A/N Hello hello. This is my first Bleach fic. I just love it! Gin has captured my heart. Used to Urahara but watching the show more and more it has to be Gin for me. Oh and I don't own Bleach. But it would be sweeeeet if I did

Don't You Need Me Anymore


The silver haired ex-shikigami looked out at the never changing night sky from the window. The moon forever hung in the same place. He smiled at the moon stuck forever in the same place. Just like him, stuck.

Ever since they came to this horrible place he had been tossed aside. Aizen no longer needed him. He had Tousen now. How was that stupid blind ex-shikigami more useful then he was? Gin glared hatefully at the moon now. Bitterness swept threw him at how easily he was no longer needed. Hadn't he helped get them here? Didn't he make everyone he knew hate him so that they could come here? Izuru, Rangiku, all the captains all the squads. All his friends. They all hated him.

It was true back in soul society people were a bit wary of him. He had an unbreakable mask that he wore all the time. A mask no one could see through. Some saw that as his only fault and befriended him all the same. He was somewhat close to the eleventh squad captain Zaraki Kenpachi. They had shared many a drink together he had even been graced with a nick name by the lieutenant, Smiley, sometimes it was Smiles or Foxy. It changed from time to time. He was also fairly close to the sixth squad captain Byakuya Kuchiki. Though his lil sis was scared to death of him.

Of course there were some captains that had always been wary of him and hated him. Like that tiny little white haired captain, Toshiro.

He turned away from the window and the moon. Being a Captain had been wonderful. He had no longer been under Aizen's watchful eyes. Unfortunately he had still been bossed around a bit but he had been free to do what he wanted. How much he missed being free.

Yes he missed Soul Society more then he thought he had ever would. He hated this dark place full of mean Espadas. Espadas who hated him very much for reasons that hadn't been explained to him. Its not like he was hogging Aizen. The man barley spoke to him. They rarely saw each other except during meetings and…

Gin's face darkened as he stepped away from the window and headed down the hall towards his quarters. If Aizen did ever want to see him it was for bedroom pleasures. Acts of which Gin had not done since he had been Aizen's lieutenant he hated them then and he hated it now.

For a rare moment his grin faded and was replaced with a frown. His squinted eyes held back tears that he would never permit to fall. Never. The thoughts of those rare unwanted moments with his former captain made him nauseous and wallow in his own self pity.

"Ichimaru-Sama," said a voice.

The captain looked up to see piercing green eyes and a face that looked as sad as he felt. Gin smiled at the Espada, the only one that spoke to him now that Luppi was gone. "Ulquiorra-kun," said the former captain happily. "What can I do for, ya?"

The pale, green eyed Espada looked at Ichimaru. The Espada wore a mask equal to his own he could never tell what the Espada thought or felt. "Aizen-Sama is looking for you. He said he's waiting for you in his quarters."

Gin's heart stopped but his smile was as wide as ever. "Oh? Well could ya tell him I won't be able to make it to his quarters today,"

"Why is that?" asked Ulquiorra.

"Well ya see, Aizen's room is all tha way on the other side of this huge fortress. That's a long walk. I just don't think I'll make it to his room today,"

Green eyes continued to stare at him.

The former captain feeling a bit uneasy thinking that maybe the Espada was going to drag him to Aizen's quarters quickly walked past him. "So just relay the message to em' for me,"

"Where are you going?" asked the Espada.

"Gonna go out for a walk,"

"Aizen-Sama has forbidden you to go outside the fortress,"

"Sorry Ulquiorra-Kun I can't hear you,"

Gin Ichimaru quickly walked past his own room to the exit of Las Noches. Captain Aizen would be mad once Ulquiorra told him that he would not be coming. He wanted to be very far away when Aizen started throttling Espadas in anger. He hopped he took it out on Yammy or maybe Szayel. No Grimmjaw would be best. No Espada was nastier to him that Grimmjaw. Stupid blueberry.

For the first time he stepped onto the white sand. He looked around.




Tiny leafless trees.



Ichimaru knew that there was a forest somewhere around. The worst thing in there was menos grandes. 'I think,' thought Gin. He shrugged. The worst thing that would happen is that he would die. If menos didn't kill him Aizen would if he found him.

"All I want is to go back to Soul Society," he muttered as he stomped threw the sand heading in what ever direction he felt like. "I miss you Ran-chan. Izuru…. If I ever see any of you again I do hope you can forgive me."

A/N I hope you like. I want to write more but I'm not 100% sure where its going. I'll figure it out. Review are always welcome. Yes spelling and grammar is bad. Please Don't kill your selves over it.