Naruto: Rosario Vampire

Chapter 1

"So young man, you're a new student of Youkai Academy hmm?" the bus driver asked, all the while his hand went to the clutch and shifted gears. The smell of gasoline was present in the air as he sped down traffic. His glowing eyes that seemed to hide behind his tinted glasses were focused on the rear view mirror as he spoke.

There staring out was a blond teen of fifteen, wearing black cargo pants, a black coat over a white shirt and a black scarf was wrapped around his neck, hiding his mouth from view. His blue eyes were intent on taking in the new sights, his right hand had clutched onto the green necklace that was underneath his scarf.

You could tell that he had spaced out for a moment, seeing how he hadn't responded. The driver asked the question again, jarring him from his thoughts. "Oh, uh, yea, I am" he replied softly.

The driver gave a smile to himself, turning the steering wheel as he entered into a tunnel. Inside there was a multitude of colors that seemed to glow and hue with unnatural beauty. But it did nothing to shake the boy out of his thoughts.

"I should warn you, however," the driver spoke. "Youkai academy can be a veeerrrry scary place"

Naruto took it all in stride, his head tilted against the cold glass. "I've seen scarier things" he whispered bitterly, though he closed his eyes to rid the invading nightmarish thoughts in his mind.


After arriving to the bus stop, Naruto let out a sigh as he looked at his surroundings. There in front of him was an old scarecrow in front of the bus stop, the sounds of crows cawing was audible as was the lightning that had flashed into the dark clouds.

In the distance at probably a mile or so he could make out the image of a castle, or what appeared to be one anyway. He took a minute to catch his bearings and looked at the large structure. So, this is going to be my new home? Naruto thought to himself as he shouldered his belongings and moved on.

"Look out!" a voice called out from behind him; Naruto spun around was instantly plowed over by her bike.

They were both sent tumbling down in a heap and Naruto groaned as he shook the cob webs out of his head. Finally when everything stopped spinning Naruto was surprised to find himself on top of a very beautiful woman, Her skin was pale like that of alabaster but held warmth underneath, her hair was a vibrant pink, her eyes were emerald green and her lips were a full blood red.

All in all the girl reminded him strongly of Sakura, save for the fact that she was dressed in a green school outfit. Though finally coming into reality Naruto realized the uncompromising position he was in, since he realized that his entire body was pressed against her breasts.

"Oh!" Naruto pushed himself off of her and sat next too her. "I'm so sorry, I swear I didn't hear you, please forgive me!"

She gave him a shy and embarrassed smile, though she gasped in surprise. "Oh my, you bleeding"

Naruto blinked and trailed his hand over his cut, and he wiped a bit of blood. "Oh, it's nothing to be worried about" He grinned sheepishly, but was surprised when she was suddenly inches away from his face. Her warm breath cascaded down his cheeks and he visibly shuddered.

"The scent of… blood," The girl's eyes were practically glazed over, and the blond shinobi could practically feel his heart ramming into his chest. Placing her head on his chest she could feel it pounding like a drum, she could feel his warmth underneath the shirt. Cupping his face in her hands she simply whispered. "Your scent… is so… amazing."

"W...what?" Naruto tried to ask but she simply rubbed her head deep into the valley of his neck, sighing in contentment. This was so new to the blonde but she simply pressed her lips to neck and bit down gently.

Naruto's eyes widened in shock, the bite itself didn't hurt but he was just so surprised to find a girl so interested in his neck, it simply left him speechless. After a few moments and she had released him, Naruto brought his hand towards the wound on his neck. There was a small wound there, though it simply looked like a hickey, a really really large hickey.

Though the girl on the other hand simply blushed like she would burst at any moment. "Oh thank you sooooo much for the treat, you blood is so amazing!"

Naruto simply blinked, his hand still on his neck. Not really sure how he was suppose to answer. "Uhhh, your welcome? But I have a question; did you just drink my blood?"

At this the she gave a sheepish nod and poked her fingers together. "Yes, I apologize for my brazenness. It's just that you smelled so delicious and I couldn't help myself. You see, I'm a vampire."

"A… vampire?" Naruto tilted his head to the side, the word rolled on his tongue. This was the first time he had ever heard of such a thing, though something in his tone worried her slightly. "Do… you hate vampires?" She asked worriedly.

Naruto stood up while brushing his pants. "How can I hate something that I've never heard about?"

The girl was slightly surprised by his answer, never heard of a vampire? How very peculiar, though it did make her happy. That she couldn't deny his answer was straight and honest. She poked her fingers together and blushed as she looked at him. "So in that case, would you like to be friends?"

Naruto shrugged. "I don't mind," he held his hand out and gave her a bright smile. "My name is Uzumaki Naruto, and you are?"

"I am Akashiya Moka." Moka returned his smile and shook his hand gratefully; Naruto was surprised that such a lithe and beautiful girl had such a strong grip. Almost like iron. "So are you a new student here?"

"I sure am!" Naruto gave a bright foxy smile and she practically threw her arms around his neck and enveloped him into a hug. The wind was practically knocked out of his lungs. Wow, for such a light frame she really is strong! Naruto was positive on that.

"That's wonderful! I was really worried because I was all alone, but now I'll have someone to do things with!"

He looked at her with surprise in his azure eyes, why would a beautiful girl be all alone? But decided to not ask about it, seeing how she was now his new friend he didn't want to upset her with the question.

"So shall we go on?" Moka asked, Naruto nodded and he was lead off down the path with the beautiful pink haired girl, and headed for the academy. Maybe this place wasn't so bad after all.


Naruto found himself inside of a giant classroom, it wasn't overly huge. But it sure wasn't small either, after staying in the auditorium and being given a small speech. The blonde shinobis had to catch his bearings after being separated by the vivacious Moka.

To be honest he did feel happy, though at the same time what she said a while back did make him wonder. Why did she seem so hesitant when she told him that she was a vampire? Was a vampire a bad thing perhaps? It was so strange to him and he was honest when he said he never heard of a vampire.

The boy pulled his scarf up slightly and sat back into his seat. He decided to take a seat in the back of the classroom, mainly because he didn't feel comfortable being all the way in the front. Though it didn't take long for the teacher to suddenly arrive. She was a young blond woman with glasses and a bizarre hair style; Naruto had to blink. Were those ears a pair of fuzzy ears?

She smiled politely and quieted everyone down and introduced himself. "Hello everyone and welcome to Youkai Academy! I will be your home room teacher Shizuka Nekonome, and by now I think you already know this, but this is a school built for the sake of monsters to attend!"

At this Naruto held a frown, was this some type of sick practical joke or something. Who in there right mind would say that this was a school for monsters? Everyone in the room looked basically normal and he was surprise that no one seemed to be outraged, or as confused as he was.

'What the hell is she talking about? A school for monsters, no way!' Naruto continued on. "As you all know the earth has come under the control of the humans. In order for us to survive, we have no choice but to continue to peacefully coexist with the humans. At this academy, you will be studying," She pulled out a large black text book with white writing on the front. "How to coexist with humans!"

Again the Uzumaki boy glanced around the room to see the other students reactions. Some were actually nodding, other were listening or showed some form of attention. He couldn't believe that none of them were acting as though she had simply lost her mind. It was like everything she was saying was true.

"So for that reason," she continued. "As a school rule you will all live your lives at this academy in human form! Do you understand? It's a matter of being able to disguise yourself well as a human! This is the foundation of coexistence. You are never to allow any of your fellow students to know your, 'true form' understand?!"

"Hey teacher," a student across from him called out. "Would it not be better for us to eat up those puny humans? And in the case of beautiful girls, better to molest them?"

Naruto looked at him as if he had grown a second head, what he hell. Molest beautiful women! The idea simply shocked, appalled and disgusted him to no end, what the hell type of person would out right and say such a thing?

It was right then and there Naruto knew that he and the other blond kid was not going to get along. Not by a long shot.

Then he realized what the mysterious man in white and blue robes had told him a while back. He could still see his almost glowing white eyes stare back at him. You may things here very… different from the norm. But I trust that you will adapt to the new changes Naruto

Is this… what that old man was talking about?

"Oh," his teacher spoke. "Incidentally, here at Youkai academy, the teachers and students are all monsters; there are no genuine humans here! Since this academy is within a secret sacred world! To those humans who come to know of our existence we will bring them death… or something."

Despite the sudden revelation now dawning on him, and the fact that he was completely surrounded by a room full of monsters, and he would be killed if they found out he was human. Naruto kept a calm and level demeanor. He was a ninja, and in the years Ero-senin had trained him while he was alive he taught Naruto that the best way to deal with a situation was with a level head. If you panicked people could sense it and take advantage of that.

Naruto Uzumaki was not going to panic, though he digested the information now given to him

"Excuse me," a girl's voice called from the class room door. "After the entrance ceremony I kind of got lost in the school, sorry I'm late."

Nekonome looked over to the girl and smiled. "Oh, that's fine, just take a seat."

"O.k.," Akashiya Moka stepped into the room. Immediately the boys, and even some of the girls, were star struck.

"Who is she?"

"She's so hot!"

"Such big green eyes!"

I'm so glad she's in my class!" Were among the many comments to suddenly be shouted out to her. One of the students, the one who had commented earlier about eating the humans and molesting their woman didn't bother to say anything. He just eyed her hungrily. Naruto scowled at the boy but said nothing.

Taken aback by all this sudden attention Moka stood there a moment and looked over the classroom. Her eyes suddenly spotted a familiar face. "Naruto-kun!" She shouted happily. "We're in the same class?!" She ran over and gave him a huge hug.

It was a very bizarre moment for the teen. In a room full of monsters, capable of ripping him limb from limb, trapped in what appeared to be a hopeless situation, he was being hugged by a beautiful girl he had just only met. For some reason, like or not he smiled at that. More or less.


Since today was the first day of school there were no official classes. They were only required to attend the entrance ceremony and meet with their homeroom teacher. After being dismissed and Naruto got up, but was rather surprised when Moka hooked her arm into his, her emerald eyes shone with delight. To the dismay of his peers and student body.

"Let's go explore!" She'd said excitedly, already leading him out of the class and down the hall.

Naruto couldn't help but smile. To be honest he had never really been all that well when it came to girls, though it didn't stop him from doing his best to interact with them. Whether it was helping Ino at the flower shop, Tenten with her weapons training, Shizune at the hospital, Hinata with her Jyuuken or even Temari when she visited Konoha. He always showed them kindness and offered an ear when they wanted to talk.

Though he realized that he would never be able to see them again, they were gone and he could never bring them back. Konoha was nothing more than a bittersweet memory and he shrugged it off.

Despite the horrible position he was in Moka's joy and eagerness was just so contagious, especially when she smiled. Though he ignored the looks of jealousy aimed in his direction, he even scoffed at them. All they saw in their eyes was a beautiful woman, nothing more and Naruto hated those sorts of guys who only looked at a girl's outer qualities and beauty. Rather then person they were deep down inside.

Though to be honest having a girl on his arm was new, and rather welcoming to him. It did feel rather nice.

As they rounded the corner Naruto was met by the sight of the tall blond kid in his class. He recognized him as the guy who suggested molesting woman and instantly his eyes narrowed. "Hmm, you're a beautiful one" he replied.

"You're the one known as Akashiya Moka are you not? I'm your classmate Komiya Saizou." With that he grabbed Naruto by his scarf and yanked him easily off of his feet. Saizou looked at him casually. "By the way, why is a beautiful lady such as yourself, associating with a guy like this?"

"Whoa, that guy, it's Komiya Saizou!" a student exclaimed and his friend agreed. "He seems like one of those ill mannered rogue monsters. He sounds like a lady's man after all those women he had molested. They say that he was forced into the academy because he caused too many problems in the human society." Another boy informed as they watched the scene.

Naruto simply glared at the boy, and roared. "Teme, I don't like being touched!" Naruto pulled his knee back and slammed it into his jaw, the blow caught the behemoth off guard and he was sent sprawling by a punch to his jaw again. Blood leaked from his mouth and he glared menacingly at him, Naruto simply narrowed his eyes and brushed himself off. "Let me rephrase that, I don't like men like you touching me or Moka. Keep your hands to yourself or you just might lose them"

Saizou liked his cut lip and stood up. "Lucky shot you punk."

"Care to test my luck?" Naruto got into a stance and welcomed the boy to try his luck. Monster or not, if he could bleed then he could hurt him. It was that simple. "You're more than welcome to try, though I promise you. I will not allow you to touch Moka-chan so long as I'm around." He responded with confidence and Moka couldn't help but blush.

The taller blonde ignored Naruto and turned his attention to his prize. "Wouldn't someone like me be far more superior to this piece of scum? Why we just go off some place, the two of us and have a little fun?"

Moka's response was to grab a hold of Naruto's arm and begin leading him back the way they'd come. "I'm sorry! I'm having fun with Naruto now!"

Saizou stood there and watched the two of them runaway. "Run if you wish, I never let anything I want get away from me." As for you punk we'll see each other real soon. Count on it!


She led them outside on a dead run. They finally came to a little clearing with the usual tombstones and skulls around, along with several crows in the trees. They were both panting a bit as Moka looked over to him.

"That was surprising wasn't it? I got a little scared, are you o.k. Naruto?"

Naruto nodded and gave a bright smile. "Yeah I'm fine." As she looked at him he noticed her blush a bit.

"Thank you," she said softly.

"Huh? For what?"

"For standing up for me," she said. "That was the first time anyone has ever fought for me."

Naruto could feel his face also warm up, and scratched his head sheepishly. Moka just seemed to have that sort of effect on him, and he felt warm all over again. "Of course I would stand up for you, that's what friends do, but can I ask you something?"

Moka nodded. "Okay, Moka, why exactly do you like me? I… I mean I know I'm not that concise or that type of guy a woman would go for,"

"Don't say that!" Moka said tensely. "To me there is no one better than you Naruto-kun!"

The way her eyes were looking into his was making his heart race as though they were running again. "Re… really?"

She nodded swiftly. "Of course! And besides, we're on blood sucking terms."

At this Naruto simply blinked. "Huh?"

"You should be proud of yourself! You have grade A blood Naruto, way better than any of the blood I've had before from blood transfusion packs."

"So basically you see me as… food?" Naruto felt slightly hurt by her comment, but she assured him by cupping his hand into hers.

She blushed and sighed a bit. "Well actually you know, that was my first time."


"You're the first person whose body I have ever fed from. You're my first and I will never forget that feeling."

Naruto stared at her feeling at once proud and sort of embarrassed. I always wanted to be a girl's first, but this sort of ridiculous don't you think?

"Anyway," she grabbed a hold of his arm. "Let's go explore the rest of the academy."

And that was what they did. They spent the rest of the day exploring their new home for the next three years. There were no further incidents. The more time he spent with her the more he really enjoyed her company. He was slowly discovering just how happy being with Moka made him, has it been so long since he enjoyed the company of someone else?

At the end of the day they wound up on the roof top of the academy.

"Say Naruto, just what sort of monster are you?" Moka asked.

"Uhh, well" Naruto felt slightly nervous about answering that question.

"Oh, never mind, it's against the school rules for you to tell me and I don't want you to get into trouble."

"That's right," Naruto said. "We're supposed to stay in human form for the entire time we're here. Speaking of which, you really don't remind me of the vampires I've read about a few hours ago. Looking at you, all I can see is a very sweet, kind, gentle beautiful human girl."

She blushed with a small smile on her lips. "Well thank you, actually it's because of this." She gestured to the rosary that rested on her chest. "Were I to take this off I would revert to my true form, a scary vampire. Rosaries have the effect of sealing off a vampire's power. Since my original form was hated and caused conflict I put this rosary on myself so I'd keep my vampire powers sealed.

Is she serious? Even though she's so cute and gentle, is she so really different from me, a normal human?

"Wait, are you saying people hated you just because of the power that was inside you?"

She nodded. "Even among fellow monsters we vampires are feared and shunned because we are so powerful." She looked away a bit. "That's why I was worried you might not like me because I was a vampire, that's why you are special to me, because you are willing to be my friend in spite of that. Until I met you, I had always been alone."

Naruto just stood there and stared at her.

She began feeling a bit self conscious. "Did I say something wrong?"

Naruto walked up to her, and to her surprise he hugged her tightly to his chest. Moka could feel water run down her shoulder and realized that he was crying. "No Moka, you didn't do anything wrong," He looked at her and that infectious smile crossed his face again. "I'm just, so glad that I'm your friend it's… a nostalgic feeling. It's been… so long"

Moka was slightly confused at what he said. Should I tell her? I… feel I should tell her, I've only known her for a day. The blonde shinobi knew what it felt like to be seen as different, to be isolated from everyone just because of something he had no control of. How long has it been since he last sat down and talked with somebody like this, three, four months perhaps, maybe longer.

But something inside of him compelled him to assure and comfort her. But fear gripped his heart, and held it in a vice of iron. His arms didn't remove themselves around her frame. "Moka-chan, I… I know what its like to be all alone. It's a horrible feeling deep down inside, you sometimes wonder if it's your fault or if it was better if you just simply disappeared."

Moka knew those feelings all to well, those days of wondering if she was weird or would she be accepted. Sometimes she did wish she could simply disappear. She finally responded. "You're right; it is terrible to be alone. Before, I went to a human school before I came here. It was so terrible there, I felt isolated and alone. There humans there don't believe in monsters. I started to see myself as a freak, something that was different from everybody else. Sometimes I wondered if it would be better if I existed at all. In time I came to hate humans."

At this Naruto detached his arms from her, a look of shock and horror graced his features. He was right all along; Moka could never accept him for who he was, even after he accepted her for who she was. The gap was too great and looked down towards the ground; his blond hair covered his eyes. "You… hate humans?"

She nodded her head. "Yes I do, I hate them for making me feel like I was some sort of freak just because of who I was. But you understand don't you Naruto?" Moka reached out and took one of his hands into her own. "You understand because you've faced the same thing. I'm so happy that I've met you, because now I finally have a friend and I won't have to feel lonely anymore!"

Naruto could feel the wave of happiness wash off of her frame, but he couldn't say anything. Moka said it herself, she hated humans. "Moka…" he began. "Would… you still feel the same way if I were one of those humans that you hate?"

"What do you mean? You're not a human."

He turned away from her, his hands gripped the guard rail and his whole body trembled. He took the plunge. "I am," he said with a shaky voice. "From where I come from I'm what's known as a ninja. The reason why I am here is because my village was completely annihilated by the man who killed my teacher, and I was too late to stop him. After I killed him, I buried everyone and I spent three months in complete isolation. Your headmaster found me and offered me to stay here, me; a human.

"No," she let go of his hand and stepped back. "You can't be!"

"Moka that look on your face was because you realized that I'm human. I guess I shouldn't be here, after all you hate humans" His tone was bitter, Moka grabbed his coat and pleaded with him. "Wait, really Naruto, I…"

Naruto turned towards her with a look of anger, Moka was shocked to see his pupil turn to slits. "Let go Moka! You hate humans don't you!" he yanked his arm from her grasp and jumped to the guard rail and looked at her. "Even though you hate me, I'll… I'll always be your friend, Moka-chan"

Moka watched in horror as he fell off of the fifty stories building, and watched as landed on a tree and he was gone.


Naruto shouldered his pack as he waited in front of the scarecrow, all the while he was waiting for the bus stop. The wind blew through his hair and he sighed to himself. "I should have known this would happen, it always does. It always happen to me"

Naruto looked in the distance as a bus finally came into view, the door opened. The bus driver looked at him and sighed. "So you're running away after all huh? Somehow I had a feeling you would," Naruto said nothing, his pack was in hand.

The man chuckled lightly to himself, and took a drag from his cigarette. "Well sonny, if you have no regrets, then come aboard."


Moka walked down the dirt road alone; all the while she kicked a rock from her filled her eyes as she remembered Naruto's words. To be honest it broke her heart and she felt so foolish with herself. "I can't believe it… Even though I made a friend" Tears sprang freely down her face an she sniffled. "I made a friend… for the first time"

Suddenly she was surprised to find her wrist was grabbed. "Hey! Why is it that you're all alone!?"

"Saizou!" Moka exclaimed.

'You shouldn't be here alone Akashiya Moka, not when you could be with a man like me!" Saizou licked his lips and leered at the pink haired girl.


The bus driver pulled off from the bus stop; all the while he pushed his glasses on his nose. I knew you were an interesting guy, Uzumaki Naruto''


Saizou's eyes ran down along side the body of Moka. His tongue swept across his lips. "You are far more beautiful than any of those puny humans I molested. I want you Akashiya Moka!"

"No!" She shouted at him. "I am very sorry but whatever you want I don't want you!"

He laughed as his body began to shake. "I wasn't giving you a choice; I like it best when the girl tries to fight anyway." His school uniform shredded as his body grew and expanded. "Oh, I can't stop myself when I feel like this. I just can't stay in human form anymore."

Suddenly his body grew eight feet in length and seemed to be a hulking mass of muscle. It was a disgusting sight to behold, all the while his tongue hung out of his mouth. Moka looked at him with shock and horror. "N… no, someone, help me"

Moka sucked in a breath. NARUTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" she screamed. At this Saizou simply laughed at her effort and slowly began to approach her. "I'm going to enjoy this little violation of the school rules."

He stood in front of her, and his tongue was about too touch her cheek when suddenly.

"RASENGAN!!!" A ball of bright light smashed into Saizou's stomach and sent him rocketing backwards in a pile of trees. Naruto huffed slightly and stood in front of Moka protectively. Moka looked at her savior in surprise. "Na… Naruto?"

He gave her a bright smile. "Yours truly, sorry I took so long. I heard you scream my name and made a mad dash down here" His eyes turned serious and looked at the pile of wood that was being pushed off, Saizou emerged with a pissed off expression on his face. "You're going to pay for that you little worm!"

Naruto looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Just what the hell are you?" He noticed that he scratched his skin a little, but nothing serious as he had expected.

"Naruto, this is his true form!" Moka replied, though there was a hint of desperation in her voice. ""When a monster is in human form he can access only a fraction of his power. But like this Saizou will be able to draw on all his strength. Please run Naruto! I don't want you to be hurt!"

Naruto shook his head, and pulled his coat and scarf from his neck. He needed to free his range of movement and not gave Saizou any advantages. Though judging from the damage he dealt to him, normal attacks won't work, his hide was able to take on a full Rasengan with minimal damage. So kunais and explosive tags were out of the question. Taijutsu?

Naruto turned his head slightly towards the girl. "Moka, there's something I have to tell you. Leaving you like that on the rooftop was disgraceful of me; I know that the gap between us is too great. That we may be different you and I, but that won't stop me from protecting you. You're my friend Moka, and I like you. Because of that I WILL protect you!"."

Moka was shocked when he pulled out a kunai and stabbed it deep into his hand; blood flowed freely as he clenched it into a fist and held it out from his body. "A man is obligated to his responsibilities, Moka; you are my responsibility, even if you hate me for what I am. That won't stop me from caring about you!"

Naruto threw himself directly at the beast and Saizou simply stood his ground. "I have to admit that trick of yours caught me off guard. But it won't happen again!"

He swung his tree trunk like arms, but Naruto dodged and ducked out of the way. He aimed to give him a sweep kick, but regretted it instantly. He hissed in pain and jumped back. 'Damn it, it's like hitting a rock that moves'

Naruto was brought out of his thoughts when a punch found its way into his gut, the wind was instantly knocked out of his body. The blow sent him sprawling into some tombstones and he crashed in a heap. "What's the matter with you, fighting like some pathetic human! Hurry up and transform so I can pound the stuffing you of you!"

"Teme," Naruto coughed blood and got back up on shaky legs. But was instantly bowled over as Saizou rushed and back handed him with enough force to break his spine. Naruto flew back again and crashed and uplifted a tree and crumpled to the floor.

Moka was at his side cradling his head in her lap. Tears sprang down her face as she looked at him. "Why… why did you come back, why are you doing this for me?"

The blond groaned as he looked at her, he swallowed the blood that had built up in his throat and replied. "Because Moka, you're my friend. Even if you hate me for being a human"

Moka shook her head. "I don't care about that Naruto-kun, at first I did. But when you said those things to me, and you still wanted to be friends with me. I… I felt terrible for what I did to you, could you ever forgive me,"

She was surprised when his hand cupped her face, and through it all he smiled at her again. "There's nothing to forgive, because you did nothing wrong Moka-chan"

"I… I like you Naruto-kun," Her hand ran through his blond spiky long hair. "Back then, all I ever wanted was a friend, but when I met you. I felt so happy, happy that someone didn't push me away because of what I am; you stuck by me even after everything I said. I… couldn't ask for a better person, I really like you Naruto-kun" Moka cried and Naruto could feel her wet tears fall on his face, and he smiled.

"I like you too Moka-chan, it means a lot to me" Naruto growled in pain as he began to push himself up, it felt like a bus slammed into him. But he used his will power to stand again, despite Moka begging him to stop.

Saizou simply laughed to himself. "So the weakling finally gets up, after I'm done with you. I'll be sure to take real good care of Moka for you" his tone was lecherous and Naruto growled again.

"Please Naruto don't" Moka tugged at his arm lightly. Fear and worry was in her eyes. "I don't want to see you get hurt anymore!

Naruto tried to push her away. "Moka you have to get out of here now," His fingers slipped onto the rosary and he heard a kink. He looked in surprise when he realized that he was holding. No way, it came off! But doesn't that mean…

Naruto watched as Moka was enveloped in this bright light, bats from out of nowhere suddenly swirled around her body. Slowly he watched as Moka transformed back into her true form.

The orc demon back away, already he could feel her raw power wash over her in waves. "What… what is this power?!"

Naruto could only stare at her. Slowly her teenage body began to morph, and she transformed into an adult. Her hair became pure silver and her eyes were slits like that of a cat and red as blood. Her fangs were prominent and stood out of her mouth proudly. The blonde just couldn't help but think that she was absolutely beautiful, if possible even more when she transformed.

Feeling real fear Saizou continued to move away from her. "Just like the legends! Such intense super natural energy! This… this is a true vampire?!"

Now fully transformed she turned to Saizou and teased him. "What's wrong rogue one? You want me right? Just try and take me by force. Won't you?" She laughed at him mockingly.

"I won't be mocked by a woman!" Howling he suddenly rushed forward.

"Moka look out!" Naruto shouted and was about to move, but his legs gave out and he crashed into the ground, a slew of curses left his lips. But he watched with shock and surprise.

As Saizou reached out for her she seemed to become a blur. A single kick smashed in his jaw and sent him flying with a spray of dark blood. "Attacking me with such weak degree of power, you are beneath my contempt. Know your place!"

He crashed through not one but several trees before finally coming to a stop, broken and unconscious.

"A low class monster like you who has nothing to show for his size doesn't even make a decent opponent." With that she turned around and began walking back towards Naruto.

Naruto gritted his teeth as he stood back up, though it was his will power that stopped him from screaming in pure pain. He looked at her and asked. "Mo…Moka?" Her eyes stared intently into his, and he just couldn't look away. If anything, her eyes were simply amazing to look at.

"Are you hurt Uzumaki Naruto? Shall I take you to the infirmary?" She walked right up to him until they were face to face.

"Uh, no, that's all right, I'm a fast healer." He felt himself shaking just a little. Her presence itself seemed to practically ooze with danger, and yet he wasn't afraid. No, not one bit.

She grinned with her fangs coming out of her lips. "What's wrong? Are you scared? Of this me…"

"No, I could never be" Naruto brought his hand over his mouth, he coughed and blood seeped through his fingers and he growled in annoyance. "Damn it, I'm so—,"

Before he could respond she reached out for his hand and brought it to her lips. A blush crept to his cheeks when she slowly, seductively ran her tongue over it. Then she moved to his fingers, and she took her sweet time sucking them clean. Pleasurable sensations ran down his spine, and a sigh broke through his battered frame. A smirk crossed her lips when she caught him staring and he couldn't help but look away, his face was still flushed as she sucked greedily on his middle finger. It left her mouth with a plop. "Mmm, you blood is absolutely appetizing. I can see why my sleeping other likes it so much."

Her other hand reached out and again her hand brushed against his. "Don't be afraid, I have no intention of harming you." Naruto noticed that she had the rosary in her clutches; he had been so enwrapped when she licked his hand that he didn't notice he'd been holding it so tightly. "Until we meet again, you had better baby sit the sentimental other Moka." She placed the rosary back on the end of her collar she wore around her neck.

Almost immediately her power faded away and she was transformed into the teenage, 'outer' Moka. She was unconscious and Naruto had caught her before she fell. Talking to the transformed Moka had really been like talking to a whole different person. And the way she had referred to herself as, 'the other Moka.' Could she… have split personalities?

Looking at the beautiful girl in his arms, he knew things would not be easy. He could only imagine how being friends with a beautiful vampire with two personalities would complicate his life. But even contemplating that he still smiled at her. Finally when he felt his legs were now able to move, he brought his arm underneath her legs and began to carry her back to the academy. You really are something else aren't you Moka-chan He smiled brightly to himself as he limped back towards the academy direction, things seemed to be looking up.

And there is my Rosario/Naruto crossover, as promised. I'll update Kitsune of Pleasure, and my other stories real soon. So give me some time, hope you guys like this and Read and Review as always. I probably update Naruto's Fantasy next; I've started on it but wanted to make sure it was interesting for everyone.

Hope to see you guys soon. ^^