Many apologies for taking so long to write the final chapter. I was having a hard time thinking of an ending that did this story justice. But for better or for worse here it is.

I do not own Bleach.

A happy smile was plastered on his face. He stared at the back of the white captains coat. The three familiar black horizontal lines in front of him. Of course there was another symbol above them now but that mattered little. More importantly it was the man wearing the white captain's coat with those symbols on them that mattered.

His thoughts were interrupted when he ran into the back of the man again. Again he hadn't noticed that his captain had stopped walking.

"Izuru," sighed his captain turning to look at him. "I can't stand your forehead slamming into my shoulder blades anymore."

"I'm sorry Captain Ichimaru," he bowed his head in apology. "I'm just really happy you're my captain again."

"I know ya told me that a bunch already." Gin smiled at the blonde boy none the less. "And I'm glad to have ya as my lieutenant again. Bein in squad thirteen means we don't have a whole lot to do tho. Lots of paper work an all,"

"I know Captain," the blonde still smiling happily at him.

The silver haired man patted him gently on the head.

It had taken time. A lot of time. But Gin was at last fit again to be a captain. Like the previous captain Ukitake squad thirteen wouldn't be as active as the others.

"Wonder how long it'll be before I'm retired again like Ukitake-san is now,"

"Don't talk like that, sir. Just take it easy and you'll be in full health again in no time."

The thirteenth captain gave his trademark grin and continued to walk towards the tenth squad.


Toshiro could feel his eye twitching. He really thought once Ichimaru had been promoted to captain again Matsumoto could at last get back to work. Or at least he wouldn't have to see them making out on his poor office couch.

Yet here he was being bared from his office by a terrified blonde.

"Oh! Tenth captain-san!" said the smiling captain exiting the office. "Whatcha doin?"

"Trying to get into my office," he growled.


"Captain?" said Matsumoto who looked like she had been doing exactly what Toshiro had been hoping they weren't doing on his couch.

"Aww he's been waitin outside like a good boy." said Gin ruffling the spiky white locks.

"Ichimaru," hissed the icy captain, furious that he was being treated like a child. In poor health or not he was going to throttle the smiling man in front of him.

"I'll go get him some candy for being such a good boy,"

"I am not a little kid!" he snapped. "I don't need candy or want it!"

Gin shrugged. "Sorry sorry, but its in my job description to make sure you get candy. Ukitake told me to make sure to give you candy."

It was becoming dangerously cold in the small hallway. In fact frost was appearing on the walls.

The safe thing to do was quickly leave. He quickly waved goodbye to his dear Matsumoto and ran off, Kira quickly following after him, afraid to be left alone with the icy demon. In fact as they were leaving the tenth squad barracks Kira could of sworn he say Matsumoto climbing out the window.


That's how things were now. Just like the way things used to be again. Just wearing the numbers of a different squad. And no Aizen whispering evil plans into his ear. Though he couldn't deny that as awful as the man had been to him, he did miss him, a little bit at least.

He was in the human world getting the candy for Toshiro. He had promised Ukitake that he would give it to the icy tenth captain when ever he had the chance. It was funny to make the captain so angry. He chuckled at the thought of it. He slipped out of the barrowed human body he had gotten from the Urahara shop that was just run by Yoruichi now.

He was about to make his way back to soul Society again when he felt a tug at his coat.

He looked down confused. No one should be able to see him. Or touch him for that matter.

Two dark brown eyes hidden behind black rimed glasses looked up at him.

Gin gasped and stepped back making his coat slip threw the boys hand.

The young boy didn't look older the six or seven. But he did look identical to him.

"I'm sorry," the boy said quickly. "I didn't mean to scare you." He stepped up closer to the silver haired man. "You just look kind of familiar,"

Gin took a deep breath. It was not unheard of for shikigami to keep their forms, and vague memories. Those would be forgotten as they grow up of course.

He knelt down and patted the young boy on the head. "Here ya go," he gave the dark haired boy one of Toshiro's candies. "What's ya name?"

The boy took the candy and looked at it carefully. "Sousuke," he said.

Gin again felt fear run threw him a second time. It all was some kind of coincidence. No shikigami had ever kept their memories and form when they died. Aizen was powerful but no exception to the rules.

He patted the young boy on the head. "Well take care kid," With one last look behind him he headed back to Soul Society.

The young boy watched the silver haired man leave. Removing his glasses carefully he placed them in his pocket. "I'm glad your doing well, Ichimaru."

With that the young boy walked away. His powers and memories still in contact his options were limitless.

All his power would not win him his fox back, however. And he couldn't bare to rip away Gin's happiness again. Even his ice cold heart wouldn't allow him to do such a thing.


"So he's back?"

The dark skinned woman nodded. "I don't think he'll cause any trouble though."

Kisuke sighed. "I should've known it wouldn't be that easy to kill him."

Yellow wyes watched the blonde man intently. "Like I said. At least for now, he means us no harm."

"Well I certainly hope not. I'd hate for anything to happen to the peace we finally have here."

She wrapped her arms around the head captain. "You worry to much Kisuke."

He smiled. No he worried just the right amount. All those who live here and serve him. They were all precious. Some suffering more then others.

Soi Fon shouting orders during her ninja's training sessions.

Renji napping at his desk.

Unohana healing the wounded, or more often the eleventh company members with hangovers.

Ichigo yawning at Rukia as she scolded him for one reason or another.

Byakuya looking at his coy pound which for one reason or another, didn't have any coy in it.

Sajin visiting the grave of Tousen's old friend with Hisagi.

Shunsui drinking sake with disapproving looks from Nano.

Toshiro burning the candies in the fireplace, that were always being sent to him.

Kenpachi and Yachiru eating some delicious looking coy.

Mayuri doing experiments in his lab.

And Gin sitting in his new garden that he planted, having lost his old one to the third division.

"Its turning out nicely,"

He turned to see a strawberry blonde looking around at the newly planted trees and plants.

"A new garden for a new beginning," he said simply.

She wrapped her arms around him lovingly. He would never leave her side again. She would make sure of it. What ever challenges the future held they could face it together.

She shook her head. That sounded so cheesy. Aizen was gone Soul Society was back to normal. There was nothing to fear now. He had slipped from her grip to inspect some newly grown plants.


She heard an angry voice.

She sighed. Some things really would never change.

A/N All done. I loved writing this story to death. Sorry it took so long for the last chapter. I couldn't decide how to end it but here it is. I want to thank all my readers. All we have to do now is hope all goes well for Gin and Aizen in the whole war thing. I keeping my fingers crossed. Thank you again everyone. I hope you enjoyed it.