Apollo was late for work.

He was never late for work. He was always at the "Wright Talent Agency" on time each morning. Even when he worked late he would sleep in the spare bedroom at the agency so he wouldn't be late for work. Trucy had once asked him why he was so worried about being late for work. Apollo ended up going off into a lecture about punctuality being an important trait for a lawyer. Trucy still didn't understand why it mattered so much. She racked it up to being a weird 'Polly thing', like Apollo's fascination with putting his hair in two pointy horns, or his need to practice his "Chords of Steel". That's why this raining Saturday morning Trucy grew very concerned. Apollo was an hour late.

"Daddy, Polly's late!" Trucy called to her adopted father; who was in the kitchen making instant waffles.

"Uh? I'm sure it nothing Sweetie. When I was an attorney I was often late to work. "

"But Daddy, Polly's never late. Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever -"

"I get the idea Trucy, if you're so worried why don't you call him?" Phoenix said with a lazy smile as he brought two plates of waffles into the main room.

"Great idea Daddy!" Trucy grinned widely at her father before bouncing off to find the telephone.

"Wait! Trucy! The waffles… oh well" the piano player let out a sigh as he watch Trucy disappear to another room.

It was a few minutes after Phoenix had sat down on the couch and started eating that he heard his daughter call again. "Daddy! Where is the phone?"

"I think you last used it in the kitchen."

"Okay, I'll check there… It's not in the kitchen Daddy, I looked everywhere!"

"How about the plate cupboard?"

"Why? Would it be there?"

"Dunno, just check."

"Wow Daddy! You were right; I think some of my magic has rubbed off on you."

Phoenix chuckled at little. Before handing Trucy a crumpled piece of paper from inside his hood pocket as she walked past the couch. "Apollo's apartment number should be the fifth on the list"

"Okay Dokay!" Trucy trailed her finger down the list past her cell phone number, a phone number for a M. Egthworth, a L. Butz, a M Fey, and one crossed out in crude pencil marks that looked like it spelt K. Gavin. Folding the piece of paper over so that Apollo's number was at the top Trucy dialed the numbers into the cordless phone.

"// B-Bring// B-Bring//// B-Bring// B-Bring//// B-Bring// B-Bring// BEEP// You reached Apollo Justice and I AM FINE! However I'm not home at the moment, please leave a message after the beep. Thanks … //BEEP//"

Trucy looked up at her father and mouthed "He's not home" before replying to the answering machine.

Phoenix tried to assure Trucy that Apollo was probably on his way to the office at that very moment. Still she couldn't shake the uneasy feeling lingering in the pit of her stomach. The day passed and Apollo never showed up for work. Fact was he didn't show up for work for the next whole month. Polly was missing.