Chapter 8: Remembrance

Bella Swan

The weekend was peaceful and quiet, something I enjoyed greatly. I had to call Renée often because she apparently missed me so much. The conversations were nice and I enjoyed this relationship better than the one I had with her when I had moved back. At least I could talk to her now.

Obviously I fell back into the routine of cooking dinner for Charlie and myself. He was grateful for real food again and I was grateful that he was eating nutritional things once again. How I ever thought he would handle himself without me I wasn't sure.

Nervous about my first day back, I arrived to school before everyone else. My truck was the first in the parking lot, looking lonely all by itself. Since I was so early, I decided to head to the office in order to get my old schedule back. I was greeted warmly and wished good luck on my second time around in Forks. I needed the good luck.


When I looked up from the book I was reading, sure enough Jessica was running full steam in my direction. Faster than I expected, she was in front of me, throwing her arms around my neck in a bare hug. "I'm can't believe you're back! Why didn't you tell me?" she shrieked in my ear.

"I dunno," I mumbled, trying to breathe through the hug. "I wanted it to be a surprise."

She pulled away and sat next to me, looping her arm through mine. "Well, it certainly was. I can't believe it! I'm so happy!" She sounded more than happy; she sounded almost giddy.

"What are you doing here so early anyway?" Glancing around, I realized that there still were minimal people arriving, many of them glancing my way with curious expressions on their faces. They were probably all wondering what possessed my to move to Forks, move to Florida, then move back to Forks. I was hoping this would be my last move for a while.

She nearly gasped in horror, something that was unrelated to my question I'm sure. "Oh, Bella! You're going to just hate me."

I raised an eyebrow at her curiously. Why would I hate her already? I just got back. "What are you talking about?"

She unhooked her arm from mine and slid over a little on the bench. "Edward Cullen and I are going to prom together," she informed me while biting her lip guiltily.

Even though I knew there was nothing going on between Edward and I at the moment, the thought of Jessica and Edward going together made me furious. I cold feel a green ogre of jealousy building inside of me. How could she do this to me? How could he do this to me? How was this happening to me? "What?" I practically hissed. My tone was supposed to sound nonchalant, like I didn't care. Only to my horror it sounded as angry as I felt.

She bit down harder on her lip, fake tears brimming her eyes. "I knew it! Oh, Bella, it was the most awful thing. Edward told me Mike was only going with me so he could have a date and that he didn't even care about me. I was so upset, that I asked Edward if we could go as friends since we both no longer had dates. I should have asked you. I know you two had a thing. Please, please, don't hate me."

Okay, so we had a thing. Good to know. I took a deep breath and steadied myself. "Don't worry about it, Jess. Edward and I aren't together anymore, not that I even remember us ever being together. Tell me how prom goes."

"You aren't going?" she practically gasped. It was as if I told her I didn't have a beating heart anymore.

I shrugged and stood up, putting my backpack on my back. "Who is there to go with? And with this leg?" I held out my casted leg for evidence. "Not worth it."

"Where are you going?" she asked innocently.

Away from you, I almost said but bit my tongue. "I'm going to talk to my gym teacher," I lied. Like I was going to the gym when I didn't have to? "I can't play gym so I was wondering what I should do during that class."

"Did you get your old schedule back?" she asked hopefully.

I sighed and said, "Yup."

She clapped her hands together merrily and bounced up from her seat. "I'll come with you then."

I didn't feel like having company at the moment after what she had just informed me of. Just when I was about to cave and tell her to follow, I saw a silver Volvo speed into the lot and into a spot with ease. "There's your date. Why don't you go bother-I mean, say hi to him?"

She glanced over her shoulder just in time to see Edward get out of the driver's side of his car. She beamed with delight, making me realize that she really didn't care about my feelings on the Edward-issue. I walked away as quickly as my cast would allow of me, leaving Jessica behind.

Edward Cullen

When I got out of the car, the air was warm and filled with a floral scent. I couldn't place the smell, but it made me mouth water instantly. I glanced at Jasper who was closest to me and asked softly, "Do you smell something?"

"Yeah," he replied, automatically tensing up from the close contact of humans, "blood."

I laughed and clapped his shoulder. When I looked over at the school entrance, Jessica was waving like a madman in my direction. A girl had turned away from her and was hobbling away, a girl who looked strangely like-No, don't hallucinate now.

Alice joined me, her face contorted into one of disgust. How could you have agreed to take that to prom? She was asking me in horror in her mind. Smells nice out today, she added as an after thought.

I smiled at her and walked toward Jessica. "Hello, Jessica," I greeted her cordially, hoping I could get away form her without a conversation that would surely drop my conversation.

"Hi, Edward," she gushed merrily. "How was your weekend?"

Darn. "It was very well, thank you. I presume yours was nice as well?"

She fell into stride next to me, having to take longer steps to keep up with my long legs. "It was fine. But it got even better this morning. Oh, I just still can't believe it!"

Her happiness sparked my curiosity and I asked her, "And what happened this morning that was so pleasant?"

We were inside the confines of building one now. But before Jessica could answer, I already knew what she was going to say. The smell hit me like a ton of bricks. How could I not have noticed it before? The sight of my love made my still heart flutter with happiness. I never thought I could be as happy as I was at this exact moment. "Bella's here!" she chirped excitedly.

At the sound of her name, Bella turned around in her desk warily. Her eyes locked with mine. I noticed hers were filled with moisture. It was selfish of me, but I hoped those tears weren't the doings of me. I hoped she would be happy to see me. "Hello, Bella," I called across the room at a volume I knew she could hear.

Her lips pulled up into a reluctant smile and she replied, "Edward." My name meant more that what it really was coming from her lips. There was pain embedded behind the strand of letters.

Before I could read more into it, she turned back around just as Angela approached Bella's desk, giving her a tender 'welcome back' hug. They exchanged small pleasantries and then Angela asked her why she looked so glum. "Edward is going to prom with Jessica," she admitted in a whisper. No! So Bella was upset that I am taking Jessica to the prom. How was I supposed to know that Bella would return?

"Did you hear me, Edward?"

I snapped my head back toward Jessica, the cause of my love's heartache and scowled at her. "I told you she would be upset," I snapped. There was no way to could stay friendly with someone who forced me to cause Bella pain.

Her eyes widened in shock at my words. "I talked to her this morning. That was the first thing I mentioned. She's fine with me."

"Explain to me that," I retorted, painting in the direction of Bella. Her shoulders were shaking, her hands covering her face, and Angela was rubbing circles on her back in a soothing manner. I felt like the lowest of scum, even lower than Newton.

Jessica rushed over toward Bella's desk and apologized profusely. Bella tried to deny the fact that she cared, but everyone knew that she did. I couldn't figure out why she cared so much though. We weren't together in her eyes, nor had we ever been. But then Bella said, "Just because I can't remember everything that there was between Edward and I, means you have to steal him away from me? How cold can you be, Jessica?"

"I didn't mean to, Bella!" Jessica defended herself. Please. "We're just going as friends." I need him to get noticed at prom. I mean, it's not like I care about him. He's just really hot. All eyes on my at prom… I wanted to slap that girl for using me so.

Bella stood up abruptly and pointed her finger at Jessica menacingly. "The hell you are! I know you just want to go with Edward because you want all eyes on you at prom. He's not a toy, Jessica, he's a person. A really kind person. Stay away from my Edward."

My Edward? Really? Were my ears deceiving me or was I hearing Bella correctly? "Your Edward? That's why you dumped him?" Jessica retorted, a hand on her hip.

Bella placed both hands on her hips and said, "I never dumped anyone. I got amnesia!" As if she were just realizing something for the first time, she spoke slowly, making sure she believed the words herself. "And just because I can't remember anything, I know I love him. You aren't going to prom with Edward."

What?! I was stupefied, standing by the entrance watching the scene unfold. Bella loves me? In present tense? "You can't decide that. It's Edward's choice." Jessica then turned and looked at me, beckoning me toward them. I walked slowly, only want to stay away form this situation, but I had to be closer to Bella.

When I was standing between them, closer to Bella than Jessica, Bella's cheeks blushed a crimson red. She must have forgotten I was still here to hear everything she said. "Tell Bella we're going to prom together," Jessica commanded me, brushing her fingertips up the length of my forearm (which was covered with a thick sweater).

I looked into Bella's eyes and wanted to call Jessica a liar. But then I would be lying to Bella and I couldn't do that. "I did inform her that we could go to the prom together, that fact is true. But only as friends. Bella, this I swear to you." Then I lowered my voice so soft that I knew no one would hear me and said, "I love you with all my heart."

"Me too," she replied quickly with a smile, unthinkingly it appeared.

"You too, what?" Jessica snapped. Apparently no one did hear me, but Bella knew I had said it to her. That had to mean something, didn't it?

I slid my arm around Bella's waist and she shivered from the cold of my touch but otherwise was unaffected. She seemed perfectly at ease with my body temperature. "I'm sorry, Jessica, for the inconvenience, but now that Bella has returned, I'm afraid I cannot attend prom with you. My apologies."

"You jerk!" she bellowed, making a few other students to turn their attention toward us.

Bella rested her head on my shoulder and said annoyedly, "Oh, quiet, Jess. Not like you can't get a date or anything. Sorry we foiled your plan for mass attention."

Jessica gasped in horror and stormed toward the back of the room. the bell rang just then and I reluctantly let go of my love. She smiled up at me and whispered, "We'll talk during Biology?"

"Of course, my love," I replied, planting a soft kiss on the top of her head. I then swiftly left the room, knowing everything would work out well.

Bella Swan

Did that seriously just happen? Did I say I love Edward Cullen, stand up to Jessica, and forbid her from going to prom with Edward? Once I realized it, I knew I did love him. Even if I could hardly remember anything, I knew I did. There was something hardwired in my spirit that knew I was meant to love him. I just couldn't figure out how I could forget that. Now to remember our history…

My classes went by in a blur. Friends and fellow classmates welcomed me back with open arms, a confidence booster as opposed to in Jacksonville. I sat at Jessica's table during lunch and everyone but Lauren seemed ecstatic to have that extra chair vacated once again. Jessica didn't say a word to me.

Even when I looked for him, he wasn't there. I had no idea where he was, but Edward wasn't in the cafeteria during lunch. Neither was his family members, people I surprisingly was eager to see. As soon as it as time to go to Biology, Angela had to practically hold me down so I didn't run to class. I wanted to see Edward badly. I don't think this is healthy.

With my eagerness, Angela, Mike, and I were the first group of kids in the room. Even the teacher wasn't there. I sat at my old table, waiting for Edward's arrival. I was beginning to worry that he wouldn't show when more and more kids that weren't him filtered through the door. But then his handsome face graced our presence and he arrived, slipping into the chair next to mine. "Hello again," he said. He almost sounded shy.

"It's wonderful to see you," I greeted him lamely, hotness filling my cheeks.

Edward brushed away the curtain of hair hiding my face form him and left his hand on the back of my neck. "As it is to see you." His smile touched his eyes.

We remained like that for a minute, Edward's hand on the back of my neck staring into each other's eyes. When I couldn't hold his gaze anymore, I diverted my eyes and Edward moved away form me. "You were brave this morning. I thought Jessica would eat you alive."

I laughed nervously and began doodling on an empty sheet of paper; all my drawings were hearts. "She doesn't make me nervous."

"What does make you nervous?" he asked softly. I could feel his gaze boring into my head.

I placed my pencil down, began stroking the gauze that I stupidly hadn't removed and began humming that unfamiliar yet familiar melody. Edward seemed to tense up like the first time I hummed it in front of him, something that made me curious as to what he knew about. "You," I replied through hums.

We fell silent again and I wondered where our teacher went. "Why haven't you removed that? It's been weeks since your accident."

"Hmm? Oh, this?" I asked, indicating my gauze. He nodded his head and I pondered over my answer. There really was no answer other than I was scared. "This is going to sound lame, but I'm scared. It's probably just stitches or something, but I don't know. I'm nervous to find out what I did to it."

He looked deep into my eyes, seemingly seeing into my soul, and informed me quietly, "It doesn't sound lame in the least"

I blushed at his tender words and looked down. "Will you help me take it off?" I didn't know I was going to say that, but I knew I wanted it. He was the only person I wanted to comfort me from the things I was afraid of. I loved him after all.

"Are you sure?" He sounded just as surprised as I was.

"Absolutely," I smiled at him to get across my point.

He breathed in deeply and nodded his head. "I would be pleased to aide you, Bella."

I smiled and stroked the gauze yet again. I then placed my finger and thumb on the medical tape that held it in place and took a deep breath. "No fears, my love, I am here," he was saying beside me. I loved when he called me 'my love.'

With the assurance from Edward, I peeled back the tape and removed the gauze. Underneath it was anything but stitches. It was a crescent shaped wound that looked like someone's teeth. Edward seemed to stop breathing beside me. I touched the crescent and began saying, "I wonder what it is," before a surge of memories hit me.

My first day in Forks with Charlie.

My first day in school when I met all my new and wonderful friends.

The first time that I got the full impact of Edward's beauty.

The first day in Biology when Edward looked as if he were about to eat me.

The first time I say Jacob Black at the beach.

The first time I found out what Edward really was.

The first time I shared a kiss with Edward.

The first moment I realized I was in love with Edward Masen Cullen.

The last moment I saw Edward when he was sucking the venom from my veins, saving my life form James. Edward's lips were the last to have touched my flesh, making this scar dedicated to him.

I opened my eyes with my memory back. The man sitting next to me, the man who looked as if he were in so much pain, the man I had forgotten all this time, is a vampire. I didn't know how I could ever have forgotten about Edward. I must have put him through so much pain. I had left him, I had moved to a sunny place where he couldn't follow. He must have been so crushed when I woke up in the hospital and didn't know who he was. I had hurt him more than any person should be hurt.

I placed my hand on his cheek, startling him but the sudden move of affection. My touch was tender and I tried to convey all my feelings with one touch. Words weren't enough, I said in a tender whisper, "I love you, my heroic vampire."

His eyes flickered to mine and were filled with surprise. "What did you say?" he asked, his throat thick with disbelief.

"I'm so sorry for everything, Edward." Where was the teacher? It was almost five minutes after the bell had rung and he still hadn't arrived. "I don't know how I could have forgotten anything, especially after everything we went through. You must hate me for that."

I grabbed my wrist in rough passion and pressed my warm hand into his face farther. "How could I ever hate you, love? You are everything I have been waiting for and more. I love you, Isobella Swan."

I smiled into his eyes and said, "That's nice to hear." And then I surged forward and kissed him passionately. Everything was right between us. I remembered everything and there were no barriers, aside from the slight problem of mortal-immortal relationship. We had our obstacles, but we were together.

Edward's mouth was rough on mine as he savored the moment. I couldn't believe I could ever forget about him, but apparently I could. But I knew our love could conquer all. I would love Edward until the end, whatever the end was. We were starting from the beginning, and I was pleased to know that. Edward would always be mine.

As I was his.

Author's Note: I was getting kind of tired of this story and I'm writing so many other stories that I decided to end this short. Hope it doesn't disappoint people. Thanks for reviewing everyone. Love you guys!! P.S. It's my birthday today, so if you could review and make me happier (since it was somewhat of a crappy birthday) that would be sooooo wonderful of you all. Thanks!! :)