Moroha Katana (Double-Edged Blade)
Story # 0001
by Kaline Reine
Author's Note: This is the very first Naruto fanfiction story that I ever planned out. It came to me one day when I first started watching the show, and I was really bored. Over time, I have added amny ideas to this one. It's really important to me, and I will try very hard not to mess it up. I know some of you don't like Sakura but this story involves her in the plot. It also has Sasuke, Itachi, and other important people. So deal.
WARNINGS: I have no idea what this story may contain. It may include, but is not limited to, sex violence, rape, abuse, angst, and just suffering in general. There is craziness and a really wild plot. So bear with me. Main pairing is ItachiXSakura.
Disclaimer: I don't own the Naruto series, or any of the related characters or setting. They belong to Masashi Kishimoto. I just like to write about them.
Chapter 1:
Rain. It had been raining outside all day. She was bored. But it was not out of boredom that her mind drifted back to him... The one with the dazzling coal-colored eyes, and handsome, flawless face. He was gorgeous. And she felt slightly greedy for wanting him all to herself.
But the rain and her boredom were not to blame. Even on the most busy of days, when her head was crowded full of things to think about... Her mind would always drift back to him. He was perfect for her.
'Too bad I'm not perfect...' Sakura thought, as she laid around her empty house. Today was going to suck. She could already feel it. 'Stupid big forehead... I wish it would go away.'
There came a sudden knocking at her door. No one else was home, as her parents had stepped out for a bit. She didn't know or care where they had gone. But it was up to her to see to the latest intruder into her home. If that's what the person on the other side of the drab brown wood turned out to be.
Sakura didn't bother to ask who it was. Her pink hair swayed around her, as she walked through the small house. "Oh, it's you..."
It was the boy she'd been thinking of. Uchiha Sasuke. There really were no other descriptive words for such a person. He was perfect in every possible way. At least to her he was. He had his vices, just like any other person.
"Sakura-san," He bowed his head slightly in greeting. "Are you busy?"
"No, I'm not doing anything. It's nice to see you again, Sasuke-kun! We don't have school today... So what are you doing here?"
"Nothing. I wanted to see if you can come over."
"Sure," She picked up her Ninja bag that was buy the door, and left with him, knowing her parents wouldn't care.
She and Sasuke had become friends. It had been that way since they were small. Unfortunately, Yamanaka Ino wa his friend too. Ino, with her light blonde hair, her ugly blue eyes, and her annoying face... At least that's how it was to Sakura. And yet somehow, she was friends with the other girl. Though they were sort of rivals.
But Ino wasn't here today. It was Saturday, and they didn't have classes at the Ninja Academy.
Ever since that first day, when the pink-haired little girl had followed her crush to his house, she had been invited over more and more. His parents were quite taken by her. His older brother was a very impotant person. Supposedly, he was an ANBU black op. and that's why he wasn't home very much.
When he was there, Sakura was never invited over. Sasuke spent all of his time with his older brother. They would train together, just the two of them. Sakura didn't understand it completely, but she guessed it was a brotherly bonding type thing. She'd never had any siblings, so she didn't know what that was like.
Finally, one day he came in the house when she was there.
"So this must be the girl I've heard so much about," A tall man with long dark hair, and a face like Sasuke's came in through the front door. The only difference was that he was older, taller, and had two lines running along his face.
"Hai," Sakura blushed. "I'm friends with Sasuke-kun."
"Sakura-chan, right?" Itachi took her small hand in his and kissed it.
She giggled, and he smiled at her. She was so cute with her pink hair, and her adorable red bandana woven through it. Itachi had never seen such a beautiful girl. But he realized that she was just that, a little girl, and he should keep his distance.
Still, it was nice to know that Sasuke had friends. He continued on, to his room, not looking back. He didn't catch the hateful glare that Sasuke had cast at his back, as he left.
Sasuke had been inviting Sakura over to his house less and less. They were still friends, but it didn't feel like they were best friends anymore. She was kind of saddened by it.
But then his older brother, Itachi, started asking her to come over. And sometimes Mikoto and Fugaku, their parents, would invite her to their home. The whole family seemed quite fond of the delightful child Haruno Sakura had turned out to be. Her own parents didn't seem to mind it either.
"Sakura-chan," Itachi asked her, when she was in their living room, wacthing cartoons with Sasuke. "Do you want to come to the lake with me? Otouto, you can come too."
"No thanks," Sasuke turned back around, trying to focus fully on the television in front of them. He was silently hoping that Sakura would say no. But he would never confront her about it. He was too afraid of rejection.
Sakura smiled at Sasuke's older brother. All kitte kids thought the big kids were cool, of course. It was no different here. "Of course I'll come. Let's go, Sasuke-kun! Don't be such a spoiled little brat."
"If he doesn't want to come," Itachi held her hand, and led her outside. "Then he doesn't have to."
The more time she spent with Itachi, the colder Sasuke became to both of them. Though from time to time, he would still vie for attention from both of them.
Althought their time together had been completely innocent so far, Itachi realized what was happening. Could he really be falling in love with the girl? She was adorable, but... He knew there was such an age difference between them. If he did anything with her, though she was definetely a match for him when it came to mental maturity, it would be considered pedophilia.
He knew he would have to wait for her, before they could be together. Itachi was so sure that she liked him too. Sakura almost had to. They were starting even more time together than she spent with Sasuke. And he was just happy to be a part of her life, for now. Every moment they spent together was pure happiness, for both of them.
In the back of his mind, each time he was with his little princess, as he had come to refer to her in his mind only, certain thoughts would bother him. Itachi would think of evil things he could do... But he knew that no matter how cold and black his heart was, he could never bring himself to hurt Sakura.
'But Madara-san...'
Itachi would get lost in other thoughts from time to time. There were things in this world that he could not help. He knew that Sakura's crush on Sasuke was beyond his control. And the ancient founder of the Uchiha clan was telling him of evil things that should be done, and of the war that was to come.
If the Uchiha clan waged war on Konoha, there was no doubt that Sakura would be killed. And Itachi couldn't have that. If Konoha waged war on the Uchiha clan, Sasuke would be killed. There had to be another way.
'There is a way out of this... Peace can be achieved. I'll just have to try harder,' He convinced himself. 'I can talk them out of it. And I can talk Konoha out of their plans too. Then everything will be fine.'
It was obvious that Sakura still held her old feelings for Sasuke. She saw his older brother as a friend. She saw Sasuke as a friend too. But she'd known Sasuke himslef longer, so of course she was closer to him than Itachi. It all made sense in the mind of an eight year old.
"Sasuke-kun..." She told him one day when they were coloring pictures in the living room floor of the Uchiha household. "I love you."
Itachi had heard everything. He was sitting on the couch, working on some plans for his ANBU team.
Sasuke glared at her. "No you don't. Shut up."
Sakura's little greenish-blue eyes had gotten so watery after that... Itachi felt bad for her. He truly wanted them to be together. Even if he would have liked to have her to himself, Sasuke was in the same age group. There were older girls that he should be interested in.
"I mean as a friend," Sakura covered up her lie. "We'll always be friends, right Sasuke-kun."
He smiled at her then. "Right Sakura."
The two kept coloring their pictures together, without any more arguments. Itachi smiled. That was so sweet.
A/N: So, how was it so far? I hope this is interesting to you! It's been a while since I've done any ItaSaku fics. I promise this will be a good story if you give it a chance. There is slight SasuSaku, but mostly it's onesided. ^_^ Don't worry. I think I did a pretty good job of setting up a back story. It gets better, I promise. I know it's kind of a complicated love triangle.
-Kaline Reine