UPDATE! Below are completely unedited scenes from Honeythief's sequel Make Me Wanna Die. I wanted to give everyone a small sneak peek at what's coming next!
Make Me Wanna Die
"Take me, I'm alive, never was a girl with a wicked mind
But everything looks better, when the sun goes down."
- Make Me Wanna Die, Pretty Wreckless
"You are making me nervous!"
Raven rolled her eyes as Robin's voice crackled over the communicator. The streets seemed to speed beneath her in smooth gray patterns as she flew between the buildings. Robin's motorcycle was a blur of red, staining the darkness below her. She looked up, seeing the beginnings of young dawn starting to appear over the tops of the buildings, and Raven was started to feel warm. "I can tell."
"We've got five minutes until the sun breaks the horizon." She heard the snap of irritated teeth, and the hum as his engine worked to keep up with her. "Raven, I will personally turn you over my knee and spank you if you are not in our room in three."
"Ha!" Raven snorted. "You'd like that too much."
"Dude! TMI!" Beast Boy made a gagging noise. "There are things I just don't want to know."
Raven chuckled as she slid between buildings. "Sorry, Beast Boy." She felt a grin spread across her lips. "You want to know what blood-"
"NO!" Beast Boy's protest could be heart across blocks. "Raven! Seriously! Bleh. You're gonna make me throw up."
"This is not the time for joking." Raven thought she heard Robin's teeth ground together over the communicator. She fought back a snarky comment and ignored his angry demands. "Four minutes!"
"Jeez." Raven rolled her eyes again, seeing the edge of the bay smoothing the rough edges of the city. The sleepy eyes of the tower seemed to glisten with dim lights from barges moving slowly through the water. "Look, we're three minutes away."
. . .
Raven felt the first rays of sun strike her cloak and the scent of warmth filled her nose. There was a split second of peace, like a runner's high, and her stomach turned in delight. The high was immediately replaced by fire, and she fought against the pain that struck her eyes. Damnit. Too long. She mustered the last bit of strength she had and phased through the side of the building, crashing into her deep covers. Her breath caught in her chest, and she coughed out a few, thick breaths. She curled up on the sheets, trying keep her limbs from shaking. The door flew open and Raven could see the frown on Robin's face.
"What in the hell were you thinking!" He walked over to her shaking body and grabbed her left hand, which was starting to blister. He growled before grabbing "after-sun aloe" and rubbing it onto her skin, trying to heal it quickly. "You can't keep playing these games! You could have been seriously hurt! What would have happened if you were! Raven, are you even listening to me?"
"No." She glared up at him, trying to ignore the pounding in her head. "I'm sorry I can't hear you over your bitching."
"You deserved to be spanked." Robin yanked her cloak off her and glared. She shivered and his gaze softened. His fingers threaded in her hair, brushing away the sweat soaked locks. "How are you feeling?"
"Like shit." She rolled onto her back, wincing with the movement, and let her eyes adjust to the darkness. Robin had done everything he could think of to outfit their room with sun-blocking anything trying to protect her. "Ugh. I just need to sleep." Raven fumbled for the edge of the covers and tried to pull it over her head, but Robin grabbed her hand.
"Come on, Rae. Get up. We've got things to do."
She glared. "Like what? It's seven o'clock in the morning and everyone else is going back to bed, why can't we?"
"Because I need to spank you for not listening to me."
"You're impossible." Raven rolled her eyes and yanked the covers over her. "Wake me up in a few hours."
"Rachel Roth. Get up and look at me right now."
Raven snapped her teeth at her mate and sat up. She fought the urge to shove at his shoulders, sometimes she really wondered about her decision to mate with him. "What?"
"You cannot keep doing this."
Raven rolled her eyes and stood up, grabbing the aloe from his hands. "I'm fine."
"No! You aren't!" He grabbed her blistered wrist and held it in front of her face. "Look at this! What are you trying to prove here?"
Raven glared. "That I'm still human!"
. . .
Robin held his head in his hands. "Please don't tell me what I think you are."
Cybog growled low under his breath and Robin looked over at him. "Bruce, please, I was having a good day man."
"Sorry, guys." Bruce frowned. "I wish I had better news. But, Jinx escaped Arkham last night."
Starfire nodded, her face surprisingly calm. "Friends, we all knew this would happen."
Robin snorted. "Unfortunately."
Like I said. ROUGH DRAFT. Please look for the final layout soon! I think by 7/18/10 or so. Enjoy Let me know if you like where this is going! I love to hear your thoughts.
With Love Always: Xaph!