amazing out there too Moka," Gin gave a grin. "The boy's really loved the photos"

"I suppose," Moka sighed as she looked over the article, though she didn't like the idea of her being popular just because she was violent. "Though this isn't how I'd like to AHHH!"

"Moka-chan?" Naruto asked, his head tilted to the side as she noticed the weird look on her face. "What is it, is something wrong?"

"N-n-nothing!" Moka blushed wildly as she snatched up the paper so fast that they barely caught the movement. "Nothing at all. Let's just get to class, ne?"

Moka tried to keep a cool and leveled look about her, but inwardly she was absolutely mortified. The picture was depicting her smashing Suki in the face with a concrete column while Naruto posed in an unnatural position on the roof. But that wasn't the problem, the problem was that when she got a better look she found something else.

Everyone could see her white colored panties underneath her school skirt. Now that's what you call embarrassing!.

Good day to all new and old readers, I hope you all enjoyed this next chapter to this fic. Though to be honest I had a huge writers block, and I was doing both this and the other chapter of my Naruto: Claymore Number 48. Well I was glad to get this done, though I don't feel good about the quality but whatever. The song I used for the piano is from My Immortal and I was going to have him sing it, but I didn't want you guys complaining to me about a guy singing a girl song.

If anyone has played the new Naruto Ultimate Ninja 4 Shippuden. Then you'll know what I'm talking about and it functions the same way. Read, review and I'll get right on the next chapter for this fic.

From you friendly neighborhood web slinger

Dark Spidey.