Hey guys TADA! the last chapter for Naruto and The Beast...I hope you guys liked it, because im gonna be writing pocahuntas soon for my fav fans out there btw if it was too short then sorry, I just wanted to skip to the point where Naruto gives birth and some what XD im crazy and YES i am 13 its hard to believe, and pervs better stay away from me LOL enjoy guys i love you all XOXO :) REVIEW ALOOOT

One more day before Naruto gives birth...

"Oh my god Kurenai im so excited!" squeaked Naruto to the black-haired 28 year old woman.

"Calm down Naruto, its gonna be painful, trust me I know how it feels..." Kurenai stated then made a shivering sound as if hating the thought.

"Oh please your just as nervous as I am!"

"Well...maybe just a little...but dont think its easy to take care of a child," she said in a way like she knew everything in the whole world.

"Aww cmon Kurenai, junior here is gonna have the best parents ever...eh...but does it really hurt ALOT?" Naruto timidly asked.

"It depends...but if your in C section then yes its very painful."

"What's C section?"

"Oh jeez...its when they have to cut you open through your stomach and pull the baby out carefully," she explained, she noticed Naruto's eyes widen fearfully.

"Dont worry Naruto it'll be ok...I-I promise," she studdered. "God I hate promising things I dont keep..." she thought.

"Wait a second Naruto...I never asked you what sex your kid is,"

"I dont know and dont try asking Sasuke...although I really really want to!" he complained pouting.

Kurenai smirked and crossed her arms to her chest. At that moment, she decided to leave Naruto alone for a minute and went to the garden. She always enjoyed helping Ino with the flowers and stuff. Naruto sighed and rubbed his stomach slowly, receiving soft kicks in return.

"God I cant wait to see you junior..." Naruto said with a smile.

The Library...

Sasuke was reading tons of books at a table, looks like he seemed to be busy. He flipped the pages of one book, "How to give birth to your first child" and his own personal favorite, "How to deal with pregnant women." Of course he knew that Naruto was male, but since not many people have heard of a pregnant man, then that would be his answer. It was a good thing that he was alone in the library, because someone always has to be bothering him or maybe even give him something to keep his hands dirty. But mostly---

"Sasuke why dont you ever spend time with me anymore!" Naruto wailed at the busy raven. Sasuke quickly closed one of the books about pregnancy and hid them under his ass so that Naruto wouldn't get suspicious.

"Dobe, i've only been away from you for at least what--half an hour?" Sasuke said trying to look as if he was just chilling in the stack of books in front of him.

Naruto eyed him in a way that made Sasuke feel uncomfortable and nervous at the same time.

"What are you reading Sasuke?" Naruto asked him in a mocking tone.

"Well-uh-nothing really, just dumb stuff about...animals!" Jeez, out of all the things he could of said, it just hadto be animals. Stupid!

"Animals?" he repeated with his arms crossed to his chest.

"Well yeah I mean like dogs and--er--cats!" he told him. God he really hoped Naruto would fall for it.

"Does that look like its about animals?" Naruto stated, pointing at the book "How to deal with pregnant women." He didnt fall for it...Shit he was dead...

"Oh...um...its not really about you or anything, its--eh...Shit," he muttered at the very end."Im so dead..." he thought miserably.

"THIS IS ALL ABOUT ME SASUKE!" Naruto shouted while stomping his foot on the floor.

"No its not I swe--"

"YES IT IS! YOU CANT DEAL WITH ME!" Naruto shouted once again, this time his eyes tearing up. Sasuke stood up slowly staring at his husband that was having some sort of mood swing attack.

"Naruto its not that, I was ju--" he was cut off when a hand slapped him across the face, making his head quickly move to his left side.

"DONT EVER TALK TO ME AGAIN!" he yelled, but he was stopped when a pair of hands grabbed him tightly on his wrists and pull him towards the pissed off face that belonged to his husband.

"Why did you do that Naruto?!"

"Cause I felt like it you damn fucker!"

"Calm down dobe your gonna do something to the kid..." Sasuke said as Naruto took deep breaths, but only to shout at him some more.
"I can shout as much as I want! You are such a mother fucking pi--" he was cut off when he moaned in pain and fell upon Sasuke.

"What? What's wrong?" Sasuke asked worried/concerned as he held the blonde tightly around his shoulders.

"Ahh--it has to come out right now--" he said inbetween moans of pain and began gripping on his stomach for dear life.

"Oh shit..." Sasuke carried Naruto bridal style and ran out the door looking for anyone out of the corner of his eye. Nobody. He had to bear with Naruto that he was in alot of pain. Especially since Naruto was the one who was going to give birth. Then it was a miracle that he found someone...oh no wait, it wasnt a miracle...it was Kiba.

"Kiba call Sakura now!" Sasuke ordered but Kiba looked up at him and Naruto confused. Kiba was just dusting some of the tables in the castle.

"Why what's the problem?" he asked even when seeing Naruto in pain.

"What do you think fucktard?!" Kiba took a moment to think...

"Konohamaru fell down the stairs again!" he replied stupidly.


"OH! Ok ok!" Sasuke rolled his eyes and thought,"Usuratonkachi".

"SOMEONE GET SAKURA! NARUTO IN LABOR PEOPLE!" Kiba yelled halfway across the gardens where everyone was located and conversating.

The passageway that leads to the bedroom...

Sasuke was still running but this time towards their bedroom. Naruto started closing his eyes as if dying and that made Sasuke panic. He finally reached the bedroom and managed to open the door. Gently, he placed Naruto on the bed, hoping Sakura would get here on time. While Naruto moaned and whimpered, Sasuke held his hand and ran his fingers through his husband's hair with the other.

"Try to calm down, Sakura will be here any minute," Sasuke told him as he kept running his shaky fingers through the blonde's hair.

"How--do you--expect--for me--to calm down--?" Naruto said inbetween whimpers. He wouldnt stay still and Sasuke wouldnt stop taking glances at the door and back to him.

"I dont know but just try," So with that said, five minutes passed by (which felt like hours) and Sakura came barging through the door.

"Im so sorry that im late!" Sakura apologized and Sasuke nodded as if saying "Dont worry just hurry up". Sakura got all her materials ready and quickly took off Naruto's pants and boxers. She looked down at his private parts and noticed that the baby was not coming out through any of the areas.

"Sasuke im afraid you have to leave, I have to perform C section on Naruto," she stated nervously from the expression on the king's face. Sasuke nodded no and stayed next to his husband, holding his hand.

"Sasuke please you cant stay in here," she said trying to drag him out. Sasuke stayed where he was and at that moment Tsunade, Kiba, and Neji appeared.

"Is everything alright in here?" Tsunade asked timidly while she looked strangely at Sakura who was trying to grab Sasuke away from his husband.

"He wont leave, Sasuke please its C section you have to get out!" Sakura yelled and Naruto whimpered loudly saying "OW!". Tsunade gestered Kiba and Neji to get him out and they nodded shrugging. Neji grabbed Sasuke's right arm while Kiba grabbed his right arm. Sasuke struggled to escape the death grip of both men and began shouting about them betraying him. Damn he is such a stupid ass hole... Tsunade closed the door with a soft 'cling' and locked it almost immediately. Sasuke was released and he glared at the two who were rubbing their heads regretfully.

"Why the fuck did you listen to her?!" Sasuke yelled and raised his hands into the air. They both shrugged and mouthed sorry. Sasuke wouldnt be with Naruto for the birth...

Inside the bedroom...

Sakura was beginning to cut open Naruto's stomach as Tsunade held him down. Naruto screamed in pain, his head falling back. It was obvious that Sasuke was trying to open the locked door, but he was failing every single time.

"Ok Naruto I need you to push," Sakura told him and her response was a nod.

"Ngh...AHHHHHH!" Naruto shouted as he started pushing the life out of him. Sakura kept encouraging him to push even more and Naruto was just screaming his ass off.

"Ok the head is out just keep pushing Naruto!" Sakura cheered and Naruto glared at her, making her shut that big annoying mouth.

Outside the bedroom...

Sasuke walked back and forth close to the door, nervous from his raven head to his trembling toes. Neji had left to get three chairs for them and had set them against the wall. Sasuke decided to sit down, followed by Kiba and Neji.

"I'm--We're nervous too Sasuke so dont act like an ass hole," Kiba stated looking at Sasuke's legs jump up and down continuosly.

"Urusei..." was his reply as he heard Naruto's screams and yelps. Kiba gulped and Neji looked up at the ceiling, imagining what the baby would look like. Would it look like Sasuke or Naruto? he thought.

"-sigh- I hope Naruto is alright," Neji said biting his nails.(Lol bad habit)

"Same thing that we're thinking..." Kiba said.


"Good job Naruto keep on pushing..." Sakura said half to herself. She was concentrating mostly on pulling out the baby before anything severe happened. But it looked like it would take a while for the baby to come out...

After what seemed days of waiting (three hours) for the arrival of "Junior", Sakura came out, her hands shaky and her lips curved into a bright smile. Sasuke stood up and looked at her worriedly, but she told him to let her talk.

"Well Sasuke...Your gonna have the shock of your life..." she said almost crying. Sasuke emerged from the chair and entered the timid room looking directly at Naruto. He turned his sweat covered head and saw Sasuke bend over him.

"Are you ok dobe?" he asked caressing his cheek. Naruto nodded weakly and took a deep breath. Tsunade was talking to Sakura about the baby inside the bathroom. She was unusually happy and Sakura came out holding something wrapped in a blue blanket.

"Sasuke...Your son," Sakura said as she handed Sasuke the baby. He looked thoroughly scared and anxious, but held his child calmly. He passed a loving finger around its cheek, which was pale just like his. He had pale skin,
a raven-haired head just like Sasuke, and also had bluish, onyx black eyes. Naruto looked at the baby and smiled weakly, his blonde hair stuck to his sweaty forehead. Sasuke got up and kissed his sweaty eyebrow and smiled.
The baby grabbed his finger and began playing with it as if it was a toy. Sasuke chuckled as the baby sucked cutely on his thumb.

"Eh...Sasuke..." Sakura said with a low and awkward tone. Sasuke 'hn-ed?' and she smiled brightly. Tsunade came out holding a bundle wrapped in a pink blanket. Sasuke's eyes widened and he was about to drop his son but Sakura stopped that from happening.

"Your daughter Sasuke...Congratulations you have a set of twins," Tsunade squealed and carefully gave him his daughter. Sasuke's jaw dropped and he handed his son to Naruto, who in this case, grabbed the baby and kissed his soft forehead. Sasuke stared down at their daughter. She had blond smooth hair, cerulean eyes from Naruto, tanned skin and the same markings on each cheek.

"They're so tiny..." Sasuke whispered as he held his daughter close to his chest. Tsunade and Sakura left the room squealing like crazy and awwing while closing the door. Naruto sighed in relief and Sasuke looked stunned.


"Yeah?" he asked looking directly at his son.

"What are we gonna name them?"

Naruto looked at him, then at the two bundles of joy.

"How about...we name the girl Uzumaki no Nariko and..." he thought hard on what to name their son.

"Uchiha Haruko?" Naruto nodded yes happily and Sasuke sat beside him on the bed. He bent down and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"I love you..." he whispered passionately, although he wasnt really the romantic kind.

"I love you too teme," Naruto said returning the kiss, only deeper. Both stayed looking down at their children. Tears of joy escaped their eyes in a matter of seconds...

OMG GUYS IM SORRY THAT THIS CHAPTER DIDNT WORK OUT! Listen it was at night so yeah that's why it sucked. But I put twins HAHA! LOL ppl I was actually imagining a mini sasuke and mini female naruto,but the names were hard...Uzumaki no Nariko means Whirlpool of Thunder, and Uchiha Haruko means First born Paper Fan LOL weird I know but like ive said before im not very descriptive so im just really sorry guys TELL ME HOW I DID...VOTE IN MY POLL...REVIEW ALOT PLZ AND I MEAN ALOOOOT...and thats about it...Pocahuntas coming soon...LOVE YOU ALL! XOXO :) :) :) :) :)