Hey, yep, I have a story for Kamichama Karin somewhat similar to this, but in a way it's completely different, I thought up one for GA and had to do it, I will still be updating Mikan Enchanted and Future Love.

Please reveiw!

This will be my first GA story that has the main plot already there, except for the fact that they're eleven now.

Disclaimer: I do not own GA.

Rated: T for fluffiness.


Summery: It's a normal day at Gakuen Alice when Hotaru's new invention goes horribly wrong! Tsuusba, Hotaru, Ruka, Narumi, Mikan and Natsume are all sent to the future by accident, twenty years into the future!! They meet a girl their age who offers them a place to stay until they figure out how to get back to their time, only to find out something that makes Natsume shocked and Mikan have an over dramatic pervert fit. Read and review! NxM, slight HxR.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning, way too early in the morning actually. It was six in the am when Hotaru called Mikan requesting for her assistance, she claimed it was an emergancy. Mikan quickly got out of bed estatic that her cold hearted best friend actually wanted her help for once on her lifetime. Mikan put her hair in her trademark pigtails, pulled on a black skirt and pink sweater and was out the door.

Five short minutes later she was knocking on Hotaru's dorm door.

"HOTARU!!?? IT'S ME MIKAN! WHAT'S WRONG!?" She banged on the door screaming in her horribly high pitched voice.

The door swung open, two hands shooting out, one covering Mikans big mouth and the other yanking her wrist.

"Quite down, there's people still sleeping." Hotaru hissed through clenched teeth.

Mikan was about to glomp her friend when she noticed a large device sitting on her invention desk. "Wow Hotaru what's that!?"

"That," she stated, as she started towards her desk, "is what I need your help with." She put a finger to her chin, "I have been working on it all night, it's a teleportation device. I need you to help me gather some more things to build it, and help test it. Normally I wouldn't ask an idiot like you for your help but I want it done as soon as possible."

"Wow!!" Mikan thrusted a fist in the air, "I'll do my best!"


Five long hours later and it was finished! Word had gotten out about Hotaru's new amazing device and people started to gather around eager to see the testing. Narumi was there in his frilly clothing with a huge smile plastered on his face.

"Mikan, Hotaru you finally worked together!"


Just then Ruka walked in with Natsume, who was obviously dragged there by Ruka's curiousity.

"Ruka - pyon!" Mikan enthusiastically ran over to the blond boy in front of her. "You came! Natsume - kun you came too!" Mikan smiled brightly at him.

"Tch, whatever."

"Ugh," Mikan twitched with anger. "You are so full of sh-"

She was cut off by a male voice.

"Hey brat," Tsuusba said as he tapped his knuckles on her forehead, "will this actually work?"

"Are you questioning my invention?" Hotaru asked coldly, glaring at the boy.

"Heh, of course not!" He sweatdropped.

"Hn, thought so," She said once again walking over by her new invention, "come on Mikan let's get this over with."

The teleporter:

Don't waste precious time walking to your classes, never be late again with the teleporter, it will teleport you anywhere in the academy, inspired by the teleportation alice. Little Hotaru explained with her little pointer stick.

"HAI!" Mikan skipped over to Hotaru, Hotaru flicked a switch on her invention expecting Mikan to disappear, instead the whole room started shaking uncontrollably.

"What the fu-" Natsume was cut off by a shreiking Mikan running right into him, they both went flying, about to hit Hotaru's floor when everything went black for a full minute.


Mikan opened one eye, to see ... grass?

She groaned loudly rubbing her head she pushed herself up.

"Ugh...what the hell am I sitting on?"

"Get. Off. Of. Me." An oh so familiar voice said slowly. Mikans face turned bright red at their position. "Sorry Natsume!" She was about to get up when she realized several other bodies all around her.

Narumi was now sitting up rubbing his head with a confused look on his face, beside him was Tsuusba who was groaning about not wanting to move. Hotaru had landed on top of Ruka, her legs sprawled out across his chest, head face in grass, Mikan giggled at them.

Suddenly she was thrusted onto the ground.

"I said get off of me." Natsume snarled, obviously ticked off at the embarrassing situation. "Oi Ruka."

Ruka grunted, stirring lightly, then jerked right up, causing Hotaru to recover. Ruka turned a tomato red as Hotaru slowly pulled herself off the blue eyed boy.

"Imai, what happened?" Ruka asked.

"I don't understand," She pondered, "it went all wrong, we could be anywhere, future, past, Canada. Or we could be two minutes from where we started."

"So we don't even know what year it is!?" Mikan screeched grabbing her pigtails tugging them furiously while running around in circles.

"Excuse me," a low sweet voice interuppted the confusion, "are you guys alright?"

Everyone stopped what they were doing, there in front of them stood a girl their age, light brown hair to her breasts, bangs almost covering her eyes, she was wearing a blue plaid skirt and dark blue blazer over a white blouse and blue whitestriped necktie, obviously her school uniform. But what got all of them was her crinsom red eyes, not big and round, but slanted placed on her pretty face exactly like Natsume's.

Mikan immidiatly ran over to her. "What year is it?" She asked frantically.

The young girl looked at her oddly before stating "2029." (just pretend that they're 11 in 2009, even though I know that they were created before that but I'm not sure what year it was exactly) "Where are you from?"

"Here," Hotaru started, "twenty years ago."

Once again an odd look was given. "Did you hit your head?" She asked innocently. "If you guys need something I'll do my best to help."

"Well unless you have a way to send us back twenty years there's nothing you can do." Natsume snapped at her, obviously annoyed by the fact that a girl was offering to help.

The innocent look turned to downright scary, "Sorry I don't speak asshole!" She retorted.

He stood up, pissed off, walked right up to her, hovering over her an inch or two, "Try saying that again." He said bluntly as he lit a small fire in his hand.

"NATSUME!" Mikan screamed. "What do you think your doing, all she did was offer to help!"

The girl looked taken aback a bit by his alice.

"What's your name sweetie?" Narumi asked while making his way up to the girl.

"Hyuuga Nachi." She said, still slightly angered.

"Hyuuga," Hotaru turned to Natsume, who looked up confused. "That's your daughter." She pointed an accusing finger at Nachi.

He froze, I'm not sure weather he was going to burn Hotaru to a crisp or faint.

"Oh it makes so much sense!" Tsuusba, who finally butted in said. He walked up to her and grabbed her cheek, "She lookes just like you! So cute!"

"If you want to keep your hand. Get it the hell off my face." She glared at Tsuusba.

He quickly backed off.

"She even sounds like you!" Mikan exclaimed. "She's so pretty!"

Nachi gave Mikan a light smile.

Natsume still standing there with his hands in his pocjet, dumfonded.

"Nachi," Hotaru started, "I don't suppose you have a place we can stay til we figure this out."

"Of course! Mom and Dad won't mind at all, seeing as though he is my dad..." She tapped her chin lightly, "Actually, I think you all look familiar."

She walked up to Natsume, "Sorry, I should not of lost my temper on you like that." She then walked up to Ruka. "Oh yeah, Ruka - kun, I definitely know you guys... let's go."

They entered the cozy house, the foyer let to a small hallway, which led to a sitting room/kitchen.

"Sit down, I'l get you some snacks." They all took a seat on the fouton while Nachi poured six glasses of water and pulled some cookies out of the couberts, the snacks were handed to the group.

"This is so weird." Mikan said, she then poked Natsume in the chest, "So this is your future house? It's sooo nice!" Mikan ran around for a minute before returning to the fouton, "I wonder who I married!"

"Who would marry you polka dots?"

Mikan stood up, "YOU'RE SO MEAN YOU BUTTHEAD, PERVERTED MOLESTER!" The front door creaked open.

"Shut up you're making my ears bleed."

"Oh I'll make your ears bleed alright!" She sat right down on him and grabbed his ear tugging on it when...

"What the hell is going on?" A very confused, calm voice asked from the hallway, the figure emerged and walked into the next room. Everyone stopped, Mikan still sitting on Natsume with his ear in her hand, blinking at the sight before her.

Natsume stood there, about a foot taller then the eleven year old Natsume, just as handsome with his young face, still peircing red eyes and long black hair. He had one hand in his dress pants pocket, while using the other one to undo several of the top buttons of his white dress shirt, the sleeves where pushed up to his elbows, very Natsume like, he obviously hated his work dress code.

"Uh, hi Dad."

He cocked an eyebrow up, his eyes immidiatly went directly to Mikan, who's face was bright red. "I need that ear." He stated before walking into the kitchen searching the fridge.

Slowly Mikan released Natsume's ear and got off of him, sitting back on her space of coach.

Natsume came in holding what looked like some sort of pop. "Nachi, don't bother explaining until your mother gets home, I don't feel like reexplaining anything to her, she's too dense."

Nachi sweatdropped.

"Your even mean to your own wife!" Mikan whispered furiously into Natsume's ear.

Older Natsume just smirked.

The front door opened once again, "Nachi?! Natsume!? Family conference now!" A loud voice yelled out.

Oh no, was the first thought that enetered Natsume and Mikans mind.

"NATSUME!? ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!??" The voice complained again as footsteps, very loud footsteps started hounding towards the family room.

Oh no.

Hotaru, Narumi and Tsuusba had a smirk on their faces, and Ruka looked shocked.

"I'm right here, no need to yell." Natsume (Older.. this may get annoying. LOL) said calmly.

And then she stepped into the light, thin, burnette, large brown eyes. She was wearing a tired look on her face but still had the same old enthusiasm all over it, in a knee length pink sun dress she looked very pretty.

Oh yes.

The second Natsume saw her the swig of water he had just taken was sent all over the floor, Mikan started choking on her cookie coughing uncontrollably.

"What is going on!?" Mikan (Oldeeer) shreiked loudly.

Hotaru sighed, and explained everything.

"So do you think you can get us home some how?" Narumi questioned Natsume (Older!) who looked at him in disgust, he still hated him.

"Maybe." He pondered. "Imai might be able to figure it out."

"Yes Hotaru! She'll be able to do it, especially with the help of her younger self!" Mikan (Older.. ugh) jumped up and down, overjoyed. "This is so cool." She said as she poked Hotarus cheek, who glared at her.

Mikan still sat there immobile. Natsume had recovered from the shock and was just blushing, not that you could see it.

"You didn't change, how disappointing." Natsume said to Mikan, which snapped her out of her faze.

"Neither did you, idiot!"

"Uhm..." Mikan (older) started, "about the family meeting..."

"Where were you today Mom?" Nachi cut in.

"The doctors..." She took a deep breath and smiled brightly, "I'm pregnant!"

Natsume (ollldeer) spit out his pop (geez they're going to have quite the mess to clean up) coughing wildly.

"How the hell did that happen?" He asked.

Mikan slowly turned around glaring at him. "You know exactly how it happened."

At this he smirked, turned to the younger Mikan, and winked.

And with that Mikan fainted.

Review please!