Hermione and her daughter Rose walked into Flourish and Blotts to get school supplies. As Rose was about to pick up the nearest book , she heard a very interesting conversation strike up between her mother and the lady at the counter.

"Okay ma'am, please put your first initial and last name on that sheet there and I'll be right back with your books." Rose heard the scritch scratch of a quill.

The lady came back with an armful of books and looked at the paper. "H. Weasley?" asked the lady. "You're a Weasley?"


The lady paused. "Well you don't look like one. I've been here long enough to know what a Weasley looks like."

"Oh, well… I married in," replied Hermione, blushing.

"Ah," she said. "Which one?"

Hermione cautiously replied, "Ronald Weasley."

"I know him!" the lady answered, "Well, heard of him. I work here on and off. Anyway, isn't Ronald Weasley… isn't he Harry Potter's best friend?"

"Yes." Hermione was still getting used to how much people knew about them.

"Mmmm…"The woman paused in thought, then said, "I wonder what happened to that other girl…"

"Other girl?" asked Hermione. Rose strained to hear behind the bookcase, piqued by how much the lady knew, and how peculiar she seemed when she repeated her uncle and father's names.

"Yes, the other girl," continued the woman, "The one who two-timed him and that Quidditch player. Wasn't she his friend as well?"

"Yes, she was," replied Hermione, starting to frown.

"Hmm… Wonder where she went with her life. She might have dated Viktor Krum but he hasn't married her obviously, or Potter. She's probably concocting love potions… Honestly, she has some nerve! I can't quite remember her first name but her last name was Granger, wasn't it?"

Hermione didn't reply.

"Well, anyway, my friend sympathizes with her. She thought that many things written in the paper were bull back then. I personally think she's a slut. Supposedly top of her class and doing stupid things? Dear oh dear… mighty shame…"

"How would you really know someone unless you actually met the person?" argued Hermione. "I mean, your friend is right, if it seems too dramatic its probably been exaggerated. Bull. I mean, you've never actually met the girl, have you?"

"Still, the places she was headed to were obvious ---"

"But you don't know!" persisted Hermione. " How old was she, 14? She was young. Even if the paper wasn't making the whole story up, didn't we all make mistakes when we were growing up?" She paused. "And if the story wasn't real how do you know how she turned out? People change over a period of time, always changing, it wouldn't be very fair to call her a slut now, would it?"

The woman almost replied when a customer came into the store. " Hermione Granger?"

Rose peered around the bookcase. A beautiful lady with black hair stood near the doorway.

Hermione looked and after a delayed reaction the stranger's face finally registered. "Cho Chang?"

Cho smiled, "I didn't think you would recognize me."

Rose was stunned. Hermione Granger? she thought. Granger is mum's maiden name? The Hermione Granger? As in the one in our history book?

Hermione and Cho talked for awhile and when Cho finally went off into the store, Hermione turned to the woman and asked, "How much?"

The lady's mouth was open. She had to think where she was for a moment and realized Hermione was talking about the books. "Oh, um, 9 Galleons, 7 Sickles, and 23 Knuts."

Hermione paid and called Rose so they could leave. When they reached the door, Hugo and Harry and Ginny's children also came out from behind a bookcase.

"You were all hiding?" asked an amused Hermione.

All of them left the store. Once out, Hugo looked at his mother and asked in wonder, "You dated Viktor Krum?"

Hermione sighed. Damn you, Rita, she thought, this is going to haunt me for the rest of my life…