In the song "There is Life Outside Your Apartment", Brian said Everyone was going. Oh how you lie. What about Kate?


This IS fanficiton.

They had all chosen him.

It was a unanimous decision, save one vote that wasn't counted.



Well, better get this over with.

Brian coughed nervously, procrastinating a few precious seconds, and knocked on Kate Monster's door. He heard a faint 'Coming!' and waited.

Kate was one of his best friends. She was kind, smart, sweet, and a whole lot more. He'd be lying if he said otherwise, but there's one thing about Kate no one ever should forget. She was a female. In fact, she was a female who was dumped. Hell hath no fury indeed. Now, if that wasn't bad enough, all their friends on Avenue Q wanted to get Princeton, the guy who dumped Kate a week ago out of his sulking and depressing misery, and to do so, they wanted everyone (that is, all the non-assholes) to help coax Princeton out. Including Kate. The girl he dumped. And he, Brian, was voted to ask Kate to help, by everyone else. Oh look, the door's opening.

"Yes? Oh, hey Brian." Greeted Kate, as she stepped out, looking slightly disheveled, but not heartbroken. Although, there was a slight slouch, and the fact that Kate wasn't acting as happy as her usual perky self.

"Hi Kate Monster…" Brian nervously replied. "Listen, everyone's planning to mess around New York, wanna come?"

"I would if I could, but just tell me one thing first," Kate dragged out "this is for Princeton, isn't it?"

"Well, not exactly… kinda… not really…"

Kate sighed and, not leaned, more like slumped on the open door. "I'm not deaf, I heard Nicky telling Trekkie about it." Damn that stupid loudmouth "What makes you think I'm gonna go cheer up the guy who dumped me last week? He hasn't been seen for a week, sure, but I'm not gonna be there to root for him after he threw me away." An eye twitch. A very bad sign.

"w-Well, Kate," Brian stuttered "nobody's seen you for a while either. Sure, there's the occasional morning 'Hello' but you haven't been around us almost as much as Princeton." Think Brian think! "Hasn't. You should try coming along too, and catching up with everyone. Christmas Eve misses your little chats." This was turning out much less bloody than he thought. Maybe not every girl was as bad after they got dumped as she was.

Kate sighed. "I'd love to come, Brian, but with Princeton there… I'm gonna either run away crying or start knocking heads together." The malice in the last statement caused Brian to carefully retract his earlier thought.

"Okay then Kate. If you change your mind, you'll probably see us outside somewhere." Brian quickly strode away, and told his friends of this disappointment. Though they were slightly sad, Brian couldn't help be feel glad to be alive. Everything was going great with Princeton, and they were having a blast, and suddenly Brian saw Princeton and Lucy The Slut together.


Good thing Kate didn't come after all.

Abrupt ending, I suck at writting, evil POV switching.
Man I suck!

I really wish I could write fluffy romance, but oh well...
Kinda short and weird, but when an IDEA kicks you in the head repeatedly, you can't wave them off 'cause you'll get a concussion. Yup.
I do not own Avenue Q as stated above. I'm not awesome enough.
Note: The 'She' Brian refers to is no one in particular. Could be a sister, mother, friend, ex... anyone. MAYBE IT'S YOU!