Legally Wicked

Disclaimer – I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this story. I also do not own Wicked, or Legally Blonde.

"Did you hear?"

One girl whispered into another's ear. Her companion shook her head, and the girl giggled and whispered something into her ear, something that made an excited smile appear on her face and made her whisper into yet another girl's ear.

"Did you hear?"

"No, I haven't. What is it?"

That girl stifled a squeal and whispered the message along. Soon, the room was full of women whispering the secret to one another, the buzz of their talking becoming louder and more frantic and excited, until soon one girl just couldn't handle it anymore. She jumped up and shrieked in delight, the rest of the roomful of women joining her as they all cheered,



The roar of excitement stopped as the door burst open, and a short woman, decked out in all the latest trendy fashions, strutted in.

"Guys, guys, be quiet!" She yelled, her hands flapping as she motioned for them to calm down. Once the few remaining speakers were quiet, she cleared her throat and looked around the room.

"Now girls, as you all know, our president, Galinda Upland, is getting married!" She grinned, causing a chorus of ecstatic 'Oh my Oz!'

"Of course, it's not official, but who cares about it being official, because we all knew it was going to happen anyways!" She giggled. "But we know it's going to happen tonight. So being the sweet people we are, we've decided to-"

"-Have the surprise engagement party for Galinda right now instead of later!" Another woman came dashing into the room, waving her bracelet clad arms wildly around her head as the girls began to whoop, unfurling a banner that read 'Congratulations Galinda and Fiyero'. The one who had been talking, however, pouted.

"Shenshen!" She whined, "I wanted to tell them!"

"Sorry Pfannee," She shrugged, not looking the least bit apologetic, "But I'm just so excited for our surprise party!"

"It won't be a surprise if everyone doesn't hush up!" A third girl hissed as she rushed in. She was shorter than the rest (seeing as she was a munchkin), but her height was made up for by the three-inch heels she managed to carry herself on with perfect balance.

"So be quiet!" She put a finger over her mouth.

"Sorry Milla!" Shenshen apologized blithely, a dumb smile on her lips as she put a finger over her own mouth and let out the loudest 'shh' ever heard.

"Shut up!" Milla cried, slapping a palm to her own forehead as the rest of the girls all turned and glared at her.

"Has everyone signed the card?" Pfannee whispered into the silence. All of their heads bobbed as they nodded yes.

"Good!" She smiled. "Now everyone fall in line and let's start our engagement parade!"

"Everybody has their candle, right?" Milla asked. When everybody held theirs up, she went around and began to light each of them up. "Don't forget to smile, girls!"

In a single file line, all of the girls crept up the spiral staircase of their sorority house, stifling their cries of 'Oh my Oz!'

Hearing the noise, Milla snapped her head around to look at the gigglers.

"Guys, I'm serious!"

"Does everybody remember the creed?" Pfannee questioned after glaring at Milla for snapping at them in an extremely loud voice.

All the girls nodded and began to recite the creed that had been created specially for a member that was planning to get married.

"Make him a happy home, waste not his hard earned wage, and so he does not roam, strive not to look your age. Still, in your hour of need, let it be understood that no man could supersede our sacred bond of sisterhood!"

"Oh my Oz!" The girls began to squeal, louder and louder as they reached Galinda's room and slowly began to open the door. "Oh my Oz, Oh my Oz, oh my-"

Their chant was cut short, as they were greeted with the sight of...


Instead of seeing their president, all they saw was a pink and bedazzled empty room, with not a soul inside except for a little dog, staring quizzically at them from its bed.

"Guys... she's not here." Shenshen stated bluntly.

"Sweet Oz!" They shrieked. It was as if Pandora's Box was opened in that very moment, for the entire sorority began to chatter worriedly to one another, wondering where Galinda went.

"Maddie!" Milla exclaimed, falling to her knees as the white dog padded over to her. "Maddie, where is Galinda?"

The little white fur ball barked once.

"She doesn't have an engagement outfit?"

Maddie barked again.

"She's totally freaking out?"

The tiny dog wagged her tail.

"She's trapped in the old valley mill?!"

Maddie barked twice, almost shaking her little head.

"Oh, sorry," Milla smiled sheepishly at the others. "She's at the old valley mall!"

"No one should be left alone to dress and accessorize!" Pfannee claimed, scooping up Maddie at the same time. "Let's go girls!"

"Wait for me!" one last girl cried, pulling the curlers out of her hair as she tagged along after the stampeding crowd of women.

"It's almost there," Galinda said softly to herself as she observed her reflection in the mirror of the boutique. She ran her hands along the white dress that clung to her body, smoothing out the wrinkles that did not exist. "But..."

"The dress... has to be perfect. It has to make him kneel." She mused, twirling around and examining her backside in the mirror. "Yet it can't be desperate; I have to leave Fiyero his pride, after all..."

She smiled as the image of her soon-to-be fiancé appeared in her mind, but frowned as she looked at her dress.

"So bride has to be more... implied."

"Sweet Oz, there she is!" Somebody suddenly screamed.

Galinda turned to the voice, and a smile consumed her face as she saw all of her sorority sisters rushing across the store to her.

"Oh my Oz, you guys!" She breathed as they surrounded her, various people giving her hugs. "All this week, I've been so nervous. Whenever he looks at me now, I can just see the question running through his mind!"

"Help me out girls," Galinda breathed, her eyes twinkling as she clasped the hands of Milla and Shenshen and looked around to her group of sisters. "I can't wear something I bought on sale if I'm going to get engaged!"

"This is what we live for ladies!" Pfannee proclaimed, handing Maddie and her emerald-studded leash to one of her sisters. "We have to help Galinda!"

They all split up, every single person combing the store for a perfect dress. As the sorority girls crawled about the store looking for a perfect engagement dress, none of them noticed the woman at the desk slip out from behind the counter and swipe a gown off of the sales rack, ripping of the tag that said it was half price.

"Blonde's make commissions so easy." She smirked to herself, sidling up to Galinda and plastering on a smile.

"Excuse me!" She chirped, tapping the flaxen-haired beauty on the shoulder.

"Have you seen this yet?" She pulled out the dress from behind her back, showing it to Galinda. "It's the latest in fashion, and it would look perfect on a blonde such as you."

"Right!" Galinda bubbled, smiling pleasantly at the woman. "With a half-lip stitch on Vinkus silk?"


"The thing is though..." Galinda's sweet smile stayed on her face, even as she continued on. "You can't use a half-lip stitch on Vinkus silk because it will pucker. And you didn't just get this in because I saw it in last May's Ozmopolitan."

"Oh sweet Oz..." The frat girls snickered, as they watched the exchange between their president and the stunned sales-woman.

"I'm not about to buy last year's dress at this year's price!" Galinda laughed. She leaned in closer to the woman and said in the most pleasant tone,

"It may be perfect for a blonde miss, but I'm not that blonde. I've got eyes, you know."

"Oh Oz!" Someone exclaimed suddenly, practically running past the smirking frat girls and up to Galinda, a tag on her blouse stating that she was the store manager. "Galinda Upland, our best customer!"

She gave Galinda a hug, air kissing her cheeks, giving a pointed look to the saleswoman who had tried to trick Galinda that said clearly 'take your break'. Ashamed, the lady scurried off and the manager smiled.

"Ignore her, she hasn't been well." She motioned to the retreating saleswoman, rolling her eyes. "Anyways, I've got the perfect dress for you; latest from the Emerald City!"

She pulled a dress seemingly out of nowhere and handed it delicately to Galinda.

"Try it on, try it on!" Her sorority sister and the manager urged. Galinda giggled and flounced off to put it on.

"Well?" Milla asked after five minutes. "How-?"

Before she could finish her sentence, the door creaked open and Galinda stepped out in a beautiful pink dress.

"It's perfect!" She gasped. "And it's just my size! Group hug!"

As her sisterhood crowded around her and they all rocked and squealed in excitement, Galinda smiled brightly at the manager.

"I'll take it!"

"Do I look okay to you?" Galinda bit her li, wringing her hands together as she stood by the door.

Just moments before, there had been a knock on the wooden portal and all of her sisters had assembled to see her off. Clutching Galinda's designer handbag, Pfannee handed Galinda her bag and smiled.

"You look wonderful!" She insisted.

Galinda really was a vision; the dress that she had bought earlier that day was absolutely gorgeous, and best of all, in her trademark colour; pink. Her hair had been teased to perfection, and every inch of her radiated beauty. The president smiled at her friends, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. Right before Milla opened the door for her, Galinda glanced into the mirror that hung on the wall and tossed ehr head, her curls bouncing into perfect place just as her boyfriend stepped in.

All of the girls' eyes widened appreciatively as Galinda's boyfriend strutted inside. Decked out in a handsome dark red vest and pants, Fiyero Tiggular nodded politely to Galinda's sorority sisters, before walking up to Galinda and meeting her halfway.

Half the girls sighed, appreciating the romance as Fiyero leaned down and captured Galinda's lips in a passionate kiss, the pink-clad girl most definitely reciprocating it.

"Shall we go?" Fiyero grinned, offering her his arm as they broke apart.

"Let's." Galinda smiled back; wrapping her arm around his and snuggling up to his side as they turned around and headed outdoors.

This was the moment Galinda had been waiting for all her life and she couldn't wait for it to happen. She was so excited about it, but she was nervous too. At the moment, it felt as if millions of butterflies were fluttering around her stomach. However nervous she was though, she vowed to remember the date, for this date would change her life completely.

What she didn't realize was that while her date would change her life, it wouldn't change it in the way that she expected.

So, this is the first chapter of Legally Wicked. I was thinking about it for a while now, but only now I decided to write it. As expected, it's basically Legally Blonde set with Wicked characters. The world this story is set in is basically a mix of four worlds; both the book-verse of Wicked and the musical verse, and the movie and musical-version of Legally Blonde.

Anyways, I need your opinion. I've got the majority of characters determined, but I still need to figure out who will be Paulette, Enid. Kyle (the UPS guy), and Brooke Wyndham. Who do you think should be who? I'm using characters from both the musical and the book, so suggest anybody you want(Also, don't suggest Elphaba for any of these roles, because I've already got a place for her)

Oh, and also, cookies for those who know where I got Maddie from ;)

Thanks for reading and helping me decide!